
文摘   2025-01-04 07:00   江苏  



Snake Cucumber Tarah

Kabul Afghanistan

Aug 7, 2024

在这次节目中,Sabawoon Momand 来到了阿富汗首都喀布尔省德萨布兹区的 Bakhtiyaran 村。 

在这里,你会看到 Tarah、Chambarkhayal 或蛇黄瓜的庄稼和田地

In this show, Sabawoon Momand went to Bakhtiyaran village, DehSabz district, Kabul province, capital of Afghanistan.

Here you will see the crops and fields of Tarah, Chambarkhayal or Snake Cucumber.


蛇瓜的大小和形状各不相同,取决于栽培条件、收获时的年龄以及是在地面上还是在棚架上生长。在棚架上生长的果实外观笔直纤细,而在地面上生长的果实会变得扭曲、弯曲和弯曲。大多数蛇瓜在长到 30 至 38 厘米长、直径 2 至 5 厘米时收获,但如果留在藤上,它们的长度可以达到 76 至 91 厘米。果实呈圆柱形、细长、纤细,花端往往略厚且更球状。果实从粗糙、圆形、棕色的茎上长出,茎上覆盖着坚硬的短毛,果皮薄而深,有无刺的纵向沟纹。果皮主要呈浅绿色,成熟时会变成淡黄色。表面之下,黄绿色的果肉紧实、水润、柔软,口感脆嫩多汁。未成熟的果实质地较干,而成熟的果实则具有类似胡萝卜的多汁脆脆的口感。果肉还包裹着排列在中心的一排可食用种子。蛇瓜切片时会散发出淡淡的瓜类香气,可以连皮一起吃掉。果肉具有温和、甜美的黄瓜味,带有瓜类的底色。


Snake cucumbers vary in size and shape, depending on cultivation conditions, age at harvest, and whether they were grown on the ground or trellises. Fruits grown on trellises will have a straight and slender appearance, while fruits grown on the ground will become twisted, bent, and curved. Most Snake cucumbers are harvested when they have reached 30 to 38 centimeters in length and 2 to 5 centimeters in diameter, but if left on the vine, they have the capacity to reach 76 to 91 centimeters in length. The fruits are cylindrical, elongated, and slender, and the blossom end tends to be slightly thicker and more bulbous. The fruits grow from rough, rounded, brown stems covered in stiff, short hairs, and the fruit’s skin is thin and deeply ribbed with spineless, longitudinal furrows. The skin is primarily light green and transitions to shades of pale yellow when ripe. Underneath the surface, the yellow-green flesh is firm, aqueous, and tender with a crisp, succulent consistency. Immature fruits will have a drier consistency, while mature fruits develop a juicy, crunchy texture similar to a carrot. The flesh also encases rows of edible seeds aligned in the center. Snake cucumbers release a subtle melon-like aroma when sliced and can be eaten in their entirety, including the skin. The flesh has a mild, sweet cucumber flavor with melon-like undertones.


蛇瓜富含钾,可平衡体内液体水平;富含纤维,可调节消化道;富含维生素 C,可增强免疫系统;富含维生素 E,可保护细胞免受自由基的损害。该物种还提供一些铁,以形成蛋白质血红蛋白,从而通过血液输送氧气;富含维生素 A,可维持器官健康;富含镁,可控制神经功能;还富含其他营养物质,包括维生素 K、锌、磷、B 族维生素和锰。蛇瓜以含水量高而闻名,在印度,人们在炎热的日子里食用蛇瓜作为清爽的补水来源。这种水果还用于天然药物,可排出体内毒素、帮助消化和减少炎症。

Nutritional Value

Snake cucumbers are a source of potassium to balance fluid levels within the body, fiber to regulate the digestive tract, vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and vitamin E to guard the cells against damage caused by free radicals. The species also provides some iron to develop the protein hemoglobin for oxygen transport through the bloodstream, vitamin A to maintain healthy organs, magnesium to control nerve functions, and other nutrients, including vitamin K, zinc, phosphorus, B vitamins, and manganese. Snake cucumbers are known for their water content and are consumed as a refreshing source of hydration on hot days in India. The fruits are also used in natural medicines to flush toxins from the body, aid digestion, and reduce inflammation.


