
文摘   2024-12-12 17:04   广东  







韩江终于拿到了自己的诺贝尔奖。12月10日下午,她从瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫(King Carl XVI Gustaf)手中接过奖项,全场响起了掌声。






而诺贝尔基金会主席阿斯特丽德·瑟德贝里·维丁(Astrid Söderbergh Widding)在开幕致辞中说,今年的文学奖因对人类脆弱性的深刻探索而获奖。在历史创伤的背景下,深渊总是和对转变的渴望一样近,它揭示了人类的脆弱状况。

在颁奖现场,诺贝尔文学委员会成员艾伦·马特森(Ellen Mattson)发表致辞介绍了韩江(全文在下方),她说韩江的写作中有两种颜色,白色是她许多书中落下的雪,在叙述者和世界之间拉起了一道保护的帷幕,但白色也是悲伤和死亡的颜色。而红色代表生命,也代表着痛苦、鲜血和用刀割开的深深伤口。

在文学奖颁奖前,歌唱家英格拉·布里姆贝里(Ingela Brimberg)演唱了贡纳德·弗鲁·梅里(Gunnar de Frumerie)的歌曲 Det kom ett brev (A Letter Arrived),这首歌的歌词是1951年诺贝尔文学奖得主佩尔·拉格奎斯特(Lyrics by Pär Lagerkvist)写的。





  —— 以下为现场演讲全文——


by 韩江

2024 年12月10日 斯德哥尔摩






Han Kang’s speech at the Nobel Prize banquet, 10 December 2024.

Your majesties, your royal highnesses, ladies and gentlemen,

I remember the day when I was eight years old. As I was leaving my afternoon abacus lesson, the skies opened in a sudden downpour. This rain was so fierce that two dozen children wound up huddled under the eaves of the building. Across the street was a similar building, and under those eaves I could see another small crowd— almost like looking into a mirror. Watching that streaming rain, the damp soaking my arms and calves, I suddenly understood. All these people standing with me, shoulder to shoulder, and all those people across the way — were living as an “I” in their own right. Each one was seeing this rain, just as I was. This damp on my face, they felt it as well. It was a moment of wonder, this experience of so many first-person perspectives. 

Looking back over the time I have spent reading and writing, I have re-lived this moment of wonder, again and again. Following the thread of language into the depths of another heart, an encounter with another interior. Taking my most vital, and most urgent questions, trusting them to that thread, and sending them out to other selves.

Ever since I was a child, I have wanted to know. The reason we are born. The reason suffering and love exist. These questions have been asked by literature for thousands of years, and continue to be asked today. What is the meaning of our brief stay in this world? How difficult is it for us to remain human, come what may? In the darkest night, there is language that asks what we are made of, that insists on imagining into the first person perspectives of the people and living beings that inhabit this planet; language that connects us to one another. Literature that deals in this language inevitably holds a kind of body heat. Just as inevitably, the work of reading and writing literature stands in opposition to all acts that destroy life. I would like to share the meaning of this award, which is for literature, with you — standing here together. Thank you.


艾伦·马特森 (Ellen Mattson) ,瑞典科学院院士、诺贝尔文学委员会委员
2024 年12月10日













尊敬的韩江,我很荣幸代表瑞典学院向你转达我们对 2024 年诺贝尔文学奖最热烈的祝贺。现在请允许我邀你上台,从国王陛下手中接受你的奖项。


Your Majesties, Esteemed Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen,  

Two colours meet in Han Kang’s writing: white and red. The white is the snow that falls in so many of her books, drawing a protective curtain between the narrator and the world, but white is also the colour of sorrow, and of death. Red stands for life, but also for pain, blood, the deep cuts of a knife. While her voice can be seductively soft, it speaks of indescribable cruelty, of irreparable loss. Blood flows from the bodies piled up after the massacre, darkens, becomes an appeal, a question that the text can neither answer nor ignore: how should we relate to the dead, the abducted, the disappeared? What can we do for them? What do we owe them? The white and the red symbolize a historical experience that Han returns to in her novels.  

InWe Do Not Part from 2021, the snow creates a space where a meeting can take place between the living and the dead, and those floating in between who are yet to decide which category they belong to. The entire novel is played out within a snowstorm where, in piecing together her memories, the narrative self glides through layers of time, interacting with the shadows of the dead and learning from their knowledge – because ultimately it is always about knowledge and seeking out the truth, unbearable though it may be. In one exquisitely realized evocation, the friend, despite her physical body being confined to a hospital bed many miles away, is able to pull out a box of files from a shelf and find a document that adds a further piece to the historical mosaic. The dream spills over into reality, the past into the present. These shifts, by which boundaries are dissolved, are a constant in Han’s writing, where people move around unhindered, their feelers pointing in both directions, ready to gather and interpret signals. Perhaps they are broken down by what they see and witness, which always comes at the price of their own peace of mind. And yet they keep on going with the strength that is required. Forgetting is never the goal.  

‘Who killed me?’ asks the murdered boy’s soul, as the facial features that defined him in life dissolve and disappear. For the survivor, the question is a different one: how can I live on with this body that has only led me to torment? How can I regain the body that torture has reduced to nothing but a bleeding object? But when the body gives up, the soul continues to speak.  

When the soul tires, the body keeps on walking. Deep within lies a stubborn resistance, a quiet insistence stronger than words, a need to remember: again, it is not the aim to forget, nor would it be possible. In Han’s world, people are wounded, fragile, in some sense weak, and yet they possess just enough strength, and just the right kind of strength, to take another step or ask another question, request another document or interview another surviving witness. As the light fades, the shadows of the dead continue to move around on the wall. Nothing ever passes; nothing ever ends.  

Dear Han Kang, on behalf of the Swedish Academy, it is my privilege to convey to you our warmest congratulations on the Nobel Prize in Literature 2024. May I now please ask you to step forward and receive your prize from His Majesty the King. 


















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