实现 10 倍以上的农作物产量
Why Vertical Farming is the Key to Solving the Global Food Crisis
Unlocking 10x More Crop Yield
Oct 5, 2024
了解垂直农业如何彻底改变粮食生产并提高生产力以满足不断扩大的世界对粮食日益增长的需求。随着全球人口在 2050 年接近 100 亿,传统的耕作方法在土地和水等有限资源方面举步维艰。
Discover how vertical farming is revolutionizing food production and boosting productivity to meet the growing demand for food in our ever-expanding world. As the global population approaches 10 billion by 2050, traditional farming methods struggle with limited resources like land and water.
Vertical farming offers an innovative solution, allowing us to grow more food with fewer resources by using advanced technologies like hydroponics, aeroponics, and AI-driven systems.
在本视频中,我们将分解垂直农业从播种到收获的运作方式,并展示它如何比传统农业多产 2-3 倍。了解为什么这种尖端方法对于解决全球粮食挑战和创造更可持续的未来至关重要。
In this video, we break down how vertical farming works from seed to harvest and show how it can produce 2-3 times more yield compared to traditional farming. Learn why this cutting-edge method is critical for solving global food challenges and creating a more sustainable future.
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