「Reconnected, Reunited, and Reborn.」
As the year draws to close, we would like to thank you for another great year of support from our clients, our partners, our friends, and most importantly our families.
In this special time of the year, TEAM JATO would like to celebrate the success of the collaboration between our Hong Kong and Shanghai Studio, where we have the opportunity to create a valuable design for the benefit of people while pushing the design limits.
We hope you have an enjoyable Festive Season and look forward to collaborating with you again in 2023. Warmest wishes for this wonderful holiday season to you and your family!
在這個充滿喜樂及溫暖的特別節日裏,TEAM JATO為著今年我們香港和上海工作室在項目合作的成功, 定下合作的里程碑. 在突破設計極限的同時,也為客戶創造更有價值的設計。
JATO 向您致以最美好的聖誕祝福並希望您和至親度過一個愉快的節日,期待在 2023 年與您再次合作。