
文摘   2024-11-19 18:02   英国  

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2024.123500


Song Lei, Sisi Wen, Jian Xue, Ao Wang, Jiaqi Li, Zhongyuan Liu, Longgui Zhang, Yifeng Li, Haihui Wang, Non-metallic cation and anion co-doped perovskite oxide ceramic membranes for high-efficiency oxygen permeation at low temperatures, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 715, 2025, 123500, ISSN 0376-7388,


结构稳定性不足和低温下晶格氧迁移率有限严重限制了钙钛矿型氧化物在混合离子电子导电透氧膜中的应用。通过离子掺杂来设计晶体结构和氧空位是增强结构稳定性和晶格氧迁移率的有效策略。与传统的金属离子掺杂不同,本论文发现非金属阳离子 P5+ 和阴离子 Cl− 共掺杂经典的 SrCoO3-δ 可稳定立方钙钛矿结构,并由于晶格氧迁移率提高而允许低温氧渗透。具体而言,在 Co 位掺杂的 P 将晶体结构从六方相转变为立方相,而在氧位掺杂的 Cl 削弱了金属-氧键,从而显着增强了晶格氧迁移率。发现最佳掺杂浓度为 SrCo0.95P0.05O3-δCl0.05 (SCP5Cl5)。此外,通过构建夹层结构的非对称膜,SCP5Cl5陶瓷膜在873K时氧渗透通量高达1.10 mL min−1 cm−2,为开发低温高渗透通量的氧渗透膜提供了有效的策略。




非对称SrCo0.95P0.05O3-δCl0.05膜在873K下表现出1.10 mL min−1 cm−2的高氧渗透通量。

Fig. 1. (A) Scheme for constructing P and Cl co-doped cubic SCP5Cl5 for low-temperature oxygen-permeable membranes. Refined XRD patterns of (B) SC, (C) SCP5, and (D) SCP5Cl5. XPS spectra of various samples: (E) P 2s, (F) Cl 2p, and (G) Co 2p.

Fig. 2. HRTEM images and corresponding IFFT images of (A, B) SC, (D, E) SCP5, and (G, H) SCP5Cl5 (insert shows FFT pattern). Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of (C) SC, (F) SCP5, and (I) SCP5Cl5. (J) HAADF-STEM image and corresponding elemental mapping images of SCP5Cl5.

Fig. 3. (A) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for in-situ HT-XRD measurements. In-situ HT-XRD patterns of SCP5Cl5 from 298 to 973 K under (B) synthetic air, (C) He. (D) XRD patterns of SCP5Cl5 after calcination in synthetic air at 873 K. (E) MS curves of P and Cl in SCP5Cl5 in synthetic air and N2 atmosphere from 373 to 1273 K. (F) MS curves of P and Cl in SCP5Cl5 in synthetic air and N2 atmosphere at 873 K for 12 h.

Fig. 4. (A) Schematic diagram of oxygen permeation through a SCP5Cl5 symmetric membrane. (B) SEM-EDXS elemental mapping of the surface of SCP5Cl5 disk membrane. (C) Cross-section SEM-EDXS elemental mapping of SCP5Cl5 disk membrane. (D) Oxygen permeation fluxes of various symmetric membranes of 1 mm thickness as a function of temperature.

Fig. 5. (A) Schematic diagram of oxygen permeation through a SCP5Cl5 asymmetric membrane. (B) Cross-section SEM image of SCP5Cl5 asymmetric membrane. (C) Oxygen permeation fluxes of SCP5Cl5 symmetric and asymmetric membranes. (D) Comparison of oxygen permeation fluxes for SCP5Cl5 asymmetric membranes with previously reported perovskite-type asymmetric membranes and hollow fiber membranes. Oxygen permeation flux was normalized by the thickness of the membrane dense layer (mm).

总而言之,作者开发了一种独特的策略,将传统钙钛矿氧化物 SrCoO3-δ 与非金属阳离子 P5+ 和阴离子 Cl− 共掺杂。发现最强的掺杂浓度是SrCo0.95P0.05O3-δCl0.05,其中 P 稳定了立方结构,而 Cl 削弱了金属-氧键。在各种对称陶瓷膜中,SrCo0.95P0.05O3-δCl0.05膜由于优化了晶格氧迁移率而表现出最高的氧通量。此外,构建了一种非对称夹层膜,在两个多孔层之间有一个 25 μm 薄致密层,以减少本体扩散并增强表面交换,该膜在 873 K 的低温下表现出 1.10 mL min−1 cm−2 的高氧渗透通量,优于已知的氧分离膜。这项工作为设计低温透氧膜提供了一种新策略,并为非金属阳离子和阴离子掺杂对结构相关氧离子迁移的影响提供了敏锐的理论见解。
