本次给大家整理的是《Journal of Transport Geography》杂志2024年12月第121卷的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括52篇SCI论文!
The effects of built environments on bicycle accidents around bike-sharing program stations using street view images and deep learning techniques: The moderating role of streetscape features
With the global rise of bike-sharing programs (BSP), planners and traffic experts have raised concerns as to whether the rapid growth of BSP ensures cycling safety. Despite numerous studies on built environments encouraging bike usage, there is limited knowledge whether streetscape environments around BSP stations affect bicycle accidents. We address this gap by investigating the relationships between various built environments and bicycle accidents around BSP stations, with a particular focus on the moderating effects of comprehensive streetscapes. Streetscape environments, estimated through semantic segmentation and k-means clustering, were used in two-level negative binomial regression models to clarify how street- and station-level environments affect different types of bicycle accidents. The findings indicate increased crash likelihoods on higher-speed roads, streets with traffic facilities, in proximity to public transportation infrastructure, and specific streetscape types. In particular, streetscape features like green oasis streets and open-sky roadways positively contribute to mitigating the negative effects of traffic facilities, such as bike networks and crosswalks, on cycling safety. This study aids in developing comprehensive strategies and guidelines to retrofit built environments for better traffic safety and thereby promote urban cycling.
Integrating smart card records and dockless bike-sharing data to understand the effect of the built environment on cycling as a feeder mode for metro trips
Urban transportation and planning are at a pivotal juncture, requiring a nuanced understanding of the built environment's impact on dockless bike sharing (DBS) to metro transfer trips. Existing methodologies, often focused on DBS trips around metro stations or limited by scant datasets, overlook the pressing need for a method to discern large-scale DBS-metro trips as DBS becomes a standard feeder mode for metro trips and the yet unexplored spatial lag effects of the built environment on DBS-metro interactions. To bridge these gaps, we develop a method integrating smart card records and DBS data, revealing a comprehensive trip chain encompassing both metro and DBS. Our application of association rule algorithms to large-scale data provides detailed spatial insights into feeder trips. We employ a network-adjacency-based partial spatial Durbin model, tailored with a negative binomial regression for count data and maximum likelihood estimation for continuous data. Analysis from Shenzhen reveals: (1) A strong correlation is observed between the count of trips using cycling as a feeder mode (COUNT) and the location of stations within the metro network structure. Notably, the COUNT shows more significant aggregation when compared to the ratio of DBS-metro transfer trips to the total metro trips at each station (RATIO); (2) significant influence of both local and adjacent spatial variables of the built environment on the RATIO and COUNT of cycling trips; (3) specific factors like feeder station location, city center proximity, Street greenness view situation, and road intersection density significantly influencing the cycling feeder mode for metro trips; (4) Moreover, areas with more urban villages and industry appeared to contribute to the cycling feeder mode for metro trips, both in terms of RATIO and COUNT. This study underscores the necessity of fostering a conducive built environment to leverage DBS's potential to bridge the last-mile gap.
城市交通与规划正处于关键转折点,迫切需要深入理解建成环境对无桩共享单车(DBS)与地铁换乘出行的影响。现有的方法论通常侧重于地铁站周围的DBS出行,或因数据集有限而受限,忽视了随着DBS成为地铁出行标准接驳方式所需的大规模DBS-地铁出行识别方法,以及建成环境对DBS-地铁互动的空间滞后效应尚未被探索的紧迫需求。为填补这些空白,我们开发了一种整合智能卡记录与DBS数据的方法,揭示了涵盖地铁和DBS的全面出行链。我们将关联规则算法应用于大规模数据,提供了关于接驳出行的详细空间见解。我们采用基于网络邻接的部分空间Durbin模型,结合用于计数数据的负二项回归和用于连续数据的最大似然估计进行调整。深圳的分析结果显示:(1) 使用骑行作为接驳模式的出行次数(COUNT)与地铁网络结构中车站的位置之间存在强相关性。值得注意的是,与每个车站DBS-地铁换乘出行占总地铁出行比例(RATIO)相比,COUNT表现出更显著的聚集现象;(2) 建成环境的局部及相邻空间变量对骑行出行的RATIO和COUNT有显著影响;(3) 特定因素如接驳车站位置、靠近市中心、街道绿化视野状况以及道路交叉口密度显著影响地铁出行的骑行接驳模式;(4) 此外,城市村庄和工业较多的区域在RATIO和COUNT方面均有助于地铁出行的骑行接驳模式。本研究强调了营造有利建成环境以利用DBS潜力弥补“最后一公里”空白的必要性。
Green commuting within the x-minute city: Towards a systematic evaluation of its feasibility
In cities, carbon emissions associated with commuting transport is large and significant. This study integrates data about the jobs-housing relationship, road network configurations, public transport availability, and real-time traffic conditions during peak hours to evaluate the commuting feasibility and performance of green travel modes (walking, cycling and public transport) and explore the potential determining factors. In the context of the x-minute city, the green travel commuting feasibility (GTCF) indicator measures the percentage of the working population who can commute via green travel modes within specific x-minute thresholds. 15, 30, 45 and 60 min have been considered. In comparison, the car travel commuting feasibility (CTCF) indicator is developed to evaluate the corresponding commuting performance by car. Nanshan district of Shenzhen in China is taken as a case study. Results show that distinct gaps exist between GTCF and CTCF. Public transport performs well only for long-distance (> 8 km) commuting trips, and cycling does well for short (< 3 km) and medium-distance trips. Geographically, areas with large differences of GTCF and CTCF are identified for improving green travel modes with priority. Potential factors influencing GTCF are explored with a regression model and case-based analysis. Smaller street blocks, bus route realignment and better jobs-housing balance should be targeted. Designing cycling short-cuts and public transport routes that avoid traffic jams are also recommended to promote green commuting. The findings demonstrate that real-time trip-planning information is of great value in evaluating the commuting feasibility of multimodal travel and identifying influential factors for achieving the x-minute city.
Spatial transitions of areas near highway interchanges of the eastern A4 highway section in Poland
This paper presents the research outcomes of a study on the spatial transitions of areas around the highway interchanges of the eastern section of the A4 highway in Poland. We hypothesise that the changes that occur in the areas around these interchanges are a direct result of the construction and use of the new highway. The aim of this research was to determine the nature and scale of these transformations over a period of about 10 years, with the intent to find possible geometric regularities and taking into account the spatial relationships between the highway interchanges under study and the existing network of cities. The analysis of the highway interchanges were quantitative, expressed by the quantitative growth of new buildings located in the vicinity of a given junction, as well as in spatial terms – examining the geometric distribution of the placement of new buildings and identifying the zones of the most dynamic spatial transformation for each interchange/junction. The findings were individually referenced to each interchange, after which they were aggregated to the cities that these junctions or groups of junctions serves. The study was based on original field research and a comparative analysis of satellite imagery that depicted the site development of the space investigated in the period preceding the construction of the junctions and at the time of the study. GIS and CAD tools, as well as a review of the literature and the state of the art were used. The results presented contribute a number of important insights into the scale and nature of the transformation of the areas around the junctions under study. They also allow for general conclusions to be drawn concerning the impact of highway corridors on space, particularly that of suburban areas, and the impact of the location of highway interchanges on the transformation of the functional and spatial structure model of cities.
The gasoline price and the commuting behavior of US commuters: Exploring changes to green travel mode choices
This paper explores how gasoline prices and the commuting behavior of US commuters are related, with a focus on the use of private motor vehicles, public transit, walking, and cycling. Basic economic theory suggests that as gasoline prices rise, there tends to be a decrease in the consumption of gasoline due to the substitution and income effect, leading to a reduced use of private motor vehicles by commuters who may opt for relatively cheaper modes of transportation for their daily commutes. Using data from the American Time Use Survey spanning from 2003 to 2019, coupled with state- and year-specific gasoline prices, the study reveals a positive relationship between gasoline prices and daily commuting time. Furthermore, gasoline prices are also associated with the choice of commuting modes. Higher gasoline prices are negatively related to the proportion of commuting time using private motor vehicles and positively related to the proportion of commuting time using public transit, walking, and cycling. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that the association between gasoline prices and the proportion of commuting time using public transit and walking varies depending on the rural status of commuters. The results of this paper can be used to formulate pricing policies in order to change the daily travel choices of commuters, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and develop a less fuel-dependent transport sector in the US.
Equity of access to rail services by complementary motorized and active modes
The public transport system only serves its true purpose when people living in the region have adequate and direct access to its services. Rail systems, including light rail, metro, urban, suburban, and long-distance trains, are the key fixed structural elements of any transport system that provide faster access for both shorter and longer trips and are regarded as a more efficient and environmentally friendly option to move a larger number of passengers than road transport. However, it is not feasible in terms of investment and financial sustainability to provide rail services everywhere, especially in rural zones. Thus, connectivity with all the other available (active and motorized) modes is crucial to improve accessibility and reduce inequities. In this paper, we developed a methodology to quantify and contrast the access to the existing rail services between zones of a metropolitan area and corresponding inequities. We considered not only the usually analyzed active modes, pertaining to a certain level of proximity to the rail stations, but also motorized modes (e.g., car and bus) that can enable the connection to rail services where these are not easily accessible by walking or cycling. First, the accessibility to the existing rail stations is quantified using place-based gravity measures, considering the travel times for the complementary modes with and without incorporating the stations' attractiveness, measured by service frequency. Second, the global inequity levels of the spatial distribution of the rail network in the metropolitan area are evaluated using the Gini index. Third, local inequities, at a scale of small census blocks, are measured considering the access (supply) and the population (potential demand). While the local-scale analysis allows to identify the most unfavored zones, the global inequities by complementary modes aim to inform targeted strategies to improve the integration of those modes with rail services. The methodology was applied to the Metropolitan Area of Porto, Portugal, where we observed a non-uniform distribution of rail services and a decrease in access towards the periphery. However, considering the population living in each zone, both underserved and well-served zones are mostly present in the most populated/central areas.
