博文速递:What is meant by drive strength of a standard cell

科技   2024-07-31 11:57   江苏  

What is meant by drive strength of a standard cell

As we know that cell delay is a function of output load capacitance. The most simplistic equivalent circuit of a logic gate driving an output can be assumed as given in figure 1:

The purpose of logic gate is to propagate the effect of logic value available at its input to the output. Based upon whether '0' or '1' is to be propagated to the output. The corresponding is achieved by charging and discharging of the output load capacitance. Propagating a logic '0' will mean discharging of the load capacitance, and vice-versa. Drive strength of the logic gate is the its relative capability to charge/discharge the capacitance present at its output. Now, the time constant, and hence, delay of the circuit is "RC".

So, for a cell with higher drive strength, corresponding "R" is lesser than the one with lower drive strength. So that for same load capacitance "C", delay is lower for a cell with higher drive strength as it can charge the capacitance in lesser time.

How drive strength varies with size of a cell: Let us talk in terms of MOSFETs, although this is valid in terms of every device in general. We know that for a given technology standard cell library, length of all transistors is kept constant. For instance, 90 nm technology will have gate length of all transistors as ~90 nm. And channel resistance of the MOSFET is inversely proportional to "W/L" of the transistor. So, a simple way to decrease channel resistance is to increase "W" of the transistor. So, a transistor with more area will have lesser resistance. Or we can say that a logic gate with bigger transistors will have more drive strength.

What is unit drive strength: In a standard cell library, we generally see cells labelled as "1X", "2X" and so on. But what is meant by the number that you see with drive strength? In general, the lowest size logic gate is labelled as unit drive strength. The drive strength numbers of other cells are laelled relative to unit drive strength cell.

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