DOI: 10.1038/NMAT3393
a,b, ADF images of [110]c-oriented LSCO thin films grown on different substrates, NGO (a) and LSAT (b). c, A representative STEM–EELS result for a bulk region of the LSCO film grown on NGO substrate. The alternating dark contrast (marked as red arrows) in every other Co–O plane results from the structural relaxation due to oxygen vacancy ordering in the planes (green bar graph shows O K edge intensity oscillation); an intensity modulation can also be seen in the overlaid line trace of the ADF signal (teal graph). The Co L3/L2 ratio (yellow circles) does not show significant modulations. Scale bars, 2 nm.
a,b, Top-most images on both sides are portions of ADF STEM images of LSCO on NGO (a) and LSCO on LSAT (b) taken in the pseudo-cubic [110] zone axis orientation. The graphs at the bottom of each image show atomic spacings along the out-of-plane (solid circles) and in-plane (solid squares) directions, averaged over vertical atomic rows of the images. The error bars show the standard deviation with respect to averaging for each (vertical) atomic layer in the image. The position of the interface can be tracked by the B-site cation ADF intensities across the interface (cyan bar graphs). Before quantification, STEM images were de-noised using Wiener filtering (HREM-Filters software package, HREM Research).
a, Interatomic spacing changes of A-site cations in the two respective systems, LSCO on NGO (red) and LSCO on LSAT (green), along the c axis. The spacing changes for oxygen-deficient layers and stoichiometric layers in the structures are represented by solid circles and triangles, respectively. The error bars show the standard deviation with respect to averaging along the interface in multiple images (~10 for each data set). b, Schematic of a brownmillerite structure La0.5Sr0.5CoO2.5, where green spheres represent La/Sr atoms, blue spheres represent octahedral Co sites, orange spheres represent tetrahedral Co sites and small red spheres represent O atoms. Note the vertical shifts of Co in the tetrahedral layers. c, ADF STEM image of the [100]b (subscript b denotes brownmillerite)-oriented LSCO grown on NGO substrate showing the characteristic in-plane (vertical in the figure coordinates) pairwise shift of Co ions in the oxygen-depleted planes (solid arrows). The corresponding simulated image for the chemical composition of La0.5Sr0.5CoO2.5 is given in the inset. d, Plot of the Co pairwise shift averaged over atomic rows of the LSCO film on NGO. The error bars show the standard deviation with respect to averaging for each (vertical) atomic layer in the image.
a, Lattice expansivity as a function of oxygen deficiency (x in CoOx). A linear fit (solid blue line) was obtained from DFT calculations (marked as solid green circles) for five models with different oxygen contents from x = 2 (a stoichiometric Co–O layer in cubic perovskite) to x = 1 (for an oxygen-deficient layer in brownmillerite); variability for LSCO/LSAT layer spacing is due to both instrumental error (black error bars) and intrinsic inhomogeneity (red cross-hatched box). b, Average standard deviations of different lattice spacing measurements can be used to estimate the measurement error (see text) and separate the contribution due to inhomogeneity for LSCO/LSAT. c,d, Bird’s eye views of out-of-plane lattice spacing mapping results for the respective LSCO/NGO and LSCO/LSAT systems. The local oxygen content for each system is directly visualized over the whole region imaged by STEM; note the higher inhomogeneity of the oxygen-deficient layer composition for LSCO/LSAT (Fig. 4d). The oxygen-deficient layers in both LSCO structures are marked as solid arrows. e,f, Results of the PNR data showing the reduction in the NSLD for the films on NGO, indicating an agreement with STEM observations. The PNR also shows the impact of the observed effects on magnetism, which is approximately twice as large for the films on NGO.