Investment modes in dry port with network effect under regionally competitive environment
As an efficient bridge linking the mainland and overseas, dry ports can not only revitalize the regional economy but also promote the growth of seaport throughput. However, the construction of dry ports is a long-cycle and high-consumption project, and it is necessary to coordinate the interests of all parties at the early stage of construction and fully consider the impact of the completed dry port on the seaport and the local economy. Therefore, this paper considers two Port Operators A and B, and Port Operator A decided to invest in dry port to upgrade and expand. We investigate under what conditions Port Operator A should establish what scale of dry port in the face of the increasingly complex competitive environment and shippers' port selection behavior. For that, we take two seaports as a kind of network product, and analyze the necessity and feasibility conditions for Port Operators to invest in the construction of dry ports by applying the economic theory of network effect on the basis of the improved Hotelling model. The results show that even if the network effect is low, if the shippers bear a low unit transportation cost, the construction of dry ports can not only help Port Operator A to enhance competitiveness but also promote the development of Social Welfare. If the network effect intensity is high, Port Operator A can realize rapid expansion by taking advantage of the high service quality of dry ports, but the scale of dry port should be controlled within a certain range.
Mobility of non-binary and gender nonconforming individuals: A systematic literature review
The gendered nature of travel behaviours and experiences have long been recognised in research and policy making. However, research on non-binary people and their mobility is scarce, as is the acknowledgement of a spectrum nature of gender within the transportation discipline. This paper presents the first systematic literature review, using PRISMA guidelines, of the mobility and travel experiences of non-binary people. The review identified that to date the main research domains for non-binary people's mobility considered issues of harassment and violence on public transit, fear, security measures, intersectionality, and strategies to deal with discrimination. The paper highlights spatial and geographical constraints, such as immobility and inaccessibility, that non-binary people face when interacting with public transportation system. Strategies to improve mobility for the gender nonconforming community included upgrading public transport stations, increasing funding for public transportation, and providing gender diversity training for transit workers. The findings draw attention to the need for substantial further transportation research into the field. By including non-binary perspectives in transport research, a unique range of insights and experiences can be unlocked, while increasing inclusivity in transport research.
Quantifying urban sprawl and investigating the cause-effect links among urban sprawl factors, commuting modes, and time: A case study of South Korean cities
This study aims to create a detailed urban sprawl index, investigate the relationship between density and other urban sprawl factors, and analyze how these factors affect commuting mode time in South Korean cities using structural equation modeling and multiple linear regression. Urban sprawl factors are categorized from various individual perspectives into density, urban landscape, land-use mix, centeredness, and street connectivity. We show that while scores for urban landscape, density, and centeredness were high in cities with large populations, scores for land-use mix and street connectivity were high in cities with medium and small populations. We found that density had significant effects on urban landscape, centeredness, and street connectivity. The indirect effects of density on commuting modes and time counterbalance the direct effects, indicating that while the indirect effects do not change the direction of the direct effects, they reduce their magnitude, making the total effect smaller than the direct effect. A higher density was associated with fewer commuters using cars and higher numbers of public transit, but the reduction in cars was limited to less than 30 min of commuting time. In addition, high density was positively associated with commuting time. High scores for urban landscape, land-use mix, and street connectivity were associated with a reduction in commuting time but did not have an effect on the conversion from cars to public transit for the journey to work. High scores for urban landscape and street connectivity were associated with more walking commuters but were limited to commuting for less than 60 min. This study shows that urban sprawl factors are mutually complementary for commuting mode changes and time. This study provides evidence for establishing sustainable transportation plans. In addition, the urban sprawl index can be used in future research to investigate the effects of urban sprawl on various social and environmental phenomena.
Geopolitical tension and shipping network disruption: Analysis of the Red Sea crisis on container port calls
The Red Sea crisis is unprecedented since the Suez Crisis of 1967 and Yom Kippur War of 1973. The crisis brings to fore attention on geopolitical tension and shipping network disruption. The study applies the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm to investigate shipping line behavior and its impact on container ports. The focus is on the Asia-Europe and Asia-Mediterranean trade routes. Market structure considers the distribution of ports-of-call, while conduct analyses shipping line service organization and vessel deployment strategies. Performance considers the aspects of efficiency, market growth and market share for weekly shipping service calls at container ports. The focus is on shipping services as they form the basis of shipping networks. Data mining is performed to draw information from three sources including AIS information. Results show that while the Cape Route is the alternative to the Suez Canal, longer sailing distance saw shipping lines deploy additional vessels to maintain frequency of port-calls. Adjustments to port-calls reveal transshipment containers handled by Eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea ports to be relatively “footloose”. Implications to ports from shipping network operation, resilience strategies, and port choice are offered.
Estimating the impact of cycling infrastructure improvements on usage: A spatial difference-in-differences approach
As a sustainable mode with numerous benefits, cycling offers promoting physical fitness and providing a cost-effective transport option. To promote cycling, cities worldwide are striving to increase cycling usage by improving infrastructure, and network connectivity. Understanding the magnitude of the influence of cycling infrastructure on cycling usage is vital. This paper hence aims to estimate the impact of cycling infrastructure improvement on cycling usage. To this end, a generalised spatial difference-in-differences (GS-DiD) fixed effect spatial lag model is utilised using data collected from bicycle counters in Lyon and Paris. The model allows controlling spatial and temporal unobserved heterogeneity. The results indicate that cycling infrastructure improvement has a positive and statistically significant effect on cycling usage. Additionally, the spatial coefficient was found to be negative and statistically significant, suggesting that an increase in cycling infrastructure usage in neighbouring areas leads to a decrease in infrastructure usage in the area being examined. These findings provide evidence of the positive impact of cycling infrastructure improvement on cycling usage, while also highlighting the importance of considering spatial spillover effects in the analysis.
Crafting a jogging-friendly city: Harnessing big data to evaluate the runnability of urban streets
Jogging, historically marginalized in the realms of urban and transportation strategy since it is not about commuting, is garnering appreciation for its health-related merits. The growing public focus on health underscores the urgent need for planning and infrastructure to support outdoor physical activities, yet current evaluations of urban environments' friendliness toward such activities are insufficient. This investigation unveils a runnability evaluation framework predicated on accessible geospatial big data. Initial steps involved delineating potential metrics from the built environment, pedestrian perceptions, and the natural setting, as informed by literature. This was followed by constructing a backward stepwise regression analysis, utilizing jogging frequency as the response variable against the identified metrics as predictors. The ensuing model retained certain variables, which were then deemed valid metrics, and their regression coefficients were appropriated as weights to compute a runnability index for individual street segments. This framework was applied in Guangzhou, affirming the model's objectivity and validity. The introduced framework furnishes researchers and urban planners with an objective and reproducible tool for the evaluation of runnability and possesses the versatility for an extension to assess walkability and bikeability. This study encourages the attention and support of jogging activities.
Hierarchy and mobility of Latin America and Caribbean container ports
Research on port hierarchies within a maritime region is crucial for comprehending the dynamics of seaborne trade and the broader trends within the maritime sector and related supply chains. This study investigates the evolution of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) container ports and regional sub-systems from 2000 to 2022, analyzing traffic dynamics, shifts in port throughput rankings, and market concentration trends in and among the different coastal regions. Conceptually, this analysis benefits from the notion of evolutionary phases, revealing the stages of a port system's development. Methodologically, 49 LAC ports of international interest are categorized into different coastal regions and tiers based on throughput sizes. Various metrics, including the Gini coefficient, Lorenz curve, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), and Kendall Tau (τ), assess port hierarchy and related mobility since 2000. The observed shifts in the hierarchy and market structures, coupled with the fluctuating positions of critical ports, underscore the transition that LAC container ports dynamics experienced in the 21st century. Following a particularly dynamic and volatile evolution observed in the 2000s, the financial crisis of 2008/09 was a critical juncture leading to the transition of the LAC port dynamics from the ‘emerging’ to the ‘maturity’ phase. On the contrary, the pandemic (2019) has not affected the pre-existing hierarchy or the moderate market concentration that was already in progress. The LAC region comprises port sub-systems (coastal ranges) subjected to different tendencies towards (de)concentration, yet mobility in port rankings within each sub-system decreases. The study also reveals the coexistence of this transition with a structural transformation of port governance structures, i.e., granting of concessions of operations to third parties. In 20 of these ports and the above-average mobility of ports are operated by Global Terminal Operators (GTOs), and calls for further research on the (non) causality of these phenomena.
Exploring the geographical equity-efficiency tradeoff in cycling infrastructure planning
Cycling is affordable, healthy, and sustainable, but access to destinations on low-stress safe cycling routes in most cities is both limited and unevenly distributed. Many cities are expanding cycling networks to improve safety, increase cycling mode share, and increase diversity in access to cycling, however resources remain limited which requires prioritization of infrastructure. When proposed infrastructure locations are optimized to provide the highest average access to opportunities using a utilitarian definition of accessibility, marginalized groups and locations may be further left behind. This occurs since the greatest gains to network connectivity, using a utility definition, come from expansions inside or directly adjacent to the densest network areas. We compare utilitarian and equity-driven planning strategies for cycling network expansion and explore tradeoffs in spatial coverage, equity, and efficiency, using Toronto, Canada as a case study. We find that optimizing accessibility in several small regions instead of city-wide leads to an infrastructure plan that is more spatially dispersed. Further, we show that an optimization model targeting low-access areas produces an infrastructure plan with more regions meeting a minimum threshold of accessibility but with lower average accessibility gains, indicating the presence of an equity-efficiency tradeoff. We also find that infrastructure projects that maximize a region's accessibility to jobs are often located outside that region, challenging political perceptions of "local" infrastructure and benefits. These results inform planning, advocacy, design, and policy, and shed light on spatial and socio-demographic equity tradeoffs in deciding where to add cycling infrastructure.
