
文摘   2024-05-24 22:56   北京  


各位好!今日与大家分享一篇大学阀William D. Travis发表在Modern pathology上有关浸润性肺腺癌的文章。在既往一系列文献的验证下,浸润性肺腺癌的新分级像一个风口,吹到了天上。但是大家知道,这片天空同样笼罩着两篇乌云,有两篇研究对IASLC的新分级提出了新的看法。作为理论的提出者,一起来看看Travis怎样用研究来驳斥想要进行在这个话题上进行微操的理论~!

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Novel insights into the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer grading system for lung adenocarcinoma

Kay See Tan PhD a, Allison Reiner MS a, Katsura Emoto MD, PhD b, Takashi Eguchi MD, PhD c, Yusuke Takahashi MD, PhD d, Rania G. Aly MD, PhD e, Natasha Rekhtman MD, PhD e, Prasad S. Adusumilli MD f g, William D. Travis MD e

Modern Pathology 21 May 2024

Background: The new grading system for lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) proposed by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) defines prognostic subgroups based on histologic patterns observed on surgical specimens.  This study seeks to provide novel insights into the IASLC grading system, with a particular focus on recurrence-specific survival (RSS) and lung cancer–specific survival (LCSS) among patients with stage I ADC.


METHODS: Under the IASLC grading system, tumors were classified as grade 1 (lepidic predominant with <20% high-grade patterns [micropapillary, solid, complex glandular]), grade 2 (acinar or papillary predominant with <20% high-grade patterns), or grade 3 (≥20% high-grade patterns). Kaplan-Meier survival estimates, pathologic features, and genomic profiles were investigated for patients whose disease was reclassified to a higher grade under the IASLC grading system on the basis of the hypothesis that they would strongly resemble patients with predominant high-grade tumors.


RESULTS: Overall, 423 of 1443 patients (29%) with grade 1 or 2 tumors by the predominant pattern–based grading system had their tumors upgraded to grade 3 by the IASLC grading system. The RSS curves for patients with upgraded tumors were significantly different from those for patients with grade 1 or 2 tumors (log-rank p<0.001) but not from those for patients with predominant high-grade patterns (p=0.3). Patients with upgraded tumors had a similar incidence of visceral pleural invasion and spread of tumor through air spaces as patients with predominant high-grade patterns. In multivariable models, the IASLC grading system remained significantly associated with RSS and LCSS after adjustment for aggressive pathologic features such as visceral pleural invasion and spread of tumor through air spaces.


CONCLUSION: The IASLC grading system outperforms the predominant pattern–based grading system and appropriately reclassifies tumors into higher grades with worse prognosis, even after other pathologic features of aggressiveness are considered.






来自意大利的C团队表示别三分类了,搞个“低恶性潜能 ADC (LMP-ADC)”。满足以下标准:≤3 cm 大小、非粘液组织型、≥15% 贴壁型生长,并且不存在以下症状:高级别模式、>1 个有丝分裂/2 mm 2、坏死和血管/胸膜侵犯。

由于意大利选手没有在IASLC范围内讨论,William D. Travis选择性忽视了该团队的提议,并在文中对该提议表示缄默。




2. 其次看细节。

①理念设计上目前针对I期肺腺癌的病理评估仍然是在衡量五种主要亚型对预后的影响程度,如何综合评估预后even a minor percentage of micropapillary or solid pattern is associated with poor prognosis?文章首先回顾了一下既往应用新分级开展的10项研究。再次确证了IASLC grade胜过以主要病理亚型的分类方式




3.  Grading system 本质上是为了同质化诊疗做出努力。但是究竟在多小的尺度下,Grading systyem不连续,不平滑。什么样的因素可能是隐藏在pattern背后的真相?




    2.1 Study Cohort

    2.2 Histologic Evaluation and Grading Criteria

    2.3 Recurrence and Follow-up

    2.4 Statistical Analysis

3. Results

    3.1 Summary of Patient Characteristics (Table 1)

    3.2 Survival Outcomes Based on the Grading Systems (Figure 1)

    3.3 Reclassification of Tumors Using the IASLC Grading System (Figure 2)(Supplementary Table 1)(Figure 3, Supplementary Figure 1)

    3.4 Clinical Features of Patients with Upgraded Tumors (Table 2, Supplementary Table 2)

    3.5 Performance of the Grading Systems (Supplementary Table 3)(Supplementary Figure 2)

    3.6 Relationship Between the IASLC Grading System and Pathologic and Genomic Features (Supplementary Table 5)(Supplementary Figure 3)

    3.7 Validation of Two Proposed Modified Grading Systems (Figure 4)

4. Discussion


    3.1 Summary of Patient Characteristics

Table 1. Patient characteristics (N=1443) 

Data are median (interquartile range) or no. (%). IASLC, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 

    3.2 Survival Outcomes Based on the Grading Systems

Figure 1. Recurrence-specific survival and lung cancer–specific survival using the predominant pattern–based grading system (A-B) and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) grading system (C-D). Survival patterns of patients whose tumors were upgraded to grade 3 by the IASLC grading system (E-F).

