
文摘   2024-11-04 19:54   北京  


The physical fitness test will be held at 2:00 p.m. on this Saturday and Sunday (11.9-11.10).

体测内容 / Contents:

1. 男生 10km,女生 8km; / Long-distance running: 10km required for boys and 8km required for girls;

2. 2min 跳绳;/ Rope skipping in 2 minutes;

3. 1min 仰卧起坐;/ Sit-ups in 1 minute;

4. 不限时俯卧撑。/ Push-ups without time limit.


1. 体测对象:2025峰云社冬训预备队全体及峰云俱乐部成员。

2. 签到地点:操场北边小白箱处。

3. 体测签到时间:体测志愿者需在13:15之前签到,体测者需在13:40之前签到 (不要踩点不要踩点不要踩点!!!)。13:40开始热身,14:00准时开始体测。迟到者体测成绩扣5分。迟到15分钟取消体测资格。

4. 记得早点吃午饭,建议十一点半就吃,千万别吃撑。

5. 仔细听从现场工作人员的指挥,按照要求完成测试。

6. 体测者体测当天不应兼任志愿者。

7. 若有时间冲突,请于当天12:30前联系训练部部长,电话17362534147。

8. 保持平和的心态,不要紧张,发挥出自己的最佳水平。


1. Physical test object: 2025 Fengyun Union winter training reserve team and Fengyun club members.

2. Location: The little white box in the north of the playground.

3. Physical test check-in time: Physical test volunteers need to sign in before 13:15, physical test participants need to sign in before 13:40 (Please arrive earlier than 13:40). The warm-up starts at 13:40 and the physical test starts at exactly 14:00. Late arrivals will lose 5 points on the physical test. Being 15 minutes late disqualifies you from the test.

4. Remember to eat lunch early. It is recommended to eat at 11:30. Do not overeat.

5. Listen carefully to the instructions of the site staff and complete the test as required.

6.The test taker should not be a volunteer on the day of the test.

7. If there is any time conflict, please contact the Training Director at 17362534147 before 12:30 on the same day.

8. Stay calm, don't be nervous, and play your best.

编辑:卢 杰



吃苦耐劳,团结协作,敢于胜利,勇攀高峰。 2003年12月4日成立,前身为中国农业大学登山社。