The impact of heterogeneous accessibility to metro stations on land use changes in a bike-sharing context
The integration of urban rail transit and land use has been adopted as a crucial approach to fostering compact development in cities. Proximity to rail transit stations can increase the probability of land use changes, while few studies have analyzed the spatial heterogeneity of the impact of rail transit on land use changes. This study proposes a distance-decay function to delineate the spatial heterogeneity of metro station accessibility using bike-sharing data and examines the impact of metro stations accessibility on land use changes. Jiading New Town in Shanghai, China, is selected as our study case. By utilizing a non-linear distance-decay function to delineate metro station accessibility as a driving factor for training neural networks in a vector-based cellular automata model, an improvement in simulation accuracy is achieved compared to the model using a linear distance-decay function. This study could help establish more efficient strategies for promoting integrated development of rail transit and land use. The significance of this study lies in the generality of the optimized land use vector-based cellular automata model considering the spatial heterogeneity of metro station accessibility, which could also be applied to other situations, such as considering the accessibility to bus stops and road networks.
Trade time for space: Does living space moderate the relationship between commuting duration and mental health in Beijing?
Previous research has shown that a long commuting duration and shortage of living space are associated with poor mental health in individuals. However, most studies have regarded the two as separate factors and have focused exclusively on one dimension of mental health. To address these gaps, we use survey data from 2018 in Beijing to re-examine how commuting duration is associated with both the absence of psychological illness (depression) and the presence of positive mental well-being (happiness), and to test whether and to what extent living space moderates the commuting–mental health relationship. The results show that both commuting duration and living space are significantly associated with the two dimensions of mental health. Furthermore, living space has a quasi-moderating effect on the association between commuting duration and depression, but the moderating effect is insignificant for happiness. This implies that the “trade (commuting) time for (living) space” approach might matter for the absence of mental illness, but this is not an effective approach for the presence of positive subjective well-being. This study echoes the equilibrium location theory but argues that the negative effects of commuting duration on mental health might be partially compensated by the benefits of housing conditions.
An enhanced transit accessibility evaluation framework by integrating Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTAL) and transit gap
Rapid urbanization has presented many challenges, notably spatial imbalances between the transit supply and demand within cities. The inequitable distribution of transit supply, which include the transit infrastructure and services, may lead to formation of areas where transit is under provisioned. This work aims to develop an enhanced framework for measuring spatial disparities in accessing transit systems by combining established concepts of Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTAL) and transit gap. The proposed framework incorporates PTAL as a supply indicator and transit dependent population as the demand indicator while estimating the transit gap. PTAL takes into account the intricate relationship between transit infrastructure and transit services, an aspect that was overlooked by the previous studies on transit gap. Inclusion of PTAL enhances the transit gap evaluation method by offering a deeper understanding and a holistic perspective on the transit system. We demonstrate the proposed approach with an application in Singapore. Additionally, we propose a new classification system based on PTAL and transit gap to distinguish areas where high transit gap is a result of very high demand rather than poor supply. Results show that 44.82 % of the transit dependent population in Singapore lives in high transit gap area out of which 4.69 % population stays in transit desert zones, where supply is poor, and 40.13 % lives in transit stressed zone, where demand is very high. The study also developed a simple decision framework based on PTAL and transit gap scores to suggest effective policy measures for reducing the spatial disparity in transit system accessibility. The findings from the work can aid policymakers and transport planners in land-use and transport planning of cities.
快速的城市化带来了许多挑战,特别是城市内部交通供应与需求之间的空间不平衡。交通供应的不公平分布,包括交通基础设施和服务,可能导致交通供应不足区域的形成。本研究旨在通过结合公共交通可达性水平(PTAL)和交通缺口的既有概念,开发一个增强的框架,以衡量获取交通系统的空间差异。所提出的框架将PTAL作为供应指标,将依赖交通的人口作为需求指标,同时估算交通缺口。PTAL 考虑了交通基础设施与交通服务之间的复杂关系,这是以往关于交通缺口研究所忽视的。纳入PTAL通过提供对交通系统更深入的理解和整体视角,增强了交通缺口的评估方法。我们通过在新加坡的应用展示了所提出的方法。此外,我们提出了一个基于PTAL和交通缺口的新分类系统,以区分高交通缺口是由于需求非常高而非供应不足所导致的区域。结果显示,新加坡44.82%的依赖交通人口居住在高交通缺口区域,其中4.69%的人口居住在交通荒漠区,供应不足,40.13%的人口居住在交通压力区,需求非常高。该研究还基于PTAL和交通缺口分数开发了一个简单的决策框架,以建议有效的政策措施,减少交通系统可达性的空间差异。研究结果可帮助政策制定者和交通规划人员进行城市的土地使用和交通规划。
Improving community resilience to disrupted food access: Empirical spatio-temporal analysis of volunteer-based crowdsourced food delivery
Unplanned disaster events can greatly disrupt access to essential resources, with calamitous outcomes for already vulnerable households. This is particularly challenging when concurrent extreme events affect both the ability of households to travel and the functioning of traditional transportation networks that supply resources. This paper examines the use of volunteer-based crowdsourced food delivery as a community resilience tactic to improve food accessibility during overlapping disruptions with lasting effects, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate disasters. The study uses large-scale spatio-temporal data (n = 28,512) on crowdsourced food deliveries in Houston, TX, spanning from 2020 through 2022, merged with data on community demographics and significant disruptive events occurring in the two-year timespan. Three research lenses are applied to understand the effectiveness of crowdsourced food delivery programs for food access recovery: 1) geographic analysis illustrates hot spots of demand and impacts of disasters on requests for food assistance within the study area; 2) linear spatio-temporal modeling identifies a distinction between shelter-in-place emergencies and evacuation emergencies regarding demand for food assistance; 3) structural equation modeling identifies socially vulnerable identity clusters that impact requests for food assistance. The findings from the study suggest that volunteer-based crowdsourced food delivery adds to the resilience of food insecure communities, supporting its effectiveness in serving its intended populations. The paper contributes to the literature by illustrating how resilience is a function of time and space, and that similarly, there is value in a dynamic representation of community vulnerability. The results point to a new approach to resource recovery following disaster events by shifting the burden of transportation from resource-seekers and traditional transportation systems to home delivery by a crowdsourced volunteer network.
1. 地理分析展示了研究区域内食品援助需求的热点和灾害对食品援助请求的影响;
2. 线性时空模型区分了待在原地紧急情况和撤离紧急情况在食品援助需求方面的差异;
3. 结构方程模型识别了影响食品援助请求的社会脆弱身份群体。
Understanding the complementary effect of bike-sharing on public transit: A case study of subway line expansion in Xiamen, China
The rapid growth of dockless bike-sharing services (DBSs) in recent years has provided a new potential technological solution to the critical last mile problem of urban mobility and is thus considered a complement to public transit. However, there is little causal evidence of such technology-enhanced DBSs complementing public transit. To address this research gap, this paper empirically investigates the complementary effect of DBSs on public transit using a quasi-natural experiment on the opening of Subway Line 3 in Xiamen, China. Our difference-in-differences estimation results show that the number of DBS trips near newly opened stations increased by 84.7 % on average after the subway opening, representing 40.4 % of all bike-sharing trips within the 100-m buffer zone of the subway station entrance. The results of the spatiotemporal heterogeneity analysis revealed that such complementary effects were concentrated within 2 km of rail transit stations, especially during peak commuting hours and in areas with low bus accessibility and high population density. Moreover, the number of street intersections negatively affected the complementary effect of DBS on the subway when the connection distance was short (i.e., less than 800 m). These findings can inform city governments on the effective use of DBSs to solve the critical last mile problem of public transit and to improve urban mobility, while also illuminating how service providers can optimize capacity allocation and vehicle rebalancing decisions.
Discovering temporal-spatial features of jobs-housing relationship from a regional perspective: A nationwide study
The recent developments in regionalization have redefined the concept of jobs-housing relationship, calling for reexaminations from the regional perspective. This paper studies the temporal and spatial features of jobs-housing relationship and their relations with regional mobility and regional structure in 2258 Quxians (urban districts or rural counties) across China based on 49 months of cellular signaling data. Results show that jobs-housing relationship differ between city types and have seasonal cycles and yearly trends reflecting the rhythm and development of human activity. The temporal variations in jobs-housing relationship are affected by regional mobility, and larger intercity travel volume leads to lower balance level. The spatial variations in jobs-housing relationship are influenced by the form of regional structure, as measured using the Zipf scaling exponent. More polarized regions are less balanced with exceptions in underdeveloped regions. There is an underlying inflection point in jobs-housing relationship that is similar to its long-term average value and reflects regional market equilibrium. This paper contributes to existing literature by providing a big-data driven nationwide jobs-housing study fully aware of the theoretical and practical needs of a regionalizing world. Findings advances our understanding of macroscopic jobs-housing relationship, and offers policy suggestions for governments across the globe.
