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Welcome to my website featuring my research interests.
I am a Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track Assistant Professor at department of chemistry and the Institute of Advanced Science at the Technical University of Munich. In the newly formed chair 'Catalytic Interfaces for Sustainable Chemical Energy Carriers', we will work on advancing sustainable technologies through the understanding of catalytic interfaces under thermochemical and electrochemical catalytic conditions. I was a Schmidt Science postdoctoral fellow in the Surendranath group at the Chemistry department at MIT after having done my PhD in Chemical Engineering under the tutelage of Prof. Yan Ning at the National University of Singapore. In my research I try to understand how principles of electrocatalysis apply to thermal catalysis and vice versa. Examples are the spontaneous polarization of catalytic interfaces during thermal catalysis as well as the non-Faradaic electrochemical promotion of catalysis. In my PhD, I worked on model single-atom catalysts to study catalytic active sites related to catalysis for environmental catalysis and the valorization of waste resources (such as plastics and biomass). On the long-term I intend to employ structurally defined model catalysts to those fundamental problems in heterogeneous catalysis.
Postdoc Openings
We currently do not have funding available for postdoc positions. There are internal (e.g. the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship) and external funding sources (e.g. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship or the Walter Benjamin Programme) for postdoc candidates. Please feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in applying for any of those fellowships - I am more than happy to help in the process!