【独家 高质】
我的猫每天凌晨四点准时把我叫醒,不是因为饿了,而是为了提醒我——它才是这个家里真正的主人,而我是负责提供食物和摸摸的仆人。My cat wakes me up at 4 AM sharp every day—not because it's hungry, but just to remind me that it's the real owner of this house and I’m merely the food supplier and designated petter.
我以为我的猫很爱我,直到有一天它看到一个陌生人手里拿着小鱼干,立刻用从未见过的温柔眼神去讨好……看来感情这东西,还是得用零食来衡量。I thought my cat truly loved me until one day it saw a stranger holding a fish treat and immediately gave them the softest, sweetest gaze I had never received before. Turns out, love is best measured in snacks.
每次我在家办公,猫都会跳到键盘上,认真地“打字”,仿佛在告诉我:你的文件不重要,我的爪印才是重点。Every time I work from home, my cat jumps onto my keyboard and starts “typing” seriously, as if to tell me: “Your documents don’t matter. My paw prints are the real masterpiece.”
我家猫的性格就像个老板——吃饭必须定点,抱抱要预约,发脾气完全随机,最重要的是,它还不发工资。My cat has the personality of a boss—meals must be served on time, cuddles require an appointment, mood swings are completely unpredictable, and worst of all, it doesn’t even pay me.
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