展览信息|Key word
「施德明 乏味之趣」
This will be Boring
Stefan Sagmeister
Exhibition time
2024.08.31 - 2024.10.13
Exhibition venue
成都麓湖 A4X艺术中心
施德明,出生于奥地利的平面设计师。上世纪九十年代起在设计界声名鹊起。他曾两度斩获格莱美唱片包装设计奖,为滚石乐队、Talking Heads乐队等知名音乐人设计专辑封面,还曾与HBO、古根海姆美术馆、时代华纳等国际商业与文化机构合作。因其前卫大胆的设计和诙谐反叛的性格,影响着一代又一代设计师。
Q / AXD编辑部
S / 施德明 Stefan Sagmeister
I am an optimist. Optimism indicates rational thinking.
I do believe this is terrible. I am a person who is able to focus very well, but it gets me distracted and I find myself watching mindless videos that dont enhance my life. I can only imagine what it does to a 14 year old girl or boy, who is less focused. If the people running TikToc or Instagram would have our well-being in mind, they would redesign their app. But they would rather maximize the number of hours we spend on their app.
Short-term media like online news and hourly messages created an impression of a world out of control, with an overall outlook of doom. But if we look at developments concerning the world from a long-term perspective - the only sense-making way - almost any aspect concerning humanity seems to get better.
Fewer people go hungry, fewer people die in wars and natural disasters, we live much longer lives - than ever before. 200 years ago 9 out of 10 people could neither read nor write, now it is just 1 out of 10.
In this exhibition This Will Be Boring, human development is abstracted into some holistic data, which provides a rational hope to the viewers, but relatively speaking, the macro data sometimes seems to be so distant, have you ever worried that the viewers will lack a sense of substitution when they are viewing it?
However, this is a rather different issue from looking at social history and determining how our life has change over time.
In addition, I also looked at my own family history to see how the lives of my great-great grand parents Jacob and Johanna Sagmeister differed from ours: It turned out they were extremely different: Six of their children died! And they were not cursed by bad fortune! They were not damned with terrible luck: That’s how life was experienced by the rest of the world 200 years ago.
The next generations of Sagmeister’s, my great grandparents didn’t do much better, five of their children died.
But they both could read and write: Which made them part of the elites of their times. Only 15% of their contemporaries were literate.
The historical paintings you used for your work come from your great-grandparents' antique shop, which I believe had a wide selection of old things. Why choose those "paintings" in the end?Is it because they are also visual arts themselves? I saw an interesting comment on social media where someone hoped the original artist’s name could be credited. What do you think about that?
It just made a lot of sense to visualize 200-years-spanning data on a painting, that has already been around 200 years, ago, when we stated to collect that data.
And yes, I so that post too and started crediting all the original painters.
Q:您一直以“设计师”的身份活动,但从CD设计(商业设计)、影片创作(《The Happy Film》)到如今的展览,您似乎一直在调整自己的位置,与多年前入行相比,如今您如何感知“设计师”这个身份标签?
As a designer, you are adjusting yourself to try something new whether in the filmmaking or the exhibition. Did the feeling of being a designer changed after you’ve tried those? Did you feel different?
I can create a film, or furniture, or an exhibit, or paintings or products and still call myself a designer.
In your speech on 13th, you illustrated that “beauty is a cross-cultural intuition presents in everyone’s daily experience”. However, the more universal ‘intuition’ often means being normal or banal. Sometimes, thinking out of the box surprise us, how do you usually balance the two in your designing?
Q:您曾表示“the worst of urban architecture focuses almost entirely on function”,您理想的城市建筑是怎样的?很好奇您如何看待CPI的建筑(13号您曾在那里演讲)?
You said, “the worst of urban architecture focuses almost entirely on function”. What does the ideal city building look like in your mind? How do you view the architectures of CPI, the place where you spoke on the 13th?
Things don't become beautiful by themselves, beauty needs to be put as goal within the designing process.
I thought the area around CPI was quite good. It would have felt even better if every single one of the small buidings would have been designed by a different architect.
We - as humans - love diversity in materials, surfaces and forms.
We’ve all heard that you will rest for a year after you’ve worked for 7 years. It’s an interesting work mode actually. How you spend your last holiday? Could you share with us some interesting things happened in your last holiday? Did it inspire you? Did you have a plan for the next trip?
When I was on my last sabbatical seven years ago in Mexico City and looked for a main subject to work on, it immediately became clear to me that it will need to be ‘Beauty’, as it will force me to be in close relationship with many people, it will force me to work with many new and old experts, artists, designers and producers, and it will surely be bigger than me. The months working on it have been among the happiest of my life. And the overall insight still plays a significant role in my life.
I will start this year in Madrid, then Guadalajara and the Buenos Aires.
Did you see the “faces” made by visiters at the entrance? Is there anything you want to say to them?