1.In December 2024, the Caixin Service PMI recorded 52.2, a 0.7 percentage point increase from the previous month, the highest since June 2024, indicating an accelerated expansion of service industry business activities. The composite PMI fell 0.9 percentage points to 51.4.
1. 2024年12月,财新服务业PMI录得52.2,环比回升0.7个百分点,为2024年6月来最高,显示服务业经营活动加速扩张。综合PMI回落0.9个百分点至51.4。
2.According to Securities Times, Trump stated that US Congress members are working on a strong bill that must ensure border security, develop American energy, and update Trump's tax cuts, which are the largest in US history and may drive short-term economic growth and increase household and business incomes.
2. 据证券时报报道,特朗普称,美国国会议员们正在着手制定一项强有力的法案,必须确保边境安全,开发美国能源,并更新特朗普税收减免措施,这是美国历史上规模最大的减税措施,可能会推动短期经济增长,提高家庭和企业的收入。
3. CCTV Finance News: With the booming development of the low altitude economy, the demand for talents such as pilots, flight controllers, and aircraft research and development in related industries is also continuously increasing. There is a talent gap of one million for drone operators alone. The demand for eVTOL operators in the future is also very high.
3. 央视财经消息,随着低空经济的蓬勃发展,相关行业对于飞行员、飞控手、飞行器研发等人才的需求也在持续增长,仅无人机操控员这一项就有100万的人才缺口。未来eVTOL的操控员需求也非常大。
4. The National Development and Reform Commission and three other departments have issued the "Guidelines for the Construction of National Data Infrastructure". Promote the synergy of computing power in the eastern, central, and western regions. Promote interconnectivity of computing power. Promote 400G/800G high bandwidth all-optical connections between national hub nodes and demand areas, and guide telecommunications operators to improve the efficiency of "public transmission channels".
4. 发改委等三部门印发《国家数据基础设施建设指引》。推进东中西部算力协同。推进算力互联互通。推动国家枢纽节点和需求地之间400G/800G高带宽全光连接,引导电信运营商等提升“公共传输通道”效能。
5.According to data from the China Federation of Commerce, the retail industry sentiment index in China in January was 51.1%, an increase of 0.7 percentage points month on month and 0.2 percentage points year-on-year. The profitability level and average order value index have both reached new highs in the past year. The consumption of goods in the county-level market is becoming more active, which has a significant driving effect on the increase of consumption.
5. 中国商业联合会数据显示,1月中国零售业景气指数为51.1%,环比上升0.7个百分点,同比上升0.2个百分点。盈利水平和客单价水平指数均创近一年来新高。县域市场商品消费更趋活跃,对消费提升拉动作用明显。
6. The Ministry of Transport has issued the "Technical and Management Standards for the Operation of Fully Automated Urban Rail Transit Systems (Trial)". Support various regions to actively explore unmanned driving technologies such as obstacle detection and remote train control, providing support for the subsequent realization of unmanned train operation.
6. 交通运输部印发《城市轨道交通全自动运行系统运营技术和管理规范(试行)》。支持各地积极探索障碍物探测、列车远程控制等无人驾驶技术,为后续实现列车无人值守提供支撑。
7.The TrendForce report states that the total output value of the entire server industry will reach 306 billion US dollars in 2024. Among them, the industry value related to AI servers is approximately $205 billion. Looking ahead to 2025, due to sustained strong demand and high average product prices, it is expected that the value of the AI server segment market will rise to $298 billion.
7. TrendForce报告指出,2024年整个服务器行业总产值达到3060亿美元。其中,与AI服务器相关行业价值约为2050亿美元。展望2025年,由于需求持续旺盛且产品平均售价较高,预计AI服务器细分市场的价值将升至2980亿美元。
8.According to Xinhua News Agency, American scientists have developed a new tool for the phosphorylation process inside biological cells, which is used to artificially synthesize "intelligent circuits" in biology, enabling cells to respond quickly and appropriately to external signals, thereby helping to diagnose and treat complex diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.
8. 新华社消息,美国科学家针对生物细胞内的磷酸化过程开发出一套新工具,用于人工合成生物“智能电路”,使细胞对外界信号作出合适的快速响应,从而帮助诊断和治疗癌症、自身免疫疾病等复杂疾病。
9.OpenAI CEO Altman said that OpenAI now has confidence in knowing how to build AGI (General Artificial Intelligence), and believes that by 2025, people will see the first batch of AI agents "join the workforce" and fundamentally change what companies produce.
9. OpenAI CEO奥尔特曼称,现在OpenAI有信心说自己已经知道了如何构建AGI(通用人工智能),相信2025年人们将会看到第一批AI智能体“加入劳动力大军”,从根本上改变各公司产出的东西。
10.The South Korean Food and Drug Safety Agency stated that the export value of cosmetics in South Korea in 2024 was 10.2 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 20.6%, setting a new record for the highest performance in 2021 (9.2 billion US dollars).
10. 韩国食品医药品安全处表示,2024年韩国化妆品出口额为102亿美元,同比增长20.6%,刷新2021年(92亿美元)创下的历史最高业绩。