
乐活   壁纸头像   2025-01-23 00:01   云南  

【独家 高质】





今天我用扫地机器人打扫房间,结果它一直在地毯边缘转圈,好像在思考宇宙边界,最后我对它说:“别纠结了,边界就是你要跨过去的那个地毯。”Today, I let the robot vacuum clean the room, but it kept spinning in circles at the edge of the carpet as if pondering the boundaries of the universe. In the end, I told it, “Don’t overthink it; the boundary is just that carpet you need to cross.”
晚上用智能冰箱查食材,冰箱突然提醒:“你的冰淇淋快过期了。”我愣住了,这东西还能过期?于是我赶紧拿出冰淇淋,认真完成了一场与时间赛跑的甜蜜使命。I used my smart fridge to check ingredients, and it suddenly alerted me, “Your ice cream is about to expire.” I froze—can that even expire? So I quickly grabbed the ice cream, fulfilling a sweet mission against time.
每次语音助手听错我说的话,比如我说“播放轻音乐”,它却开始放恐怖电影配乐,我都怀疑它是不是在故意测试我的胆量,顺便给我加点生活的“冒险元素”。Every time my voice assistant mishears me—like when I say “play soft music,” and it starts playing horror movie soundtracks—I can’t help but wonder if it’s deliberately testing my courage and adding a touch of “adventure” to my life.
我买了个智能手表以为能监控健康,结果它每晚提醒我睡眠不足。睡眠不足的原因就是我躺在床上研究智能手表的功能,智能手表成功让我更不健康了。I bought a smartwatch, thinking it’d help monitor my health, but it reminds me every night that I’m sleep-deprived. The reason for my lack of sleep? Staying up in bed researching the smartwatch’s features. The watch has ironically made me less healthy.


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