蛇瓜在植物学上被归类为 Cucumis melo var. flexuosus,是葫芦科的一种细长物种的统称。尽管蛇瓜有黄瓜的绰号,但它在植物学上是一种瓜类,与属于 Cucumis sativus 的普通黄瓜不同。该物种因其外观和味道相似而获得了黄瓜的描述,其扭曲、卷曲的形状启发了它蛇的绰号。蛇瓜在世界各地有许多地方名称,包括英语中的蛇瓜、蛇瓜、亚美尼亚黄瓜和蛇形码长黄瓜,亚美尼亚语中的 Gootah 和 Kutah,波斯语中的 Chanbar,日语中的 Uri 和土耳其语中的 Acur。在印度,它们在旁遮普语中被称为 Kakri 和 Tar,在印地语中被称为 Kakdi、Kakkri 和 Kakadee,在梵语中被称为 Karkati,在孟加拉语中被称为 Kakur 和 Kamkura,在马拉地语中被称为 Kamkdi,在泰米尔语中被称为 Vellarikai 和 Kakkarikkaay。蛇瓜生长在一年生蔓生藤蔓上,藤蔓长度为 1 至 2.7 米,其类似黄瓜的果实耐热、耐寒且生长迅速。该物种适应性强,可以在地面或棚架上种植,从而改变果实的形状,并且该物种中有几个变种,大小、形状和颜色各不相同。蛇瓜通常会在亚洲、中东和东欧各地的市场上短暂出现,并且仅在当地市场新鲜销售几周。这种细长、脆而温和的果实用途广泛,传统上生吃或烹制成各种咸味菜肴。

Current Facts

Snake cucumbers, botanically classified as Cucumis melo var. flexuosus, is a general name for an elongated species belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. Despite their cucumber moniker, Snake cucumbers are botanically a melon and are distinct from common cucumber species, which belong to Cucumis sativus. The species acquired its cucumber descriptor for its similarity in appearance and taste, and its twisting, curling shape inspired its snake moniker. Snake cucumbers are known by many regional names worldwide, including Snake melons, Serpent melons, Armenian cucumbers, and Serpent Yard-Long cucumbers in English, Gootah and Kutah in Armenian, Chanbar in Persian, Uri in Japanese, and Acur in Turkish. They are also known throughout India as Kakri and Tar in Punjabi, Kakdi, Kakkri, and Kakadee in Hindi, Karkati in Sanskrit, Kakur and Kamkura in Bengali, Kamkdi in Marathi, and Vellarikai and Kakkarikkaay in Tamil. Snake cucumbers grow on annual, creeping vines extending 1 to 2.7 meters in length, and the cucumber-like fruits are heat tolerant, hardy, and fast-growing. The species is adaptable and can be grown on the ground or trellises, changing the shape of the fruits, and there are several varieties within this species varying in size, shape, and coloring. Snake cucumbers typically appear in markets throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe for a short season and are only sold fresh through local markets for a few weeks. The elongated, crisp, and mild fruits are versatile and are traditionally consumed raw or cooked in a wide array of savory preparations.


蛇黄瓜味道温和,微甜,有植物味,适合新鲜和熟食。使用前应清洗果实,无需去皮。准备好后,蛇黄瓜通常被切成沙拉、切成莎莎酱丁或切成薄片,与奶油酱一起食用。果实可以生吃,也可以撒上辣椒粉、盐或胡椒粉作为零食。它们也可以夹在三明治里,作为配菜,或腌制成酸辣调味品。除了新鲜烹制外,蛇黄瓜还可以加入酸辣酱、raitas 和 chaat 中,制成泥状并冷藏成西班牙凉菜汤,或炒成炒菜。它们还可以混合到各种蔬菜菜肴中,炖成汤和咖喱,或添加到肉类和米饭中。除了烹饪菜肴外,蛇黄瓜有时还会被混合榨汁,制成奶昔、冰沙和其他混合饮料。蛇黄瓜与水果(如石榴、芒果、西瓜、香蕉、菠萝和柠檬)、西红柿、香料(包括姜黄、香菜、芥菜籽、阿魏和辣椒粉)、奶酪(如羊乳酪、意大利乳清干酪和山羊奶酪)、肉类(包括牛肉、猪肉和家禽)、海鲜以及香料(如大蒜、生姜和洋葱)搭配得很好。未清洗的整根蛇黄瓜保质期较短,建议购买后立即食用。蛇黄瓜只能保存几天。


Snake cucumbers have a mild, subtly sweet, and vegetal taste suited for fresh and cooked preparations. The fruits should be washed before use and do not need to be peeled. Once prepped, Snake cucumbers are often chopped into salads, diced into salsa, or sliced into thin pieces and eaten with creamy dips. The fruits can be consumed raw and sprinkled with chili powder, salt, or pepper as a snack. They can also be layered into sandwiches, served as a side dish, or pickled as a tangy condiment. In addition to fresh preparations, Snake cucumbers are incorporated into chutneys, raitas, and chaats, pureed and chilled into gazpacho, or cooked into stir-fries. They can also be mixed into various vegetable dishes, simmered into soups and curries, or added to meat and rice-based dishes. Beyond culinary dishes, Snake cucumbers are sometimes blended and juiced into shakes, smoothies, and other mixed drinks. Snake cucumbers pair well with fruits such as pomegranates, mangoes, watermelons, bananas, pineapples, and lemons, tomatoes, spices including turmeric, coriander, mustard seeds, asafoetida, and chili powder, cheeses such as feta, ricotta, and goat, meats including beef, pork, and poultry, seafood, and aromatics such as garlic, ginger, and onions. Whole, unwashed Snake cucumbers have a short shelf life and are recommended for immediate consumption after purchase. The fruits will only keep for a few days.

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