Rural travel burdens in the United States: Unmet need and travel costs
Transportation accessibility, or the ease of reaching valued destinations, is a critical determinant of a person's ability to satisfy their essential needs. A lack of accessibility can result in travel burdens such as high transportation costs or unmet needs and adversely affect well-being. Prior research establishes the inverse relationship between travel burdens and access to transportation options such as public transit and proximity to destinations as well as a person's resources, including their income and access to a personal vehicle. Although travel behavior is understood to differ across rural versus urban contexts, little is known about the nature of travel burdens in rural communities. Using the 2017 National Household Travel Survey, this study quantifies and compares travel burdens in rural versus nonrural communities in the United States. In each context, we quantify and compare i) the magnitude of travel burdens, ii) who experiences travel burdens, and iii) the individual and environmental factors that are associated with travel burdens. We find higher rates of burdensome travel outcomes among rural residents. People who live in rural areas are more likely to report burdensome travel costs and unmet travel needs due to a lack of transportation options compared to people living in nonrural areas, and these differences are exacerbated for people without car access. Dispersed rural contexts are unique in that they exhibit a combination of higher rates of financial burden and unmet need relative to urban contexts. Within rural areas, financial burdens and unmet need are less prevalent for those who live in a small town when compared with those living in more dispersed areas, which suggests that even a small concentration of services and opportunities may facilitate greater access. Collectively, our results highlight the need for research that attends to context-specific needs and strategies to address travel burdens in rural communities.
交通可达性,或称为到达重要目的地的便捷程度,是决定一个人满足基本需求能力的关键因素。缺乏可达性可能导致诸如高昂的交通成本或未满足的需求等出行负担,并对福祉产生不利影响。已有研究确立了出行负担与交通选项(如公共交通)和目的地近距离以及个人资源(包括收入和私人车辆使用权)之间的负相关关系。尽管出行行为在农村与城市环境中有所不同,但关于农村社区出行负担的性质知之甚少。本研究利用2017年国家家庭出行调查,量化并比较了美国农村与非农村社区的出行负担。在每种环境中,我们量化并比较了:i) 出行负担的程度,ii) 谁会经历出行负担,以及 iii) 与出行负担相关的个人和环境因素。研究发现,农村居民面临更高比例的沉重出行结果。与非农村地区居民相比,农村地区居民更可能报告由于缺乏交通选项而产生的高额出行成本和未满足的出行需求,并且这些差异在没有汽车使用权的人群中更加显著。分散的农村环境具有独特性,因为它们相较于城市环境表现出更高的财务负担和未满足需求的组合。在农村地区内部,与居住在更分散区域的人相比,居住在小城镇的人群的财务负担和未满足需求较少,这表明即使是服务和机会的少量集中也可能促进更大的可达性。总体而言,我们的结果强调了需要进行针对具体环境需求的研究,并制定策略以解决农村社区的出行负担问题。
Perceived walkability and daily walking behaviour in a “small city context” – The case of Norway
Walking is essential for environmentally friendly transport, vibrant street life, and public health. Due to the short distances, small cities should have great potential for walking; however, the car still dominates in many places. Moreover, whether and how conditions related to a Northern European location play a role in perceived walkability and subsequent walking behaviour in small cities has rarely been studied. This paper aimed to answer what characterizes walkability in the context of a small city in Norway, using Narvik, Kongsvinger, and Steinkjer as case studies. The investigation is based on a mixed methodological approach, including a survey with public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS), followed by a qualitative investigation with focus group interviews with families. The results suggest that walking for commuting purposes is considered a realistic option by most residents, although the car is used for most trip purposes, indicating that there exists an unfulfilled potential for walking. Results from the walkability assessment with PPGIS suggest that for a positive walking experience, perceived walkability includes a range of walkability indicators of a distinct nature that interact. The interviews provided explanations about important incentives in the cities that encourage the use of cars at the cost of making it attractive to walk. Good access by car stimulates its use despite short distances, and its dominance prevents fulfilling pedestrians' needs regarding calm surroundings and space reserved for vibrant street life and vegetation. Fragmented infrastructure limits parents' confidence in their children's safety. Lighting and maintenance are important in the winter to ensure walkability.
The elephant in the room: Long-haul air services and climate change
This paper extends previous research that has examined the impact of banning (super) short-haul flights on climate change. Looking at all scheduled passenger flights worldwide, our results confirm that policies focused on super short-haul flights would have very limited climate benefits. Flights of less than 500 km account for 26.7 % of flights but only 5.2 % of fuel burnt, while flights of 4000 km or more account for just 5.1 % of flights, but 39.0 % of fuel burnt. When the results are broken down by region and country, it appears that the share of fuel burnt by long-haul flights varies according to social, political, economic and geographical factors, including remoteness. While fuel burnt is highly correlated with GDP at the country level, this is less true for long-haul flights, arguably because long-haul services are so geographically selective that not all countries can be expected to host them. We also find that since the mid-1990s, the long-haul segment has grown much more rapidly (+163 % seat-km) than the super-short-haul one (+28 %). These findings have important policy implications and suggest that “avoid” strategies should receive more attention than “shift” and “improve” strategies in aviation climate policy.
“We try our best to follow traffic rules because we don't want Hong Kong people to lose face”: Assimilation from transit to motorcycles among Hong Kong students in Taiwan
Although the transport assimilation experiences of various East-to-West immigrant groups have been studied, those of international students have received little attention. This study explores the transport assimilation process of Hong Kong students in Taiwan, with a focus on their transition from a public transport-orientated society to one centred on motorcycles. Data were collected through secondary sources of news articles and online discussions to understand the context of Hong Kong students' observation of Taiwan's traffic, and then through primary-source interviews with Hong Kong students in Tainan, a typical motorcycle-dominant city in Taiwan. The analysis adopted an inductive, thematic approach guided by the acculturation framework. Results reveal disparities between the transport and traffic cultures of Hong Kong and Taiwan, leading to acculturative stress and the adoption of motorcycles as a primary mode of transport. However, motorcycle riding introduced new acculturative stress due to unwritten traffic norms and local driving behaviours. Job opportunities and long-term plans to stay in Taiwan, as well as the ease of obtaining the licence, were motivations for motorcycle use. Nevertheless, by maintaining their sociocultural competence, such as a strong traffic safety culture, those students may delay transport assimilation or cause transport dissimilation. This study contributes to understanding the mobility of international students and suggests that longitudinal studies are needed to investigate the impact of traffic safety culture on transport assimilation and the interrelationships between motorcycle use and long-term stay in a new society.
Development of a complete method for re-conceptualizing street classification in an urban municipality
The rapid growth of dockless bike-sharing services (DBSs) in recent years has provided a new potential technological solution to the critical last mile problem of urban mobility and is thus considered a complement to public transit. However, there is little causal evidence of such technology-enhanced DBSs complementing public transit. To address this research gap, this paper empirically investigates the complementary effect of DBSs on public transit using a quasi-natural experiment on the opening of Subway Line 3 in Xiamen, China. Our difference-in-differences estimation results show that the number of DBS trips near newly opened stations increased by 84.7 % on average after the subway opening, representing 40.4 % of all bike-sharing trips within the 100-m buffer zone of the subway station entrance. The results of the spatiotemporal heterogeneity analysis revealed that such complementary effects were concentrated within 2 km of rail transit stations, especially during peak commuting hours and in areas with low bus accessibility and high population density. Moreover, the number of street intersections negatively affected the complementary effect of DBS on the subway when the connection distance was short (i.e., less than 800 m). These findings can inform city governments on the effective use of DBSs to solve the critical last mile problem of public transit and to improve urban mobility, while also illuminating how service providers can optimize capacity allocation and vehicle rebalancing decisions.
Bridging or separating? Co-accessibility as a measure of potential place-based encounters
Accessibility is a widely used concept across various disciplines to evaluate the degree to which individuals can reach desired destinations. Conventionally, accessibility is determined by the attractiveness of a destination and the associated travel cost to reach it. However, existing place-based accessibility measures do not differentiate between destinations accessible to individuals from a single demographic group and those accessible to individuals from diverse demographic groups. We propose a measure to assess the potential of distinct destinations to bring different individuals and demographic groups together, defining this property as co-accessibility. We demonstrate how measuring co-accessibility can enhance existing accessibility measures, describe its components, and provide a mathematical formulation for quantifying it. To illustrate the practical application of our measure, we conduct a case study in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, comparing the accessibility and co- accessibility of various destinations. This sample case study highlights the complexities and challenges inherent in measuring co-accessibility. Building on existing literature and our analysis results, we discuss the potential implications of co-accessibility, identify key challenges in its assessment, and recommend directions for future research.
When e-activities meet spatial accessibility: A theoretical framework and empirical space-time thresholds for simulated spatial settings
The high penetration of e-activities (e-working, e-shopping, e-leisure) has empowered people to overcome space-time constraints in daily routines, and this trend is growing. Accordingly, new knowledge is sorely needed to incorporate e-activities into accessibility planning and to define new conceptualizations, methods, and quantifiers that recognize digital and in-person accessibility in real life. This paper introduces the framework of “augmented accessibility” and identifies space-time thresholds in which e-activities are more competitive than in-person activities. By being aware of these thresholds, specific policies could be adopted for encouraging people to save travel time and allocate it to reach other in-person destinations, thereby increasing their overall spatial accessibility. At methodological level, time geography concepts and elasticity analysis are combined, estimating space-time thresholds for six simulated spatial settings: from polycentric and compact cases to sprawled and monocentric cases. The results indicate that e-activities are more competitive in sprawled settings and emphasize the relevance of travel directionality (from opportunity hubs to low-density places) for retaining high spatial accessibility levels and increased travel distances. The social and policy implications of space-time thresholds are discussed for each simulated spatial setting by estimating and comparing critical travel distances for different transport modes. The paper closes by discussing aspects related to practical operationalization of the proposed framework, its communicability, interpretability, and usability.
