比利时荷语鲁汶大学KU Leuven电气工程全奖PhD-5 open positions

文摘   2024-07-23 06:00   吉林  

比利时荷语鲁汶大学Prof. Dirk Van Hertem组内招收全奖PhD,目前有5个职位空缺,具体职位信息请复制下面的链接到搜索引擎:

  1. PhD position on flexibility applications to mitigate power quality issues in distribution networks

  2. PhD position on cable hosting capacity in high-voltage grid

  3. PhD position on development and integration of decision support tools in SCADA systems for AC/DC grids 


  4. PhD position on DC voltage control of multi-terminal bipolar HVDC systems under unbalanced conditions

  5. PhD position on analyzing the effects of the offshore market design on system reliability and stability


  • You hold a Master's degree in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematical engineering, or similar.

  • You can work independently, as well as in a team.

  • You have good programming skills, preferably in Julia or Python.

  • You are eager to disseminate your research results through scientific publications or communications at conferences。

  • Prior research and publication experience is a plus.

  • Willingness to live in Belgium. Primary workplace would be EnergyVille in Genk.

  • You are able to communicate fluently in English, both orally and in writing. Knowledge of Dutch is a plus. Please consult the language requirements for Arenberg Doctoral School.

  • You are willing to contribute to teaching activities for a limited number of hours.


  • A well-funded PhD position for 4 years at one of the leading universities globally. 

  • This PhD position is under the multi-disciplinary C2 FlexIQ project, funded by KU Leuven where other departments of the university are involved, offering exposure to a variety of expertise and knowledge: data governance, energy markets, etc.

  • Multiple benefits (health insurance, access to university infrastructure and sports facilities, etc.).  

  • An exciting work environment in a team with different skill sets working in projects for the industry and in public R&D projects with industry involvement.  

  • The opportunity to be active in an international research environment in one of the top universities in Europe. 

  • Opportunity to work in a research laboratory with state of the art (SOTA) infrastructure.

  • Engage in research collaborations and participate at international conferences.

KU Leuven简介:

KU Leuven建校于1425年,2025年将迎来600周年的庆典。今年QS排名为63,是比利时最好的大学之一。 KU Leuven校区几乎遍布于比利时的各个城市,最主要的校区在Leuven,Leuven基本上就是一个大学城,随处可见蓝标的 KU Leuven建筑,也正因为它是大学城,所以不用担心安全问题。电气工程学院 Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)位于Leuven Campus Arenberg,风景优美,附近有heverlee森林,我们下班后经常去森林跑步,campus里也会经常见到散步的鸭子和鹅,是一个很治愈的工作环境。KU Leuven ESAT和其他比利时大学能源研究的机构共同建立了EnergyVille(https://energyville.be/en/)研究中心,位于Genk,主要研究新能源、电动汽车、hvdc等。

HVDC Group简介: 

HVDC Group由3位professor(Prof. Dirk Van Hertem, Prof. Jef Beerten, Prof. Hakan Ergun),2 位research experts,3位postdoc researchers,以及30名左右phd candidates和research associates组成。研究方向包括hvdc系统控制与稳定性分析(lead by Prof. Jef Beerten),系统设计与优化(lead by Prof. Hakan Ergun),hvdc系统AC,DC 保护设计及与控制的交互影响(lead by Prof. Dirk Van Hertem and Dr. Geraint Chaffey)。组内主要的研究任务在EnergyVille进行,教学任务在ESAT。两地之间的通勤,学院有共享电动汽车,或者乘坐公共交通(staff可申请两地通勤的免费通勤卡)。

去年我们申请到了比利时Flemish政府资助的用于underground HVDC connection研究的长期资助项目,项目资助下建立了新的Energy Transmission Competence Hub(ETCH)。ETCH将致力于underground HVDC研究,并且成为学术界和工业界之间的纽带,组织一系列的学术和工业之间的交流和training sessions,也会助力于junior researcher对于HVDC研究的全面了解,帮助大家更快地进入课题深入研究阶段。https://energyville.be/en/project/etch-energy-transmission-competence-hub/

组内培养博士的基本原则是,希望大家成为independent researcher,不仅注重研究能力,也注重团队合作、presentation skill、communication skill、networking。就读博士期间,能有机会参与工业界项目、和其他top universities交流,全力支持学生参加课题相关的学术会议和summer school。此外,ETCH支持学生挖掘和发挥自己的特长,不论你是喜欢做lab research,还是simulatoin,或者更偏向于理论研究,或者喜欢挖掘问题、偏向于visionary,再或者擅长于communication和teaching,ETCH都支持,并且帮助大家发挥自己的特长。

组内还定期组织power group fun,让大家有机会更深入地认识同事,有利于我们国际学生建立support system。IEEE PES student branch Leuven的活动也主要是由我们组学生来进行组织,活动范围包括学术交流、soft skill分享、mental health session,是一个让人觉得有归属感,并且非常supportive的工作环境。

Work-life balance方面,比利时每年有21天法定带薪休假,除此之外还有一些和基督教相关的bank holidays,圣诞期间还有带薪休假一周,总之假期非常多。


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