IEEE Transactionson Power Electronics (TPEL) Letters is seeking proposals for special sections to be published in 2025.
The special sections aim for new concepts and fast publications in the form of short letters. The proposals should include the following items.
1.The title of the special section, with a word limit of 10.
2.A brief description of the topic, with a word limit of 200.
3.The objective of the special section.
4.A list of subtopics of interest, including emerging topicsand topics related to recently-developed technologies.
5.An agile guest editorial board composed by 3 or 4 Guest Editors. Allmembers should agree to be on the guest editorial board. The guesteditorial board should reflect diversity in gender, geographical location,and encourage industry. The guest editorial board should understand themanuscript process and be aware that the special section manuscriptshave a fast review process (within 21 days). Note that training will beavailable in ScholarOne for the editors.
6.One of the Guest Editors must be designated the special section organizer. The organizer must complete the TPEL Special Section Guest Editorial BoardInformation form, collect CVs for the Guest Editors and Guest Associate Editors,and provide an estimate of anticipated manuscripts. For an accepted proposal theorganizer must provide a Call for Papers.
7.One of the Guest Editors must write a guest editorial to be published with the specialsection.
8.The guest editorial board will promote the special section with colleagues and onsocial media.
Special Sections Timeline
June 30, 2024: Call for Proposals Deadline
July 31, 2024: Call for Papers to IEEE TPEL Editorial Office & Newsletter
December 31, 2024: Manuscripts Submission Deadline
April 30, 2025: Final Acceptance Notification
May 31, 2025: Manuscripts Forwarded to Production Team for Publication
August 1, 2025: Special Sections Appear in IEEE TPEL
For more on the special sections, contact the Admin: