【新书推荐】The High-risk Surgical Patient

文摘   2024-07-27 07:40   广东  

各位好!今日与大家分享一本偶然间查到的书籍《The High-risk Surgical Patient》,可能对从事外科及相关方向(重症、麻醉、呼吸)的小伙伴有所帮助。书籍主要介绍了如何识别高危外科患者、怎样管理高危患者、高危患者管理的最新进展、如何避免/减小高危患者的并发症、确定高危创伤患者。有需要的小伙伴后台回复“The High-risk Surgical Patient”获取详细内容。

本 文 约1051字 多图预警


认真阅读 需 要 5-10 min


Milan, Italy                 Paolo Aseni 

Pavia, Italy                   Antonino Massimiliano Grande 

Helsinki, Finland         Ari Leppäniemi 

Milan, Italy                 Osvaldo Chiara 


The emerging paradigm of the “High-Risk Surgical Patient” is increasingly providing grounds for discussion and debate in the surgical community.

This book tries to coherently organize the currently available information by describing how to identify high-risk patients undergoing surgery and how to treat them to improve their outcomes.

Surgery is a team-based discipline. We believe that improving surgical patient outcomes largely depends on the preoperative identification of these high-risk patients and their multidis-ciplinary treatment.

This work was partly inspired by an old book entitled The Aged and High-Risk Surgical Patient. Medical Surgical and Anaesthetic Management by J. H. Siegel and P. Chodoff, pub-lished in 1976 by Grune and Stratton; our aim was to reproduce it in a more complete and up-to-date format including the latest scientific evidence. Siegel’s textbook, at that time, was probably the first systematic attempt to identify those patients undergoing surgery with a reduced functional reserve, who were at a higher risk of morbidity and mortality.

This book is divided into five different sections; (a) identification and characterization of the high-risk surgical patients, (b) strategies to improve outcomes in high-risk surgical patients, (c) new trends in the acute care of high-risk surgical patients, (d) improvement of patient “safety and prevention of major complications”, (e) identification of the high-risk trauma patient.

First, we tried to select all relevant issues of the high-risk patients identifying those patients who, for different reasons, may face a failure in the oxygen transport and an imbalance of cardiac and respiratory reserve during and after surgery.

The infinite number of issues potentially involved in identifying and managing high-risk surgical patients has made it challenging to select and describe all the critical ones encountered in surgical practice. However, we have highlighted some special and unique critical settings where several experts had considerable experience despite robust evidence is still limited.The textbook includes 82 chapters written by an exceptional group of experts in different areas of intensive care, anesthesiology, and acute and trauma care surgery.

We are very fortunate to have these expert colleagues and friends and want to congratulate them for their extraordinary commitment and hard work.

We want to dedicate this book to all our young colleagues, intensivists, anesthesiologists, and surgeons worldwide, and, last but not least, to our patients from whom we have learned so much.


1. 书籍由意大利排名第一医院的三位教授外加一位来自赫尔辛基大学的教授主编。Surgery is a team-based discipline. 无论什么时候你不是一个人在战斗~!



Identification and Characterisation of High-Risk Surgical Patients

Strategies to Improve the Outcome in High-Risk Surgical Patients

New Trends in Acute Care of High-Risk Surgical Patients

Improving Patients' Safety and Prevention of Major Complications

Identifying the High-Risk Trauma Patient

3. 实际上作者讲该书源于1976年的《The Aged and High-Risk Surgical Patient. Medical Surgical and Anaesthetic Management》,但是书里重点介绍了那些少见场景与循证证据仍然缺乏的一些临床经验。The infinite number of issues potentially involved in identifying and managing high-risk surgical patients has made it challenging to select and describe all the critical ones encountered in surgical practice. However, we have highlighted some special and unique critical settings where several experts had considerable experience despite robust evidence is still limited.




每周一篇最新最有价值的医学学术文献。 关注知识城邦,我们一起在了解疾病本质,改善患者预后的道路上前进。(关注领域:恶性肿瘤、胸部肿瘤、肿瘤综合治疗、肿瘤微环境、围术期并发症、麻醉、意识、心理、疼痛、重要器官保护、康复、大数据、人工智能等)