头像|新年头像(2025新年限定 29)

乐活   壁纸头像   2025-01-30 18:02   北京  


【独家 高质】


今天玩忘了 发晚了


春风送暖入屠苏,万家灯火庆团圆。愿您岁岁常欢愉,万事皆胜意!As spring breezes warm the wine of Tusu, countless homes glow with reunion's light. May every year overflow with joy, and every endeavor be crowned with triumph! 

爆竹声中辞旧岁,金橘枝头迎吉祥。盼您年年身体健,步步踏青云!Amid firecrackers bidding farewell to the past, golden tangerines herald fortune anew. May vitality grace your years, and each step ascend towards glorious heights!  

门楣贴上朱红对,灶神笑纳蜜糖香。祝您财如长江水,福似泰山松!Vermilion couplets adorn every doorway, the Kitchen God smiles upon sweet offerings. May wealth flow like the Yangtze's currents, blessings stand eternal as Mount Tai's pines!  

守岁共话团圆夜,饺香融尽冬日寒。愿您所念皆如愿,所行化坦途!  Through the vigil night we share stories of kinship, dumpling steam dissolves winter's chill. May every aspiration find fulfillment, every path unfold with ease!  

龙腾四海纳千祥,凤舞九天送百福。祝君宏图展新卷,鹏程万里路!Dragons surging across seas gather myriad blessings, phoenix soaring through skies bestow a hundred fortunes. May grand visions unfurl like new scroll

许愿的时候总是想得很美好,可一到实现环节就开始摸鱼,最后只能对自己说:“明年一定,不骗自己了!”Making wishes always feels so inspiring, but when it’s time to follow through, procrastination takes over. In the end, I can only tell myself, “Next year for sure—this time, no lies!”



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