2023年,纽蒙特(Newmont)以170亿美元收购了Newcrest,从而得到了位于BC省金三角内的Brucejack 矿和 Red Chris 矿【Red Chris矿即将由露天开采转入地下开采(Bolck Caving)】,如下图所示。金三角内拥有世界一流的金矿和铜矿床,仅 Red Chris 的自然崩落法项目就有可能使加拿大的铜产量增加约15%,该矿纽蒙特持股70%,Imperial Metals持有剩余的30%。2018 年,Newmont 与 Teck Resources 合资收购了 Galore Creek 铜金项目 50% 的股份,该项目可以将全国产量增加35%以上。
Brucejack 金银矿位于BC省斯图尔特区(Stewart)以北65公里处,金三角区的中心,该地区以丰富的矿藏和悠久的采矿历史而闻名,最邻近的采矿项目是KSM【世界上最大的未开发铜金矿床---KSM项目遭遇了社会风险稳定问题】。2020年该矿生产了347,743 盎司黄金和 472,163 盎司白银。截 至 2020 年1月,该矿的已探明和可能储量为 420万盎司黄金和3010万盎司白银。
3. 采矿方法
1 General
2 Mine Design
2.1 Access and Ramp Infrastructure
2.2 Level Development
2.3 Stope Design
3 Mining Method and Sequence
3.1 Block Definition
3.2 Stope Cycle
3.3 Stope Sequence
3.4 Backfilling
3.5 Paste Backfill Test Work
4 Development and Production Schedule
4.1 Production Rate
4.2 Sustaining Development
4.3 LOM Production Schedule
5 Geotechnical
5.1 Rock Mass Properties
5.2 Mine-scale Fault Zones
5.3 Underground Rock Mechanics
6 Mobile Equipment Requirements
6.1 Production Phase
6.2 Support Equipment
7 Ventilation
7.1 Design Criteria
7.2 Total Airflow Requirements
7.3 Auxiliary Ventilation
7.4 Permanent Primary Fans
7.5 Mine Air Heating
7.6 Conveyor Decline
7.7 Emergency Preparedness
8 Underground Infrastructure
8.1 Mine Dewatering
8.2 Solids and Slimes Handling
8.3 Materials Handling
8.4 Power Requirements and Electrical Distribution
8.5 Compressed Air
8.6 Service Water Supply
8.7 Fueling and Lubrication
8.8 Workshop and Stores
8.9 Explosives Magazine
8.10 Refuge Stations
8.11 Communications
8.12 Portal Structure
8.13 Heating System and Propane Storage
8.14 Propane Supply
9 Paste Fill Distribution
9.1 Distribution System Design
9.2 Distribution Approach
9.3 Distribution System Layout
9.4 Manpower Requirements
1 Geotechnical Design Approach
2 Geotechnical Design Criteria (Man-entry Excavations)
3 Geotechnical Design Criteria (Stope Design and Dilution)
4 Crown Pillar---为了最大限度地回收顶柱,最小的顶柱厚度为设置为15米,建议使用5.0米长的单股球形锚索(single strand bulbed cable bolts)支护顶柱【二维有限元分析锚杆(Bolt)的模拟方法】,间距为2.5米,主矿房和次矿房严密充填。