Analysis of socioeconomic and built environment factors influencing travel mode choice of older adults in Georgia
This paper explores the travel behavior of older adults in comparison to younger adults using the 2017 U.S. National Household Travel Survey Georgia Add-on. We employ a discrete mode choice model to examine how the relationships between travel outcomes and socioeconomic, trip, and built environment characteristics vary by age. Travel modes are categorized into automobile, public transit, and non-motorized modes (i.e., walking and biking). The analysis reveals significant differences in factors related to non-auto mode travel outcomes between age groups. The presence of health conditions is associated with a lower likelihood of older adults choosing non-auto modes, and this effect intensifies with age. The association between trip purposes and travel outcome also varies; home-based-other purpose trips, such as healthcare appointments or community activities, are associated with a higher probability of older adults choosing non-motorized modes compared to other trip purposes. Residential density is more of a factor for older adults' non-auto mode choices, and older adults living in non-auto mode supportive environments are more likely to maintain non-auto mode usage. The study further finds that older adults and those with health conditions live and travel in less dense, less walkable areas than their counterparts, which makes it difficult for them to have viable non-auto transportation options. To expand mobility options for older adults, planners should design programs for older adults with health conditions and provide services for those who can no longer drive or without access to automobiles. Additionally, considering built environment conditions and the varying needs of individuals based on trip purposes is recommended to satisfy the mobility needs of older adults in accordance with their lifestyles.
How does the built environment affect intermodal transit demand across different spatiotemporal contexts?
Bus and metro are the two primary modes of public transportation in many megacities worldwide. Understanding their cooperation is crucial for the integration of the public transportation system. Despite extensive research on public transportation demand, studies focusing on bus-metro cooperation remain limited. Intermodal transit demand directly reflects the level of cooperation between the two modes in travel behavior. In this study, intermodal transit demand is extracted from smart card data in Beijing, China. The extreme gradient boosting algorithm is employed to investigate the determinants of intermodal transit demand considering spatiotemporal variation. The SHapley Additive exPlanations method further interprets these models. Findings reveal that (1) the relative spatial relationship between bus and metro service facilities significantly influences their cooperation; however, these influences gradually weaken as urban space expands from the core to the peripheral area; (2) in peripheral area, the characteristics of the bus network hold the highest average importance ranking; (3) extensive nonlinear relationships and threshold effects exist between the built environment and intermodal transit demand, with the magnitude, pattern, and direction of these impacts varying significantly across different spatiotemporal contexts; and (4) changes in the spatial layout of transportation service supplies impact their competition and cooperation, such as adequate bus service supplies potentially reducing the cooperation between bus and metro to some extent. These findings will assist planners and public transit operators in developing regulations that encourage cooperation between bus and metro, thereby increasing the attraction and competitiveness of the public transit system.
公交和地铁是全球许多大都市中两种主要的公共交通模式。理解它们之间的协作对于公共交通系统的整合至关重要。尽管关于公共交通需求的研究非常广泛,但专注于公交与地铁协作的研究仍然有限。跨模式交通需求直接反映了两种模式在出行行为中的协作水平。在本研究中,跨模式交通需求是从中国北京的智能卡数据中提取的。我们采用极端梯度提升算法(Extreme Gradient Boosting)来研究考虑时空变化的跨模式交通需求的决定因素。SHapley Additive exPlanations(SHAP)方法进一步解释了这些模型。研究结果显示:(1)公交和地铁服务设施之间的相对空间关系显著影响它们的协作;然而,随着城市空间从核心向外围区域扩展,这些影响逐渐减弱;(2)在外围区域,公交网络的特征具有最高的平均重要性排名;(3)建成环境与跨模式交通需求之间存在广泛的非线性关系和阈值效应,这些影响的大小、模式和方向在不同的时空背景下显著不同;(4)交通服务供应的空间布局变化影响它们的竞争与协作,例如,充足的公交服务供应可能在一定程度上减少公交与地铁之间的协作。这些发现将帮助规划者和公共交通运营商制定鼓励公交与地铁协作的规章,从而提升公共交通系统的吸引力和竞争力。
First-mile and last-mile externalities: Perspectives from a developing country
Transport equity, which emphasises fair and equitable distribution to reach various significant activities and opportunities such as work and healthcare, has greatly interested researchers and practitioners. Enhancing first-mile and last-mile travel and commuting experiences augment an individual's travel satisfaction. However, challenges with first-mile and last-mile travel lead to social exclusion and inequity concerns in accessing services and a reduction in the utilisation of public transport. There is limited insight regarding commuters' experiences and challenges in this context, particularly in developing countries. This dearth of knowledge makes it difficult to implement measures to enhance connectivity and accessibility. Thus, we investigate the first-mile and last-mile experiences and challenges of commuters in Ghana using qualitative and quantitative data from semi-structured interviews and questionnaire survey, which are rare in this subject's study. The analysis through the logit model showed that commuters with increasing distances for the first and last miles have difficulty with transport accessibility. The results showed that demographic factors like age and gender did not significantly affect first-mile and last-mile accessibility, suggesting that the challenges are experienced across different groups. The thematic analysis revealed five essential themes: (i) cost, (ii) limited accessibility, (iii) safety, long walking distances and (v) temporal factors like weather as challenges commuters encounter with their first-mile and last-mile trips. This research contributes to the extant literature on the experiences and challenges of first-mile and last-mile commutes. It provides depth to the literature by offering perspectives from a developing country. It also holds practical significance for transport authorities and government departments and agencies.
运输公平(Transport equity)强调公平合理地分配资源,以便人们能够到达各种重要活动和机会,如工作和医疗,这一概念引起了研究人员和从业者的极大关注。提升“第一英里”和“最后一英里”的出行及通勤体验能够增强个体的出行满意度。然而,“第一英里”和“最后一英里”出行所面临的挑战导致社会排斥和在获取服务方面的不公平问题,同时也减少了公共交通的利用率。在这一背景下,特别是在发展中国家,关于通勤者体验和挑战的见解有限。这种知识的匮乏使得实施措施以增强连接性和可达性变得困难。因此,我们利用来自半结构化访谈和问卷调查的定性和定量数据,研究了加纳通勤者在“第一英里”和“最后一英里”出行中的体验和挑战,这在该主题的研究中较为罕见。通过逻辑回归模型的分析表明,通勤者在“第一英里”和“最后一英里”距离增加时,面临交通可达性的困难。结果显示,年龄和性别等人口因素对“第一英里”和“最后一英里”的可达性没有显著影响,这表明这些挑战在不同群体中普遍存在。主题分析揭示了五个主要主题:(i)成本,(ii)有限的可达性,(iii)安全性,长距离步行,以及(iv)天气等时间因素,都是通勤者在“第一英里”和“最后一英里”出行中遇到的挑战。本研究丰富了现有关于“第一英里”和“最后一英里”通勤体验和挑战的文献,通过提供来自发展中国家的视角,深化了相关研究。同时,本研究对交通管理部门及政府部门和机构具有实际意义。
Spatio-temporal dynamics and recovery of commuting activities via bike-sharing around COVID-19: A case study of New York
The COVID-19 has led to significant changes in urban travel behaviors, with commuting being one of the most affected travel modes. Commuting cycling by bike-sharing systems (BSS) is regarded as a new transportation mode that is low-carbon and low-cost. However, its dynamic changes and spatiotemporal characteristics in different periods of COVID-19 still lack exploration. Therefore, this study adopts machine learning methods to identify commuter bike-sharing activities and develops a combined analysis method to analyze commuting cycling data via temporal, spatial, and spatiotemporal aggregation. Finally, we select the bike-sharing data in New York City from periods before, during, and after COVID-19 to conduct experiments. It has been found that commuting cycling experienced a “decrease-rebound” trend at the macroscopic level under the pandemic impact. However, at the micro level, urban mobility driven by this travel mode failed to fully recover, as evidenced by significant changes in spatial and temporal mobility patterns. The findings shall not only help traffic operators and managers discover the BSS commuting patterns but also reveal the pandemic impact on the travel behavior of urban residents, promoting the development of intelligent services for urban emergency management and traffic management.
COVID-19 导致了城市出行行为的显著变化,其中通勤是受影响最大的出行模式之一。通过共享单车系统(BSS)进行的通勤骑行被视为一种低碳、低成本的新型交通模式。然而,其在 COVID-19 不同阶段的动态变化和时空特征仍缺乏深入探讨。因此,本研究采用机器学习方法识别通勤者的共享单车活动,并开发了一种综合分析方法,通过时间、空间及时空聚合来分析通勤骑行数据。最后,我们选取纽约市在 COVID-19 前、期间及后的共享单车数据进行实验。研究发现,在疫情影响下,通勤骑行在宏观层面呈现出“下降-反弹”的趋势。然而,在微观层面,由于共享单车驱动的城市流动性未能完全恢复,表现为时空流动模式的显著变化。这些发现不仅有助于交通运营商和管理者发现共享单车的通勤模式,还揭示了疫情对城市居民出行行为的影响,促进了城市应急管理和交通管理智能化服务的发展。
Bayesian multivariate spatiotemporal statistical modeling of bus and taxi ridership
Statistical modeling of ridership over both space and time provides valuable insights on transportation planning and policies. Existing spatiotemporal studies, however, predominantly focus on analyzing a single type rather than multiple types of ridership, thus cannot leverage the correlation between different types of ridership. This study proposes a Bayesian multivariate spatiotemporal statistical model to jointly analyze multiple ridership over time. Specifically, the model accounts for correlation between multiple ridership based on different assumptions of space-time interactions (i.e., departures from the main spatial and temporal patterns) between different types of ridership as well as if covariates are included in the model. Using hourly bus and taxi ridership in the city of Wuhu, China as an example, the case study indicates that accounting for the correlation between the space-time interactions of each ridership, beyond the correlation between the main spatial patterns of the two ridership, further improves the statistical inferences of ridership modeling. In addition, the proposed approach enables the detection of spatial and spatiotemporal hotspots of each ridership as well as bus-taxi ratio hotspots using posterior probabilities. It also supports visual inspections regarding how the inclusion of covariates explains these hotspots. The proposed approach not only advances multivariate spatiotemporal statistical modeling of ridership, but can also provide useful insights on space- and time-specific transport policies at a granular resolution.
