【独家 高质】
青蛙王子总是抱怨自己的皇冠不够闪亮,我无奈地说:“你的皇冠是水草啊,还能要求什么?它至少绿色环保。”The frog prince always complains his crown isn’t shiny enough. I had to remind him, “Your crown is made of seaweed. What else do you expect? At least it’s eco-friendly.”
昨天我买了个玩具王冠给青蛙王子,他戴上后一脸骄傲,站在鱼缸里直喊:“全池塘都是朕的领土!”Yesterday, I bought a toy crown for the frog prince. He wore it proudly, standing in the tank and declaring, “The entire pond is my kingdom!”
青蛙王子总是骄傲地说自己会唱歌,但每次“呱呱”响起,邻居都以为下雨了,纷纷收衣服,场面非常尴尬。The frog prince always boasts about his singing, but every time he croaks, the neighbors think it’s about to rain and rush to take in their laundry. It’s awkward, to say the least.
有一次我差点真的吻了青蛙王子,他赶紧跳开,大喊:“慢着!你确定要为我放弃自由,变成青蛙皇后吗?”Once, I almost kissed the frog prince. He jumped back and yelled, “Wait! Are you sure you want to give up your freedom and become the Frog Queen?”
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