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Improving Collection and Analysis of Overall Survival Data

Lisa R Rodriguez, Nicole J Gormley, Ruixiao Lu, Anup K Amatya, George D Demetri, Keith T Flaherty, Ruben A Mesa, Richard Pazdur, Mikkael A Sekeres, Minghua Shan, Steven Snapinn, Marc R Theoret, Rukiya Umoja, Jonathon Vallejo, Nicholas J H Warren, Qing Xu, Kenneth C Anderson

Clinical Cancer Research 23 July 2024

Advances in anticancer therapies have provided crucial benefits for millions of patients who are living long and fulfilling lives. While these successes should be celebrated, there is certainly room to continue improving cancer care. Increased long-term survival presents additional challenges for determining whether new therapies further extend patients' lives through clinical trials, commonly known as the gold standard endpoint of overall survival (OS). As a result, there is an increasing reliance on earlier efficacy endpoints , which may or may not correlate with OS, to continue the timely pace of translating innovation into novel therapies available for patients. Even when not powered as an efficacy endpoint, OS remains a critical indication of safety for regulatory decisions and is a key aspect of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Project Endpoint. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of earlier endpoints, many registrational clinical trials lack adequate planning, collection, and analysis of OS data, which complicates interpretation of a net clinical benefit or harm. This article shares best practices, proposes novel statistical methodologies, and provides detailed recommendations to improve the rigor of using OS data to inform benefit-risk assessments, including incorporating the following in clinical trials intending to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of a cancer therapy: prospective collection of OS data, establishment of fit-for-purpose definitions of OS detriment, and prespecification of analysis plans for using OS data to evaluate for potential harm. These improvements hold promise to help regulators, patients and providers better understand the benefits and risks of novel therapies.

背景:随机临床试验癌症和白血病B组(CalibGB)140503表明,对于临床分期的T1 N 0非小细胞肺癌(SOC)患者,叶下切除术与叶切除术后的肿瘤学结局相似。对于基于脏层胸腔侵犯(VPI)病理分期为T2的肿瘤患者,肺切除范围与复发和生存率的关系存在争议。


1.众所周知,DFS要转化为OS获益才算得上是抗肿瘤治疗的重大突破。OS会被哪些干扰?背景上可以细读目前JAMA Oncology上面的这篇文章。研究针对新辅助和辅助背景下获得FDA批准的标志性RCT临床试验,详细分析了抗肿瘤试验中的复发后治疗披露的频率是多少,获得最佳复发后治疗的途径是什么?结果并不如大家所想的理想。能过FDA审查,但缺乏复发后的治疗数据披露,个中原因就值得品味了。






3.肺癌领域的RCT研究中OS的解读是一项技术活,也是容易被大家所诟病的一个点。AEGEAN trials没有OS但也FDA获批也颇具争议,特别是免疫时代多数RCT研究正在等待OS成熟的情况下。






2. Trial Design and Planning Considerations (Table 1)

3. Prespecified Statistical Analysis Considerations (Table 2)(Figure 1)

4. Post hoc Statistical Analysis Considerations (Table 3)

5. Subgroup Considerations (Table 4)

6. Benefit–Risk Assessment Considerations (Table 5)

7. Conclusion


2. Trial Design and Planning Considerations 

Table 1. Trial design considerations. 

3. Prespecified Statistical Analysis Considerations 

Table 2. Prespecified analysis considerations. 

Figure 1. Potential strategies to establish prospective thresholds to rule out harm and inform drug development decision-making when OS data are underpowered for efficacy.

A, Definitions and hypothetical decision paths when using OS data to analyze efficacy or evaluate for harm. When OS is analyzed for efficacy, it is important to rule out an HR of 1 with a robust statistical test, such as excluding 1 with the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval (CI). In traditional analyses of OS, detriment is confirmed when the lower bound of the CI is >1, which continues to be true. Additionally, when OS is not statistically powered for efficacy, one or more prespecified upper bounds of the appropriate CI thresholds >1 can be used to evaluate for a high probability of substantial detriment and inform drug development and benefit–risk decisions. When OS data are mature, failure to exclude hypothetical threshold Y with the upper bound of the CI indicates the possibility that the investigational therapy is harmful to patients relative to the control, and halting drug development may be appropriate. Excluding Y, but failing to exclude X, would suggest additional OS data are needed. Excluding hypothetical threshold X would indicate a low probability of substantial detriment and that proceeding with the drug development process is appropriate if early endpoints are favorable. If a binary decision framework is preferred, a single threshold could be prespecified.

B, Three hypothetical scenarios that highlight how excluding an OS HR threshold X with a 95% CI (red plot area) can be accomplished much earlier than ruling out 1 during a clinical trial. A separate strategy could entail allowing less stringent Type I errors and prespecifying a confidence interval <95% (gray plot area) with which to exclude an OS HR of 1 at an earlier time point. Plot axes are for illustrative purposes and not to scale. 

4. Post hoc Statistical Analysis Considerations 

Table 3. Post hoc analysis considerations.

5. Subgroup Considerations 

Table 4. Subgroup considerations. 

6. Benefit–Risk Assessment Considerations

Table 5. Benefit–risk assessment and potential regulatory implications. 


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