The Nature Education Center of Tangjiahe providing content for the natural study tour of young families. Different from the type space of the school education, this building uses lifestyle and natural perception as the educational medium. Its public space includes museum exhibition hall, multimedia classroom, natural-themed dining space (natural food education), and 9 guest rooms for study tours.
The Nature Education Center of Tangjiahe providing content for the natural study tour of young families. Different from the type space of the school education, this building uses lifestyle and natural perception as the educational medium. Its public space includes museum exhibition hall, multimedia classroom, natural-themed dining space (natural food education), and 9 guest rooms for study tours.
总体鸟瞰 ©徐浪
建筑屋面俯视 ©徐浪
匍匐在原生林中的自然教育中心屋顶 ©存在建筑
建筑位于道路一侧的甬道入口 ©存在建筑
A key perceptual cognition forms the background of our design work: our design is to let the building connect with nature, and the building as the design result is to let the user connect with nature.
建筑教育主入口处鸟瞰 ©徐浪
建筑沿路透视 ©存在建筑
限位的钢柱 ©徐浪
限位的钢柱 ©徐浪
The roof of the building is a gigantic concrete "flagstone" in the shape of a saddle, which responds to the valley and the scouring of water: a huge river stone. We hope that this building will be shaped from the space-time power of nature.
屋顶板和山体 ©存在建筑
屋顶板仰视 ©徐浪
内庭院透视 ©徐浪
The architectural form comes from the response to mountains and valleys. The building sank into the mountain and crawled on the riverbed, as if it were a relic carved by nature in a long history.
从客房突出的浴池体量 ©徐浪
面向山体的客房 ©徐浪
The structure of this building is designed as a continuous bending structure plane, and the stairs are placed in these structures to form a continuous overlapping space landscape. The functional plane and the structural plane correspond to the same logic. The space that users really want to perceive is exactly the place without plane (structure), so the functional space is distinguished from the serving space and the served space.
进入公共空间的通道 ©徐浪
建筑次入口的通道 ©徐浪
The structural plane and functional plane of the building correspond to the same logic. The service space is also the structure of the building: a continuous landscape is like the stones growing out of the tundra and overlapping with each other.
The structural form of the roof itself has become the most important expression of architecture. It comes from the static form of the structure itself and shapes a formal language beyond typology. This process seems to be the process of water shaping river stones.
内庭院二层透视-大跨度屋盖的开洞 ©徐浪
结构与楼梯 ©徐浪
服务性空间的楼梯 ©徐浪
结构与楼梯 ©徐浪
The structural scheme comes from the demand for the building space itself. In the structural form, we let the 16-meter long span and 9-meter overhang form its own static balance relationship, and the whole building presents a micro-arch shape in the front public space. The volume of the building extending horizontally to both ends provides lateral thrust resistance for the arch.
大客房室内-深入山体的房间 ©徐浪
大客房室内-转角处被包裹展示的柱子 ©徐浪
大客房室内 ©徐浪
小客房室内 ©徐浪
小客房室内 ©徐浪
小客房室内-老船木采用蝴蝶榫造的推拉门 ©徐浪
The logic of the roof structure is mainly to use the form of multi-ribbed continuous beam to reduce the distance between beams, so that each beam can more smoothly complete the 16-meter long span. The cantilever part is the same. After the concrete beam completes the cantilever structure independently, the overall deflection is controlled by the thin steel column.
The slender steel column stands under the thick concrete multi-ribbed plate, bringing the architectural space poetic expression.
建筑在山体河谷中的关系 ©徐浪
建筑与场地的俯视 ©徐浪
合造社自2017年开始建筑实践至今,似乎并不需要从项目类型或某种风格为其明确定义。在这并不长的实践时间里,合造社的工作也许仅仅是遵从两个关键词,即“自然”与“建造”。建造是合造社的工作内容;而自然是合造社的价值取向。对自然这一关键词的理解,合造既把它当做是一个作为对象的名词: 即面向自然的建造、或者建造回应自然;也把它看做是一个副词: 即自然地建造,朴素、直接、不矫饰地建造。所以,合造社的建筑师关心清晰而巧妙的结构,关心材料的物质性以及物质的语言,关心建筑创作在最底层迸发的干净而清晰的观念的创造力。合造社以开放的态度面向这两个关键词,并用实践来探讨在时代变迁中自然和建造的内涵,从而不断迭代和前行。