Do affluent neighbourhoods pay more for transit access? Exploring the capitalization of employment accessibility within different housing submarkets in Vancouver
Decades of research indicate that accessibility plays a fundamental role in the urban systems of cities by influencing land markets and household location choices. Accessibility is also often positioned as a policy tool in enhancing the well-being of disadvantaged population groups. Considered together, recent research into transportation equity underscores the need to critically investigate the distribution of accessibility with their affordability impacts. To better understand this dynamic, this research assesses variability in the relationship between employment access and house prices within different neighbourhood types in Metro Vancouver. We first calculate network accessibility to employment opportunities. Next, to integrate equity, we use sociodemographic indicators from census data to establish a typology of four neighbourhoods: Affluent, Stable Middle-class, At-Risk Middle-class and Economically-disadvantaged. Finally, using real estate data, we employ spatial econometric models to estimate differences in the capitalization of accessibility in residential property prices across these neighbourhood types. Results suggest that the value of transit access does differ by neighbourhood type in Metro Vancouver. While more affluent neighbourhoods exhibit the highest marginal willingness to pay for accessibility, predicted prices are highest in disadvantaged neighbourhoods due to their higher absolute levels of access. The research offers new insight into how property price effects vary according to different accessibility and sociodemographic contexts, and highlights important implications for both policy and future research.
A comparative analysis of cross-sectional study and natural experiment in rail transit-travel behavior research: A case study in Wuhan, China
There has been a global increase in investment in rail transit, driven by its potential to enhance transportation efficiency, reduce air pollution, and stimulate economic growth. Both cross-sectional studies and natural experiments have contributed to the growing body of evidence supporting these claims. While natural experiments are commonly preferred for evaluating the impact of rail transit, cross-sectional studies remain popular due to their ease of data collection. However, there is a scarcity of studies that compare these two approaches using the same dataset to assess the robustness of cross-sectional studies. Using a two-wave panel dataset from Wuhan, China, this study used both cross-sectional and natural experimental analyses to examine the relationship between urban rail transit and travel behavior. The study attempted to enhance the credibility of the cross-sectional analysis by controlling for confounding variables and by combining it with the propensity score matching (PSM) method, respectively. The results revealed that the cross-sectional analyses could produce similar results, when setting a more stringent significance level. The findings suggested that well-designed cross-sectional studies can be reliable and represent a cost-effective alternative to resource-intensive natural experiments.
Exploring fatal/severe pedestrian injury crash frequency at school zone crash hotspots: using interpretable machine learning to assess the micro-level street environment
Several countries have implemented designated school zones and installed traffic calming measures to enhance the safety of vulnerable pedestrians near schools. While macro-level built environment attributes (e.g., land use) have been widely acknowledged in relation to the role they play in urban traffic safety, the effects of micro-level streetscape characteristics on crash frequency have not been investigated to any significant extent. Moreover, the associations between these environmental features and crashes in school zones remains largely unknown. To address this issue, we first identified school zone-related crash hotspot using spatiotemporal hotspot mining on a comprehensive dataset of 20,484 pedestrian-vehicle crashes between 2017 and 2021 in Seoul, South Korea. Streetscape characteristics were analysed using street view imagery and advanced computer vision techniques to extract and classify pixel-wise visual elements. Preliminary findings reveal spatiotemporal variations in fatal and severe injury (FSI) crashes, with school zones in central commercial and industrial areas emerging as persistent crash hotspots that have remained statistically significant hotspots for 90 % of the study period. Further impact analysis using interpretable machine learning helped to uncover the non-linear relationships between both micro and macro environmental features and FSI frequency. Lower levels of street enclosure and walkability were associated with a higher frequency of FSI crashes, while increased openness and imageability were also correlated with more FSI incidents. Additionally, street greenery was found to reduce FSI crashes once it reached a certain threshold. Our findings extend existing knowledge of how the built environment and streetscape design influence pedestrian safety in school zones, paving the way for more targeted interventions to plan safer pedestrian environments around schools.
Equity and accessibility assessment of fixed route transit systems integrated with on-demand feeder services
In contemporary societies, public transportation holds paramount significance for fostering sustainable and equitable urban development. Concurrently, innovative mobility solutions, such as the integration of on-demand mobility services like Demand Response Transit (DRT) and Transportation Network Companies (TNC) with Fixed Route Transit (FRT) systems, are gaining prominence. On-demand mobility, with its adaptive dynamic routing, can improve public transit access by best utilizing the existing infrastructure. However, to ensure the adequacy of the service of an integrated system, it is essential to evaluate equity and accessibility of the system. While research has explored the adaptability of integrated multi-modal transport systems, a critical gap remains in understanding the impact on transportation accessibility, particularly for transit-reliant communities. This study utilizes spatial indicators to depict accessibility changes at FRT bus stops post-integration with on-demand services. To assess the enhancement in accessibility resulting from integration, the study employed an agent-based model, testing two scenarios: i) Walking with FRT and ii) On-demand Feeder with FRT (DRT and TNC integrated as feeders). The evaluation employs key metrics, including Transit Coverage Gap, the Lorenz curve, and the Gini index, to analyze the accessibility and equity of the integrated services. Additionally, a novel measure, termed the “Accessibility-Radius,” is proposed to quantify spatial accessibility to FRT services. Accessibility-Radius (AR) is defined as the radial service range of a public transit stop, which captures the dependence of the users of the FRT stop to access the public transit facilities. In this study, we quantified the AR as the 90th and 95th percentile distances between various origins and the nearest FRT stops of completed trips. The results of a case study of the city of Morristown, Tennessee, US, indicate that after integration, the Gini index improved from 0.88 to 0.71, and 29.6 % more people had access to public transportation. The study also utilizes the AR performance metric to evaluate a recently developed transit integration project in Memphis, Tennessee, US. The results demonstrate a remarkable 224 % improvement in transit coverage Gap at an FRT stop. Therefore the contribution of this study is a framework to evaluate the accessibility and equity enhancement for a public transit system after integrating with on-demand feeder services.
在当代社会,公共交通对于促进可持续和公平的城市发展具有至关重要的意义。与此同时,创新的出行解决方案,如将按需出行服务(如需求响应交通(DRT)和交通网络公司(TNC))与固定路线交通(FRT)系统整合,正日益受到关注。按需出行凭借其自适应的动态路径规划,能够通过最佳利用现有基础设施来改善公共交通的可达性。然而,为确保集成系统服务的充分性,评估系统的公平性和可达性至关重要。尽管研究已经探讨了集成多模式交通系统的适应性,但在理解其对交通可达性的影响,尤其是对依赖公共交通的社区的影响方面,仍存在关键的研究空白。本研究利用空间指标来描述集成后FRT公交站点的可达性变化。为了评估集成带来的可达性提升,研究采用了基于代理的模型,测试了两种情景:i) 步行与FRT结合;ii) 按需中转与FRT结合(将DRT和TNC作为中转服务)。评估采用了关键指标,包括交通覆盖差距(Transit Coverage Gap)、洛伦兹曲线(Lorenz curve)和基尼指数(Gini index),以分析集成服务的可达性和公平性。此外,提出了一种新颖的度量方法,称为“可达性半径”(Accessibility-Radius,AR),用于量化对FRT服务的空间可达性。可达性半径定义为公共交通站点的辐射服务范围,反映了FRT站点用户访问公共交通设施的依赖程度。在本研究中,我们将AR量化为各种起点与完成行程的最近FRT站点之间的第90和第95百分位距离。田纳西州莫里斯敦市的案例研究结果表明,集成后基尼指数从0.88改善到0.71,29.6%的居民获得了更多的公共交通可达性。研究还利用AR性能指标评估了田纳西州孟菲斯市最近开发的交通集成项目。结果显示,FRT站点的交通覆盖差距显著改善了224%。因此,本研究的贡献在于提出了一个框架,用于评估公共交通系统在与按需中转服务集成后在可达性和公平性方面的提升。
Where else to visit? Demystifying vacationers' diverse intra-destination visitation preferences in a pilgrimage hub
Intra-destination travel behavior of tourists is underexplored, particularly regarding the determinants of their preference for tourism spots in and around a prominent tourism destination. This study aims to investigate the tourist groups' preferences for visiting micro-destinations around the pilgrimage city of Puri, India, by utilizing the socio-demographic profile and travel/stay characteristics as explanatory variables. An in-person questionnaire survey was conducted, evoking the responses of 672 tourist groups. Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value framework was employed to model tourist groups' discrete choice of discretionary tourism location categories and corresponding intensity of engagement as the continuous quantity. To capture the correlation between visitation alternatives, two Multiple Discrete-Continuous Nested Extreme Value models were further estimated each utilizing distinct nested structures. These two structures were formulated by grouping the alternatives based on spatial proximity and attraction type, respectively. The findings highlight that visitation to a particular micro-destination encourages exploration of other nearby attractions. Additionally, inherent preference for a specific type of attraction leads tourists to consistently prefer sites of similar attraction type across all distances away from their stay location. Annual visitors are typically confined to their core purpose with a lesser inclination for distant discretionary micro-destinations. Tourists with a longer stay duration and income are observed to have a higher propensity to choose distant discretionary spots more prominently. Aged groups (predominance of 45+ members) typically avoid distant micro-destinations except for religious tourism spots. Interestingly, the findings suggest that the type of accommodation can explain the visitation preferences significantly. In summary, this study offers a unique contribution through novel behavioral insights and demonstrates a methodological approach to derive a model necessary for estimating trip attractions to diverse tourism sites.
