四六级考前预测 | 山海经

教育   2024-12-11 06:06   英国  

四六级翻译 | 山海经


The Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing) is a significant ancient Chinese text on geography and mythology, compiled during the pre-Qin period. The book vividly describes numerous mountains, rivers, exotic flora and fauna, and mythical figures, combining early Chinese observations of the natural world with imaginative fantasy. Shan Hai Jing not only holds literary value but has also profoundly influenced later cultural creations. Many ancient paintings, literary works, and modern films and television series have drawn inspiration from it. As one of the treasures of Chinese culture, Shan Hai Jing reflects the curiosity and exploratory spirit of ancient people toward the unknown world.


  1. geography (n.) 地理

  • 《山海经》是一部地理与神话结合的书籍。
    Shan Hai Jing is a book combining geography and mythology.

  • mythology (n.) 神话

    • 书中充满了关于神话人物的描述。
      The book is filled with descriptions of mythical figures.

  • flora and fauna (n.) 动植物

    • 《山海经》描述了许多奇异的动植物。
      Shan Hai Jing describes many exotic flora and fauna.

  • treasures of Chinese culture (n.) 中华文化瑰宝

    • 《山海经》被誉为中华文化瑰宝之一。
      Shan Hai Jing is regarded as one of the treasures of Chinese culture.

  • exploratory spirit (n.) 探索精神

    • 它体现了古人对未知世界的探索精神。
      It reflects the exploratory spirit of ancient people toward the unknown world.


    1. be compiled during ...

    • 《山海经》成书于先秦时期。
      Shan Hai Jing was compiled during the pre-Qin period.

  • combine ... with ...

    • 它将观察与幻想结合在一起。
      It combines observation with imagination.

  • hold ... value

    • 《山海经》具有重要的文学价值。
      Shan Hai Jing holds significant literary value.

  • draw inspiration from ...

    • 许多作品从《山海经》中汲取灵感。
      Many works draw inspiration from Shan Hai Jing.


    1. 名词专有化: 将《山海经》译为Shan Hai Jing并加注其意译(Classic of Mountains and Seas),方便读者理解其含义和文化背景。

    2. 细节描绘: 结合“exotic flora and fauna”和“mythical figures”等词展现书中丰富的内容。

    3. 文化深度: 突出其文学和文化价值以及对后世的影响,提升译文层次感。

    4. 情感升华: 通过“curiosity”和“exploratory spirit”展现作品的精神内核,强化文化自豪感。

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