Patients with upgraded tumors (black dashed lines) are those with predominant lepidic, acinar, or papillary patterns but that include ≥20% high-grade patterns.

    3.3 Reclassification of Tumors Using the IASLC Grading System

Figure 2. Reclassification from predominant pattern-based grading system to IASLC grading system.

Red box: 423 of 1443 patients (29%) with grade 1 or grade 2 tumors by the predominant pattern-based grading system had their tumors upgraded to grade 3 by the IASLC grading system.

Supplementary Table 1. Distribution of patients by the IASLC grading system and reclassification status from the recent literature, stratified by patient characteristics  

Figure 3. Cumulative incidence of recurrence and lung cancer deaths using the predominant pattern–based grading system (A-B) and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) grading system (C-D). Survival patterns of patients whose tumors were upgraded to grade 3 by the IASLC grading system (E-F).

Patients with upgraded tumors (black dashed lines) are those with predominant lepidic, acinar, or papillary patterns but that include ≥20% high-grade patterns.

Supplementary Figure 1. Overall survival and recurrence-free survival using the predominant pattern–based grading system (A-B) and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) grading system (C-D). Survival patterns of patients whose tumors were upgraded to grade 3 by the IASLC grading system (E-F).

Patients with upgraded tumors (black dashed lines) are those with predominant lepidic, acinar, or papillary patterns but that include ≥20% high-grade patterns. 

    3.4 Clinical Features of Patients with Upgraded Tumors

Table 2. Patient characteristics by the IASLC grading system

Data are median (interquartile range) or no. (%). IASLC, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.  

a Kruskal-Wallis rank-sum test; Pearson’s chi-squared test. 

 b Wilcoxon rank-sum test; Pearson’s chi-squared test.  

Supplementary Table 2. Histopathologic features by the IASLC grading system    

    3.5 Performance of the Grading Systems

Supplementary Table 3. Multivariable Cox model for recurrence-specific survival using the predominant pattern–based grading system, the IASLC grading system, and the simplified IASLC grading system 

Supplementary Table 4. Multivariable Cox model for lung cancer–specific survival using the predominant pattern–based grading system, the IASLC grading system, and the simplified IASLC grading system 

Supplementary Figure 2. Calibration curves from multivariable models for recurrence-specific survival (RSS) and lung cancer–specific survival (LCSS) (See Supplementary Tables 3 and 4).

Calibration plots were created to compare the 5-year predicted RSS or LCSS with the observed 5-year RSS and LCSS. An ideal prediction model would yield a plot where the observed and predicted probabilities perfectly correspond and align along the 45-degree line. We present both the apparent (unadjusted) calibration curve (black connected plot) and the optimism-corrected estimates (blue crosses) based on 1000 bootstrap samples. IASLC, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer; MVA, multivariable analysis. 

    3.6 Relationship Between the IASLC Grading System and Pathologic and Genomic Features

Supplementary Table 5. Multivariable Cox model for recurrence-specific survival using the predominant pattern–based grading system, the IASLC grading system, and the simplified IASLC grading system (the models include STAS, lymphovascular invasion, pleural invasion, and necrosis)

Supplementary Figure 3. The relationship between increasing component of high-grade patterns and the proportion of patients with spread through air spaces (STAS) (A) and EGFR or KRAS mutations (B). WT, wild-type. 

    3.7 Validation of Two Proposed Modified Grading Systems

Figure 4. Recurrence-specific survival and lung cancer–specific survival for the proposed modifications to the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer grading system.

(A) Proposal by Park et al. to subdivide grade 2 into tumors with ≥10% versus <10% lepidic pattern.

(B) Proposal by Bosse et al. to exclude complex glandular patterns as a high-grade pattern.

(C) confirmation of the value of complex glandular patterns as a high-grade pattern.

The orange solid lines include patients whose tumors would otherwise have remained grade 2 by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer grading system if complex glandular patterns were excluded as a high-grade pattern. Recurrence-specific survival for this group (orange solid line) was significantly different from that for patients with grade 1 or 2 tumors (p<0.001) but was not significantly different from that for patients with grade 3 tumors (p=0.4). Lung cancer–specific survival for this group was significantly different from that for patients with grade 1 (p=0.005) or 2 (p=0.012) tumors but was not significantly different from that for patients with grade 3 tumors (p=0.4). ACI, acinar; CGP, complex glandular patterns; LPD, lepidic; MIP, micropapillary; PAP, papillary; SOL, solid.


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