
文摘   情感   2024-11-16 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • "你知道吗?每次和你对视,我都觉得自己像是在和全世界对抗,偏偏我就是愿意为你放弃一切。""Do you know? Every time I look into your eyes, it feels like I’m battling the whole world, yet I’d willingly give up everything just for you."

  • "你是不是偷走了我的心?我一查钱包,心怎么就没了,你要怎么赔?""Did you steal my heart? I checked my wallet and realized my heart's gone. How are you going to make it up to me?"

  • "每次靠近你,我都觉得自己像只饿狼,你是那块肉,怎么吃都不够。""Every time I get close to you, I feel like a hungry wolf, and you’re the meat that I can’t get enough of."

  • "我觉得你一定是个坏人,因为每次见到你,我都控制不住自己想吻你。""I think you must be a bad person, because every time I see you, I can’t control the urge to kiss you."

  • "你是我遇见过最危险的诱惑,每次靠近我都像跳进了火里,明知道会烫伤,却还是愿意靠近。""You’re the most dangerous temptation I’ve ever met. Every time I get close, it’s like jumping into fire—knowing it’ll burn, but still willing to get closer."

  • "你知道吗?我一直在练习如何控制自己,不让自己太想你,可是每次想起你,心跳就会乱成一团。""Do you know? I’ve been practicing how to control myself, how to stop thinking about you so much, but every time I do, my heart just goes wild."

  • "你的笑容简直是最强的武器,每次你笑一笑,我的所有防线都瞬间崩溃。""Your smile is the most powerful weapon. Every time you smile, all my defenses instantly crumble."

  • "如果你答应做我心里的唯一,那么我愿意给你整个世界,甚至连夜空都能为你点亮。""If you agree to be the only one in my heart, I’d give you the whole world—I'd even light up the night sky just for you."

  • "你就像我最危险的毒药,越靠近我越能感觉到自己慢慢中毒,而我却不想解药。""You’re like my most dangerous poison; the closer I get to you, the more I feel myself slowly getting poisoned, yet I don’t want the antidote."

  • "你知道我为什么总是在你面前笑吗?因为每当我笑的时候,我知道自己是全世界最幸福的人,而这个幸福,只有你能给我。""Do you know why I always smile in front of you? Because every time I smile, I know I’m the happiest person in the world, and that happiness only you can give me."



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