速度弱化节理模型(Velocity Weakening Joint Model)

文摘   科技   2025-01-18 10:08   内蒙古  
1. 引言 
以前3DEC有7个内置的节理本构模型(Joint Constitutive Models)[115项]【3DEC 节理本构模型 (Joint Constitutive Models)】,包括:

(1) Elastic Joint Model

(2) Mohr-Coulomb Joint Model

(3) Softening-Healing Mohr-Coulomb Joint Model

(4) Bilinear Mohr-Coulomb Joint Model

(5) Power Law Creeping Joint Model

(6) Continuously Yielding Joint Model

(7) Nonlinear Joint Model

现在新增了一个新的节理本构模型,称之为速度弱化节理模型(Velocity Weakening Joint Model)。速度弱化节理模型类似于滑移软化模型(slip-softening model),不同之处在于摩擦力随着速度的增加而减小,而不是随着滑移距离的增加而减小。

2. 模型特征 

速度弱化模型基于标准的 Mohr-Coulomb 模型,但不同之处在于,随着剪切速度的增加,摩擦力会从静态值演变为动态值。此外,当剪切速度降低时,摩擦力将再次增加,并在速度接近零时接近其静态值。拉力不发生软化,当超过强度时,拉伸强度会立即下降(无软化),并且保持在残余强度值(无愈合)。同样,内聚力遵循通常的 Mohr-Coulomb 峰值和残余行为,当超过剪切强度并开始滑移时,内聚力会立即达到其残余值。摩擦系数的计算公式为:

其中𝜇𝑑 是动摩擦系数(dynamic friction coefficient),

𝜇𝑠是静摩擦系数( static friction coefficient), 

𝑣是滑移速度(slip velocity),

𝑣∗是参考速度(reference velocity),
𝑎是用户定义的指数(user-defined exponent)。
下图所示的是𝜇𝑠=0.75, 𝜇𝑑=0.45, 𝑣∗=0.5, a=2时的弱化曲线。子接触破坏状态与3DEC的 Mohr-Coulomb Joint Model 相同。

3. 模型参数 


block contact jmodel assign velocity-weakening
(1) stiffness-normal (joint normal stiffness)
(2) stiffness-shear (joint shear stiffness)
(3) friction-static (static friction coefficient)
(4) friction-dynamic (dynamic friction coefficient)
(5) cohesion (cohesion)
(6) cohesion-residual (residual cohesion. 默认值为0.)
(7) dilation (dilation angle)
(8) dilation-zero (shear displacement at which dilation stops, 默认值为无限大)
(9) tension (tensile strength)
(10) tension-residual (residual tensile strength, 默认值为0)
(11) reference-velocity (reference slip velocity)
(12) exponent (exponent that dictates the severity of friction drop)
(13) use-plastic (布尔值,指示是应使用总剪切速度还是仅使用塑性速度)
(14) friction-current (current friction coefficient , 取决于use-plastic的值)
(15) slip-velocity (slip velocity, 取决于use-plastic的值)
(16) slip-plastic (slip displacement (plastic only))

4. 示例 


block contact property ...stiffness-normal 1e11 ...stiffness-shear 1e11 ...reference-velocity 0.01 ...friction-static 0.78 ...friction-dynamic 0.48 exponent 2 ...
