国际大电网组织的英文全称是International Council on Large Electric systems,CIGRE是其法语全称Conference International des Grands Reseaux Electriques的缩写。CIGRE大会每两年召开一次,地点设在法国巴黎。2024年的CIGRE大会将于8月25日至30日在巴黎举行,CIGRE Awards颁奖典礼将在8月25日的大会开幕式上进行。
《CSEE JPES》青年学科编辑
东北电力大学本科,新加坡南洋理工大学硕士,英国卡迪夫大学博士(欧盟“玛丽·居里”学者)、博士后研究员,现任丹麦科技大学长聘副教授、博士生导师,电力系统保护实验室负责人。作为PI/Co-PI主持英国、丹麦、欧盟等科研项目7项,发表SCI论文69篇,其中第一/通讯作者28篇,IEEE Trans.会刊论文37篇,授权中国发明专利1项。谷歌学术引用超过2620次,H因子24,ESI高被引论文1篇,CSEE JPES优秀论文1篇,中国电机工程学会优秀论文二等奖1篇、三等奖1篇,IEEE EI2和IET RPG优秀论文2篇,1部IEEE-Wiley专著章节作者,博士论文获首个国际大电网组织博士论文奖(CIGRE Thesis Award)。英国特许工程师,IET职业证照注册咨询师,Applied Energy青年编委,CSEE JPES青年学科编辑,IET Energy Systems Integration副编辑,CIGRE官方杂志ELECTRA编委,中国科协科技期刊卓越行动计划”优秀百人“。曾在英国国家电网公司National Grid总部,比利时电网公司Elia总部,东芝国际Toshiba International,中国电力科学研究院和国网智能电网研究院工作学习。研究工作主要围绕直流输配电系统的保护与控制、海上风电,电力电子化电力系统可靠性等。
Dr. Gen Li is an active and accomplished professional society member, with a strong track record of engagement and contributions to CIGRE, including serving as a CIGRE UK NGN member since 2015, the Secretary of CIGRE Women in Energy (WiE) 2018-2020, the Technical Panel Secretary of CIGRE UK B5 Protection and Automation 2021-2022, a Representative of CIGRE B4 NGN and an Editorial Board Member of CIGRE ELECTRA since 2020. Moreover, he is a member of multiple CIGRE Working Groups (WGs), including C6/B4.37, B4.74, B4.96 and World Bank-CIGRE Africa. He also contributed to the work in WGs B4.72 and B4.60. He is now a Steering Committee Member of CIGRE Denmark NGN since he moved to Denmark in 2022. Dr. Li's contributions have significantly advanced the CIGRE community, including:
-Being recognized with the First CIGRE Thesis Award in 2018 for the technical contributions to the field of HVDC.
-The First Thesis Award-winning paper published in CIGRE CES in 2018.
-Co-chair of the "CIGRE Women in Engineering Forum" at CIGRE Paris Session, France, 2018.
-Co-chair of the "Women in Engineering e-Session" at CIGRE e-Session 2020.
-Winner of the CIGRE UK NGN Presentation Competition 2020.
-Winner of the Global Young Member Showcase by CIGRE Central and CIGRE UK NGN representative at CIGRE e-Session 2020.
-Representative for the CIGRE NGN Presentation Showcase at CIGRE Centennial Session 2021.
-Speaker at CIGRE UK & CIGRE UK NGN Annual General Meeting 2020
-Speaker at Joint Webinar of CIGRE UK NGN & CIGRE Denmark NGN in 2020.
-Organiser of the "Medium Voltage DC Distribution Systems" CIGRE online webinar in 2022.
-Co-organiser of the CIGRE Denmark NGN Showcase Competition 2024.