
乐活   壁纸头像   2025-01-24 00:01   云南  

【独家 高质】





最近AI会根据我的情绪生成每日问候,昨天它温柔地说:“今天看起来不开心,要不要聊聊?”可惜它低估了我工作的难度,因为这句话我能用365天。Recently, AI started generating daily greetings based on my mood. Yesterday, it gently said, “You seem unhappy today. Want to talk?” Unfortunately, it underestimated the challenges of my job, because I could use that phrase every single day.

AI帮我规划了一场完美的假期,连每日行程都细致入微,但它忽略了一个关键问题:我的钱包并没有匹配它的“豪华版”旅行方案。AI planned the perfect vacation for me, complete with a detailed daily itinerary, but it overlooked one critical issue—my wallet doesn’t quite match its “luxury edition” travel plan.

有天我问AI“如何实现财务自由”,它回答说:“第一步,赚够钱。”这回答让我感受到科技的冷漠与真实,并决定先去买彩票碰碰运气。One day, I asked AI, “How do I achieve financial freedom?” It replied, “Step one, make enough money.” The cold yet truthful answer made me feel the harshness of technology and decide to try my luck with the lottery first.

AI推荐了一些学习课程让我“提升自己”,其中一个课程叫“如何和AI更好合作”。我感叹科技不但帮我进步,还顺便把自己的“职业发展”也安排得明明白白。AI recommended some courses for “self-improvement,” one of which was titled “How to Work Better with AI.” I was amazed that technology not only helps me grow but also arranges its own “career development” for me.


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