【独家 高质】
每当我设定闹钟后,我总会期待它能用某种“先进科技”把我从床上拉起来,可惜它更像是一个遥远星系的遥控器,永远只能遥不可及。Every time I set an alarm, I hope it’ll use some form of “advanced technology” to pull me out of bed, but it ends up being more like a remote from a distant galaxy, always out of reach.
今天我试着用语音助手处理一些工作,结果它的回答比我老板的邮件还慢,最后我只能大声对它说:“你也是人类的未来,别这么慢啊!”Today, I tried using the voice assistant to handle some work, but its responses were slower than my boss’s emails, so I ended up yelling at it, “You’re the future of humanity, don’t be this slow!”
我买了一台“智能家居”控制器,结果它的智能程度让我开始怀疑它是否正在偷偷策划一场家居革命:门没锁,它自己会锁;灯没关,它自己会关。I bought a “smart home” controller, but its level of intelligence made me start questioning whether it was secretly planning a home revolution: doors left unlocked, it locks itself; lights left on, it switches them off.
每次用无人机拍照时,我总是对着空中喊:“就拍我这边,别去拍我背后的那些尴尬时刻!”但显然,科技的进步并不意味着无人机懂得社交礼仪。Every time I use a drone for a photo, I yell at it, “Just shoot this side, don’t capture the awkward moments behind me!” But clearly, technological advancements don’t mean drones understand social etiquette.
我以为自己掌握了所有的科技技巧,结果尝试了新款的智能电视后,它直接让我在遥控器上迷失,最后我放弃了,决定看一会儿纸质书籍给自己“复古体验”。I thought I had mastered all the tech skills, but after trying out a new smart TV, I got lost with the remote, so I gave up and decided to enjoy a “retro experience” with a paper book instead.
我今天买了个新款的智能音响,它能识别我的声音控制音乐,但每次我一开口,它就放一些完全不符合我情绪的音乐,仿佛在说:“你今天的心情其实是摇滚。”I bought a new smart speaker today, and it can recognize my voice to play music, but every time I speak, it plays music that has absolutely nothing to do with my mood, almost as if it’s saying, “Your mood today is definitely rock.”
为了让生活更便捷,我安装了智能灯泡,结果每次我叫它开灯,它就像在思考人生一样,迟疑了好几秒钟,直到我怀疑它是不是在设定自己的“灯泡哲学”。To make life more convenient, I installed smart light bulbs. But every time I ask it to turn on the light, it hesitates for a few seconds as if contemplating the meaning of life, and I start wondering if it’s setting up its own “bulb philosophy.”
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