Thinking beyond models: The propensity to fly of four Central European countries
This paper proposes a new enhanced propensity to fly model based on multilinear regression analysis, which is used to analyse the air transport market potential in four central European countries. Eurostat database data from 31 European states in years 2009–2019 were used with an emphasis on data homogeneity and robustness. To evaluate the quality of the regression model, the influence of seven variables was considered in total on propensity to fly – GDP, geographical characteristics of states (3 variables), magnitude of tourism, the effect of economically active people of working age, and education. The multi-regression analysis findings show differences between the theoretical and actual values in the examined states. In all four investigated states, the theoretical values predicted by the regression model are higher than the actual numbers. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, these differences are substantially larger than in the other two countries. This may indicate that a proportion of air passengers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia choose airports in other countries for their travel. The article discusses the causes and consequences of the mentioned differences. The proposed enhanced propensity to fly method can help decision-makers assess the scale of ‘air passenger leakage’ from the four countries of the Central Europe to airports abroad. It could serve as one of the tools to inform the design and/or review of air transport policies. However, while the model is statistically strong and reliable, it remains a ‘crude tool’ and should be used in conjunction with other data by air transport planners.
The effects of infrastructure quality on the usefulness of automated vehicles: A case study for Leeds, UK
With rapid advancements in automated driving technologies, there is a growing emphasis on enhancing physical and digital infrastructure to ensure safe and efficient integration of Automated Vehicles (AVs) into road networks. This study conducts the first exploratory analysis of the impact of heterogeneity in road infrastructure readiness on the usefulness of AVs for urban commuting, with a focus on Leeds, UK. Employing a hypothetical scenario where current car commuters have access to AVs for their daily trips, this research explores possibility of replacing commuting trips by AVs, given the existing levels of infrastructure readiness. Through the evaluation of various road network configurations and AV capabilities, the study evaluated the usefulness of AVs for such journeys. The findings reveal that infrastructure readiness levels significantly impact AV performance and usefulness, potentially necessitating infrastructure upgrades to facilitate future AV deployment. The analysis indicates that relatively less challenging paths for AVs tend to be longer than those typically used by human-driven vehicles, with an increase of approximately 5 miles (8 km) in travel distance for some origin-destination pairs. Despite only 20 % of road links being classified as extremely challenging within the network, their dispersed distribution resulted in significant connectivity barriers, rendering a considerable number of trips infeasible for AV navigation. The research findings can provide valuable insights to help understand the integration of AVs into road networks and assist decision-makers and transport planners in developing informed and forward-looking policies, regulations and guidelines.
Inter-regional rail travel and housing markets connectedness between London and other regions
Taking London as a location with which to measure the ripple effect in the UK housing market, this study aims to explain and verify the high degree of correlation between inter-regional transportation and the regional correlation of the housing market. Based on the literature on the relationship between short-term mobility and long-term migration, this paper illustrates that the extent to which people use trains for travel across regions will be related to the ripple effect in the regional housing markets. Frequent railway transport behavior, whether for commuting or traveling, might increase people's desire to relocate between regions, and thus leading to information transmission effects across regional housing prices and transaction volume. First, we estimate a dynamic indicator for the ripple effect. Then, the empirical tests use panel data, including the ripple indicator and passenger number data across time (1996–2022) and regions (nine regions). It is found that if London house prices drive other regional house prices to rise, inter-regional transportation demand will increase, and in turn, the increase of house prices in other housing markets will again drive up London house prices. The number of passengers will affect the information transmitted by the housing market transaction volume in other regions to the London housing market. This implies that higher inter-regional transport needs may lead to migration between London and other property markets, causing their transaction volumes to change in the same direction. The results of this paper verify that travel behavior between regions is a crucial factor in the leading/lagging behavior of regional housing market performance, implying a relationship between short-term travel and long-term migration. The results also indicate that incorporating variables of housing market correlations may help in the prediction of passenger numbers or transportation demand.
Impacts of weather-related road closures on daily habitual travel in North Carolina
Weather-related road closures have the potential to cause serious impacts to society by disrupting road network function. Impacts to the population are variable based on the temporal and spatial extent of the closures, as well as the ability of the road network to absorb the impacts of closures by offering suitable alternative routes. In general, analyses of the impacts of weather-related road closures have focused on short-term, major events, such as hurricanes. There has been little focus on the ability for weather-related disruptions of varying size and severity (from localized tree fall to major hurricanes) to cause cumulative impacts to the population over longer time scales. This analysis considers daily impacts to free-flow travel time by employing an adjusted graph theory approach that also considers demand to more effectively analyze travel time impacts. In particular, this study uses mobility data to determine “habitual travel” for each census block group in the state, which allows for consideration of weather-related travel time impacts based on regularly occurring trips. We conduct a case study in North Carolina over the period of 2016–2023. Results indicate that although major events (such as Hurricane Matthew and Florence) represent the days with the most intense travel time disruptions, much of the state has experienced more than 30 days of travel-time disruption due to weather-related closures. Ultimately, rural areas of the state, especially the southeast coastal plain and the far western area of the state, emerge as the most impacted regions, which exposes potential vulnerabilities, especially considering the expected increase of weather-related road closures due to climate change.
Spatial scale effects of transportation, social and natural attributes of street environments on perceived activity opportunities for older adults
The street environment correlates with perceived activity opportunities for older adults. While numerous studies have examined the transportation and social attributes of street environments, the natural attributes have been less explored. Furthermore, the nonlinear relationship between the street environment and perceived activity opportunities across different spatial scales remains under-researched. We hypothesize that transportation, social, and natural attributes influence perceived activity opportunities, and their nonlinear effects vary across spatial scales. Therefore, we used activity survey data and multi-source big data from Dalian, China. Employing gradient boosted decision tree (GBDT) methods, we evaluated the nonlinear correlation between the street environment and perceived activity opportunities. Our study considered three community life circle scales: 5-min, 10-min, and 15-min. The results indicated that street features varied significantly at different spatial scales. Specifically, factors such as density of street network, diversity of street interface, distance to the nearest public transport station, accessibility of green space, diversion ratio, and distance to the nearest blue space notably influence perceived activity opportunities across these scales. The study also found that the nonlinear correlations between street environments and perceived activity opportunities were prevalent and varied across spatial scales. These results suggest that priorities for street environment improvements should account for these spatial scale variations. Our research provides multi-scale recommendations for the development of sustainable transportation, age-friendly communities, and the promotion of aging in place.
Analysis of shipping accident patterns among commercial and non-commercial vessels operating in ice-infested waters in Arctic Canada from 1990 to 2022
Over the past two decades, the Canadian Arctic has experienced a marked reduction in sea ice extent, coinciding with a significant rise in ship traffic. This study explores the relationship between ship traffic, shipping accidents, accident rates, and diminishing sea ice from 1990 to 2022 during the shipping season. The findings reveal that ship traffic has increased substantially along major Arctic routes, such as the Hudson Strait, Baffin Island, and the Northwest Passage, driven by the consistent decline in sea ice. Despite this rise in traffic, accident rates for commercial vessels, particularly General Cargo and Tanker ships, have significantly decreased, suggesting that current safety measures may be effective. However, the study also uncovered a significant positive correlation between all vessel accidents and sea ice concentration, indicating that certain ice conditions still pose substantial risks to vessels. Additionally, passenger vessel traffic has shown a notable positive correlation with accidents, pointing to emerging risks in the region. Non-commercial vessels, such as fishing vessels, have demonstrated stable accident rates, though they remain understudied. These results underscore the complexity of Arctic maritime operations in the face of climate change and highlight the urgent need for adaptive strategies, continuous monitoring, and targeted policy interventions to ensure the safety and sustainability of future Arctic shipping.
Complex network analysis of fossil fuel functional regions in the United States during the period 2017 to 2022
In this paper we use complex network analysis to describe fossil fuel spatial flows among 132 places covering the entire United States in 2017 and in 2022. These spatial flows are for crude petroleum, gasoline, and oil fuels. The analysis shows that all three fuels have different network topology. For all six networks we find major hubs of crude petroleum and its products, gasoline and fuel oils, concentrated in areas with large reserves such as the south-central part of the US. Using modularity, a network cluster identification metric, we show that spatial interactions can be used to delineate functional regions and their differences across fuel types. These functional regions evolve over time in response to the shifting US role as a major producer and net exporter of fossil fuels, expansion of the domestic pipeline network, and increases in fuel production and refinement locations. The modal split of the fuels examined in this paper shows the dominant role pipelines play for crude petroleum, transporting approximately 83 % of tonnage in 2017 and increasing to almost 89 % in 2022. In contrast, gasoline and oil fuels modal split hovers at around 60 % of tonnage transported by tanker truck followed by other modes including pipelines. Our analysis shows geographic clustering of major hubs and their functional regions along the Gulf Coast in Texas and Louisiana. These are in places that are often the locations of natural disasters. This together with the rapid increase of a few hubs as gateways to fossil fuel US exports makes them prime candidates in disrupting fossil fuel supply chains worldwide and amplifies vulnerability of fossil fuel supply chains. The spatial clustering trends shown in this paper provide added evidence of the source of short-term negative impacts in places such as Chicago in Illinois and Corpus Christi in Texas. This offers added information for government intervention.
