JATO Awards I 唯一獲得!中海環宇坊榮獲2022年度IPA亞太年度零售商業室內設計金獎

文摘   2022-12-08 17:50  

      近日,亞洲不動產獎(Asia Guru Property Awards, APPA)2022-2023年度頒獎典禮正式舉辦,同時揭曉年度獲獎名單。其中,由JATO設計的北京大興中海環宇坊項目一舉摘得Best Retail Interior Design——年度零售商業中心室內設計金獎,這也是全場唯一獲得該室內設計獎項的商業項目。
Recently, the Asia Pacific Property Awards (APPA) 2022-2023 awards ceremony was officially held, and the annual winners were announced. Among them, China Overseas Beijing Yinghai Unifun by JATO Design won the Best Retail Interior Design, which is the only commercial project that won this interior design award.

   亞洲不動產獎该不動產設計獎(International Property Awards, IPA)旨在表彰在地產行業中各領域公司所獲得的最高成就。80余名行業專家依據設計、創新、創見和可持續性等方面進行評審,嚴苛的評審條件及出色的作品表現使得亞洲不動產獎成為不動產設計獎中影響力最大且得到最廣泛認可的奖區。

The APPA belongs to the International Property Awards (IPA), which seeks to honor businesses for their top accomplishments across all facets of the real estate sector. Judged on design, innovation, originality, and sustainability by more than 80 industry experts, with a tough judging process and great design work performance, the APPA is the most significant and well-known component of the IPA.

China Overseas Beijing Yinghai Unifun is a boutique living place that can grow together with the community designed by JATO, which maximizes the benefits of its extensive experience in the field of commercial design and blends its cross-building design and interior design capabilities. Since its opening in October, it has become a new landmark in Beijing. While gaining the popularity of people and consumers, it also won the industry recognition, which once again affirmed the professionalism and scene construction ability of JATO.

      此次獲得獎項,使JATO Design團隊成員備受鼓舞。未來將持續秉承前沿的國際視野和豐富的國際項目經驗,保持初心,用靈感構築體驗,並將在地文化、創新運營和場景體驗高度融合以打造更多高品質的項目。
This award has inspired the members of the JATO Design team. In the future, we will continue to uphold the cutting-edge international vision and rich international project experience, maintain our original intention, build experience with inspiration, and highly integrate local culture, innovative operation and scene experience to create more high-quality projects.

At the same time, we will also introduce more details about the design of China Overseas Beijing Yinghai Unifun later, including the inspiration source of the internal design, the problem-solving process during the design, and the development trend of future commercial and sustainable design. The following push of JATO's official account will include the specific content.




JATO Design 傑拓設計成立於2013年,是一家屢獲國內外殊榮的創新型和跨專業國際設計事務所。