
文摘   情感   2024-11-24 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • "我不怕迷路,因为我的世界无论走到哪里,终点总是你。"
    "I’m not afraid of getting lost because, in my world, no matter where I go, the destination is always you."

  • "你是那种让我心甘情愿把自己弄丢的人,只要丢在你怀里,我连找回自己的念头都没有了。"
    "You’re the kind of person I’d willingly lose myself for, as long as it’s in your arms, I wouldn’t even want to find my way back."

  • "每次和你对视,我都像个偷看答案的学生,心跳得像被抓包一样。"
    "Every time I meet your gaze, I feel like a student sneaking a look at the answers, with my heart racing like I just got caught."

  • "我好像被你写进了一个甜蜜的诅咒里,挣不脱,逃不开,只想一辈子甘心沦陷。"
    "It feels like you’ve cast a sweet curse on me—one I can’t break free from, and honestly, I’d happily surrender to it forever."

  • "我一直以为自己是个冷静的人,直到你把我的心烧得像夏天的沙滩一样炙热。"
    "I always thought I was calm, until you turned my heart into something as scorching as a summer beach."

  • "你知道我最大的愿望是什么吗?就是把全世界的温柔攒起来,只为了给你一个不设防的港湾。"
    "Do you know what my greatest wish is? It’s to gather all the tenderness in the world, just to give you a harbor where you can let your guard down."

  • "你是我心里的那根弦,别人一碰它就静默无声,唯独你轻轻一拨,它便奏出整段乐章。"
    "You’re the string in my heart; anyone else plucks it and it stays silent, but when you touch it, it plays an entire symphony."

  • "你就像一场无法预料的流星雨,让我措手不及地心动,还没许愿就已经满心欢喜。"
    "You’re like an unexpected meteor shower, catching me off guard with a rush of feelings before I even have a chance to make a wish."

  • "如果心动有重量,那我见到你的每一秒都在加码,直到整个灵魂都被你填满。"
    "If attraction had weight, every second I spend seeing you adds to it, until my whole soul is completely filled by you."

  • "你是一首无声的情歌,只有我能听见,每个音符都在告诉我,你是我命中的那个人。"
    "You’re a silent love song only I can hear, with every note telling me you’re the one destined for me."



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