Spatial drivers of logistics development in the Netherlands
Empirical studies of logistics location choice have largely focused on logistics as a single sector. This research attempts to address this research gap by analysing the heterogeneity in locational preferences of logistics across facility types and sizes. We estimate a multinomial logistic regression model to study the relative impact of various spatial drivers on logistics development in the Netherlands. We explicitly assess the role of a government policy aimed at stimulating logistics growth. We find that factors such as highway and rail accessibility, proximity to consumers and urban areas, land availability, and proximity to other logistics firms have a positive effect across all logistics categories while restrictive zoning measures have a negative effect. On the contrary, the effects of factors such as access to seaports and freight terminals, urban attractiveness, and land price are more heterogeneous and vary with the function and size of logistics. Finally, our analysis also reveals positive effects of the logistics growth stimulating spatial policy. Using our estimated parameters, we also map the predicted probabilities to identify potential future locations for logistics development.
Assessing the impact of transit accessibility on employment density: A spatial analysis of gravity-based accessibility incorporating job matching, transit service types, and first/last mile modes
Transportation economics studies show that the activity density, in particular, employment density, is influenced by availability and quality of transportation infrastructure and services, including public transit. These studies also show that businesses and economic activities may have unique requirements, preferences, and characteristics, which may lead to varying effect of transportation on different sectors. However, the relationship between transit infrastructure and employment density has been examined mostly using simple transit proximity distance or travel time in the past research and few have used transit accessibility, and none have accounted for first/last mile (FMLM) modality, different public transit service type, and job matching mechanisms. This study attempts to fill these gaps by utilizing a new accessibility measure that is adaptive to the aforesaid features and comparing its relationship with employment density across various industries. The results show a positive and significant relationship between employment density and bus service accessibility for all industrial sectors, while the effect of light rail service is significant only for finance, real estate, insurance, food, and accommodation industrial sectors, and when FMLM modality is driving. Proximity to public transit was found to be a stronger predictor of job density than accessibility. Additionally, the effect of closeness to highway network was almost twice the effect of transit proximity for all sectors, especially for blue-collar jobs. The results also highlight that industrial sectors tend to cluster in areas with higher employment diversity but are indifferent towards higher land use diversity. These results signify several challenges in transportation equity and multimodal planning and policies. Improving regional public transit integration through coordinated physical infrastructure, fare systems, and schedules, along with enhancing walking amenities in key areas, could improve connectivity between activities. Additionally, incorporating equity considerations into land use planning, such as through distributional impact analysis, can help monitor and ensure equity in future urban developments.
Transport network changes and varying socioeconomic effects across China's Yangtze River Delta
Newly constructed transport infrastructure may have varying socioeconomic effects across cities and regions. This study employs a spatial equilibrium model to examine how the development of expressways and high-speed rails (HSRs) may induce changes in employed residents, housing rents, and consumer surplus within China's Yangtze River Delta region. Empirical findings indicate limited effects of transport infrastructure in reducing disparities, when juxtaposed with the substantial and sometimes conflicting impacts of urban development (i.e., job and housing increments) at the regional level. A more detailed spatial analysis suggests that the positive effects towards even development from transport accessibility improvements are more applicable to bridging intra-city-regional disparities. This highlights the necessity for integrated urban development and transportation planning policies to optimise equitable socioeconomic outcomes.
Please mind the gap: Examining regional variations in private vehicle carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption—The case of Australia
This study investigates the geographic and annual variations in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel consumption generated by private vehicles across Australia's regions over an 18-year period (2002 to 2020). We examine the influence of vehicle numbers, geography, and time on emissions and fuel consumption using spatial analysis alongside panel regression. Emissions remain relatively high in North Queensland, the Northern Territory, and South West Western Australia and Greater Sydney had steepest decline among the metropolitan regions. Modelling results reveal that higher numbers of internal combustion engine vehicles are positively associated with higher CO2 emissions and fuel usage while higher numbers of electric vehicles are negatively associated. This underscores the importance of targeting high-emission regions for transitioning to electric vehicles. The current study provides empirical insights that hold important implications for policymakers concerning the spatial and temporal trends in private vehicle emissions with the potential to inform low-carbon transport planning.
Mining female commuter typology, commute cost and labor supply in Riyadh: a space-time investigation based on e-hail taxi data
Before 2018, Saudi Arabia was the only country that enshrined a legal prohibition on women driving. However, little has been done to empirically investigate the associations between female commute cost and labor supply before the driving ban was lifted. This is largely due to the data scarcity on disaggregated-level female mobility patterns and travel behaviors. To fill the gap, this study deployed a space-time framework to identify suspicious female roundtrip commuters whose majority of taxi trips were between home and workplaces based on about one million e-hailing O-D data from female passengers in Riyadh. Her commute costs (i.e., distance, time, out-of-pocket cost, commute burden) and labor supply information (i.e., work hours, skill-job mismatch) were then inferred by supplementing neighborhood-level Census data and open data on major female employers. Overall, female riders had significantly longer travel distance/time and higher out-of-pocket costs than male passengers. Though no causal statements were made, higher commute burden was related to lower Saudi female employment rate and longer working hours, while lower burden was associated with higher skill-job mismatch in terms of over-education, confirming our hypotheses that well-educated Saudi females might 1) choose not to work, 2) extend hours of work to offset travel costs, or 3) switch to nearby jobs with lower wage and skill-job match. Therefore, females’ restricted mobility became a non-negligible job market friction. Meanwhile, females worked in the manufacturing sector could pay more than 75% of her wages on e-taxis, implying a sector-specific spatial mismatch issue. Our findings provide a useful baseline on the female travel cost and labor supply situations before the lifting of driving ban. It enables comparative studies to understand the impacts of ongoing women empowerment for mobility and employment autonomy. The space-time framework also provides useful references for future research when gender-specific travel behavior surveys are not feasible.
Neighborhood change and transit ridership: Evidence from Los Angeles and Orange Counties
Using data from Southern California, we examine the idea that rising housing prices in transit-rich neighborhoods contributed to pre-COVID declines in transit use. We merge ridership data from the Los Angeles region’s two largest transit providers with tract-level Census data on housing costs and other socioeconomic attributes. We show descriptively that a small share of Census tracts account for a disproportionate share of both total transit ridership and total ridership losses, and that along multiple dimensions these neighborhoods changed in ways consistent with gentrification. We then estimate regressions showing a statistically and economically significant association between rising rent and less tract-level ridership between two periods, 2008 to 2012 and 2013 to 2017. Specifically, a one-standard deviation increase in median rent is associated with 22 percent fewer neighborhood transit boardings.
Understanding the barriers affecting women's mobility in the first- and last-mile stretches in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review
Globally, women encounter physical and social barriers that challenge their mobility. This review explores the barriers affecting women's mobility, in the first- and last-mile stretches, in low- and middle-income countries and their consequences on accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability of public transport. This review includes 42 studies on mobility, accessibility, safety, travel patterns, and gendered transport, employing mixed, quantitative, and qualitative methods. The barriers observed in these studies are primarily related to 1) public transport, 2) non-motorized transport, 3) safety, 4) gendered norms, 5) urban form, and 6) policies. The most common concerns for women are the lack of adequate, reliable, inclusive, safe, and integrated public transport, poor pedestrian infrastructure, and unsafe environments. These, coupled with gendered norms, restrict mobility and access to essential services and opportunities for women, especially if traveling with children and luggage, as well as for older adults and persons with disabilities. This is one of the first reviews focusing on barriers affecting women's mobility. It advocates for more contextualized evidence-based studies on first- and last-mile connectivity from more geographic locations, integrated feeder and main transport lines, and operationalizing and monitoring policies and regulations.
全球范围内,女性在出行时遇到各种物理和社会性障碍,这些障碍影响了她们的出行能力。本文综述了低收入和中等收入国家中,女性在出行的第一公里和最后一公里段所面临的障碍及其对公共交通的可达性、可用性、负担性和可接受性的影响。综述中分析了42项关于出行、可达性、安全性、出行模式和性别化交通的研究,这些研究采用了混合方法、定量和定性分析。研究中观察到的障碍主要与以下因素相关:1) 公共交通,2) 非机动车交通,3) 安全性,4) 性别化社会规范,5) 城市形态,6) 政策。这些研究中,女性面临的最常见问题是缺乏足够的、可靠的、包容性的、安全的和一体化的公共交通,行人基础设施不足以及不安全的环境。性别化的社会规范,加剧了这些问题,限制了女性的出行自由,尤其是对于携带儿童和行李的女性、老年人以及残障人士来说,这些问题更加突出。这也是首个聚焦于女性出行障碍的综述,呼吁对更多地理区域的第一公里和最后一公里连接进行更具背景性的基于证据的研究,提出整合的接驳交通和主干交通线路,并有效落实和监督相关政策和法规。
The territorial impacts of BlaBlaCar carpooling: Between metropolitan polarization, intermediate cities' structuration, and rural services
Often promoted by planning and transportation authorities as one of the principal ways to reduce the impact of mobility on transportation gas emissions, carpooling practices have increased over recent decades for daily commuting as well as long-distance travel. However, mainly due to the lack of data, little is known about the geography of these trips. On the one hand, the intensity of supply and demand may favor urban areas alongside common transportation systems. On the other hand, the scarcity of public transport in rural areas or small towns can support the growth of these shared mobilities.
This article presents a geographical investigation of carpooling patterns in France and to overcome the lack of survey-data, it proposes an original method based on massive data collected from the Blablacar platform, national leader for this type of online services. After a review of the literature, the paper presents the main elements of the methodology implemented to collect and analyze the web data of carpooling. The analysis presents new findings that reveal the geographical features of car-sharing in France. The impact varies depending on the size of the towns, the presence of regional and inter-regional urban systems, and the tourism specialization of rural areas. The study also emphasizes the unique position of Paris and the pivotal role of intermediate towns.