【独家 高质】
黑雾盘踞的街道上,旧钟敲响十三下,宣告夜晚属于那些从裂缝中爬出的幽影。On the fog-choked streets, an old clock strikes thirteen, announcing the night belongs to the specters crawling from the cracks of reality.
教堂的烛火熄灭后,长椅上的雕塑睁开了眼,凝视着沉睡的世界,眼里闪烁着某种被遗忘的启示。When the chapel’s candles flicker out, the statues on the pews open their eyes, gazing at the sleeping world with a forgotten revelation.
黑色的雨自天空降落,每一滴砸落在皮肤上,都带走了一丝温度,让人逐渐透明,最终消失在夜色中。Black rain falls from the sky, and every drop steals a sliver of warmth from the skin, turning flesh translucent until nothing remains but the night.
墓园深处的雕像并非石头雕琢而成,而是用千年前低语着诅咒的舌头凝固而成。The statues in the graveyard weren’t carved from stone but forged from tongues that once whispered ancient curses, now frozen in eternal silence.
烛火燃烧着,影子却不再属于身体,而是静静地立在墙角,像是等待主人的回归。The candle burns, yet the shadow no longer clings to the body—it stands patiently in the corner, as if awaiting its master's return.
从未见过的路灯在午夜亮起,光芒冷漠而不祥,照亮了一条明明昨日还不存在的小巷。Streetlamps I’ve never seen before flicker on at midnight, casting an indifferent, ominous glow over an alley that didn’t exist yesterday.
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