今天Coach Mirra会带领大家
写一篇剑桥19 TEST 2的地图对比题
Step1: 审题&确定时态和结构
In 2000,过去时
Step2: 改写题目,写开头段
Step3: 计划写的内容,使用7天免费课提供的模板
Step4: 翻译英文,增加summary(也可放在结尾)
Overall, the harbour has been modified to enhance its capacity for boats and provide additional facilities.
In 2000, Porth Harbour was situated to the east of Main Road, with parking lots at both northern and southern ends. For the northern car park which is accessible to Main Road, showers and toilets were located next to it. Its east area was used as a marina for private yachts. Moving further east, there was a dock accommodating passenger ferries, with a public beach along the eastern shore. However, the southern parking facility can only be accessed via a small road connecting Main Road and the lifeboat station. In the east was an area allocated for fishing boats. The large space in the southeast corner of the harbour was covered by a disused castle, beside which was another public beach.
Currently, the positions of the fishing boats and marina have been swapped and an additional dock has been constructed on the northern side. The southern parking now directly connects to Main Road, and like the northern one, has been upgraded with newly built showers and toilets to its north. The empty space between the relocated marina and the lifeboat station is now replaced by cafes and shops. Additionally, the former castle has been converted to a hotel with an extended path from the road and its neighbouring beach is now designated as a private area for hotel guests.