【双语】外交部例行记者会 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2024年10月21日)

政务   2024-10-22 11:05   北京  

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s 
Regular Press Conference on October 21, 2024


CCTV: Last Saturday, the first phase of the 136th Canton Fair on-site exhibition was successfully concluded, which saw a large number of deals sealed between Chinese and foreign businesses, historic records and early harvests. We also noted that many foreign buyers were attracted by Chinese products of new quality productive forces, such as automated logistics robot, computer numerical control machine, bionic hand controlled by brain-computer interface and hydrogen-powered sharing bike. They spoke highly of China’s open cooperation and sci-tech innovation. What’s your comment?


Lin Jian: Indeed. The first phase of this year’s Canton Fair on-site exhibition focuses on advanced manufacturing and has over 11,000 booths for “little giant” enterprises that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products or those who have been awarded individual manufacturing champion or named national high-tech enterprise, up by 35.5 percent compared with last year. Products using cutting-edge and new technologies made in China were showcased at the event and attracted many foreign buyers. In the coming weeks there will be another two phases of Canton Fair exhibition with a total floor area of 1.55 million square meters. About 125,000 pre-registered overseas buyers from 203 countries and regions and 223 out of the top 250 global retailers have confirmed to be part of the event by October 10. We believe that both Chinese and foreign customers and exhibitors will get their ideal products and realize win-win at the Canton Fair.


The Canton Fair epitomizes China’s continued opening up and offers a platform for the world to share in China’s opportunities. There are new highlights at every Canton Fair. This not only proves the dynamism and resilience of China’s economy, but also demonstrates China’s confidence and determination in advancing Chinese modernization. China’s economy has been on a generally steady, sound and upward trajectory this year. The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward over 300 reform measures and recently multiple Chinese authorities have rolled out a package of incremental policies, sending a strong message of expanding high-standard opening up and promoting high-quality development. The seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) will soon be held in Shanghai. Yesterday, this year’s first “CIIE Train” of the China-Europe Railway Express loaded with CIIE exhibits arrived in Shanghai. China’s development provides opportunities for the world. Going forward, we will continue sharing the potential of our huge market, dynamism of innovation and dividends of strong growth with the rest of the world, and enable greater stability of the global economy through certainties in our economy.


BBC: Intelligence services in Seoul and in Kiev have both claimed that North Korean soldiers are now in Russia. What is China’s reaction? And can China really be absolutely neutral in this war?


Lin Jian: China’s position on the Ukraine crisis is consistent and clear. We hope that all parties will work for deescalation and be committed to political settlement.


Prensa Latina: Cuba is facing an energy emergency. One of the main reasons of this situation is the inability to access oil sources due to the United States’ blockade and financial persecution. Do you have comment to share on this matter?


Lin Jian: The US blockade of Cuba has wreaked havoc on Cuba’s socioeconomic development and people’s life. China once again calls on the US to follow the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and basic norms of international law, fully lift the blockade and sanctions on Cuba as soon as possible, and remove Cuba from the list of “state sponsors of terrorism.” This is in the interests of both the US and Cuba and the two peoples, and conducive to regional stability and development. It is also what the wider international community calls for.


China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades and good brothers. We feel for Cuba as it struggles. We believe under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Cuban people will tide over the current difficulty and advance their socialist cause.


Bloomberg: There were reports yesterday that an unidentified attacker threw a grenade at the Chinese consulate in Mandalay in Myanmar. Can you confirm that this attack happened and what is China’s response to this?


Lin Jian: At about 5 pm on October 18 local time, an office building of the Chinese Consulate-General in Mandalay close to the street was attacked with an explosive device. There was no casualty, but part of the premise was damaged. China is deeply shocked at the attack and strongly condemns it. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and Embassy and Consulate-General in Myanmar activated the emergency response mechanism right away and quickly started handling the incident. China has lodged serious protests to Myanmar and urged the Myanmar side to get to the bottom of the incident, make all-out effort to hunt down the perpetrators and bring them to justice in accordance with law, fully strengthen security measures for Chinese Embassy, Consulate-General, institutions, projects and personnel in Myanmar, and prevent similar incidents from happening again. The Myanmar side expressed shock and pain over the incident and said they have taken a number of necessary measures and will fulfill their commitments and obligations under international law and take up their major responsibility to protect the safety and security of Chinese personnel and institutions in Myanmar.


The Chinese Consulate-General in Mandalay has recently issued a security alert, urging all Chinese nationals, businesses and institutions in Myanmar to continue to keep a close eye on the local security situation, strengthen security measures and take every precaution to keep themselves safe.


Rudaw Media Network: The Kurdistan Regional Parliamentary elections were recently held in Iraq. You and the Kurdistan region have strong trade and economic partnership and friendship. What do you think about the elections?


Lin Jian: China and Iraq enjoy a traditional friendship. China supports Iraq’s effort to uphold stability and realize development. We stand ready to work with Iraq to strengthen exchanges, deepen cooperation, and strive for new progress in our strategic partnership.


China News Service: In a statement, the presidential office of Brazil said that President Lula da Silva on October 20 canceled his trip to Russia for the BRICS Summit after a head injury in an accident at home. He will now participate in the BRICS meeting via videoconference. Do you have any comment?


Lin Jian: We express sympathies to President Lula da Silva for being injured in an accident and wish him a speedy recovery. The Chinese side will continue to stay in close communication and cooperation with the Brazilian side under the BRICS framework and strive for more outcomes of greater BRICS cooperation.


Xinhua News Agency: We noted that during the press conference in Mexico City on October 17, the newly-elected Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum, in response to a question from Xinhua News Agency, highlighted Mexico’s “very good relationship” with China in trade, culture, and other areas. She also noted that departments of Mexico’s new government will step up communication with China and continue enhancing bilateral relations. What’s China’s comment on this and expectation for its future relations with Mexico?


Lin Jian: China and Mexico are good friends that trust each other and good partners seeking common development. In recent years, the China-Mexico relationship has shown greater strategic significance and become increasingly complementary and mutually beneficial. The two sides carried out fruitful practical cooperation, which significantly contributed to the wellbeing of the two peoples. China hopes and believes that under President Claudia Sheinbaum’s leadership, Mexico will make new, greater achievements on its independent development path. China attaches great importance to its relations with Mexico and looks forward to working with Mexico to step up exchanges in various fields, beef up practical cooperation, enrich the China-Mexico comprehensive strategic partnership and deliver more benefits to the two peoples.


Trouw: Last month, MFA spokesperson confirmed to me that China adjusted its intercountry adoption program, but assured that communication channels for overseas adoptees would remain open. However, several overseas adoptees have since tried to schedule appointments with the China Centre for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA), only to be informed that it is closed. Could you kindly clarify the current status of the CCCWA and provide information on which communication channels are still accessible to overseas adoptees?


Lin Jian: We’ve offered information on the Chinese government’s adjustment of its cross-border adoption policy. For anything specific, I’d refer you to competent Chinese authorities.


Kyodo News: It’s reported that on October 20, a US destroyer and a Canadian frigate made a transit of the Taiwan Strait. What’s China’s comment?


Lin Jian: On the US and Canadian warships’ transit through the Taiwan Strait, the PLA Eastern Theater Command has made a response. Let me stress that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. The Taiwan question is not about freedom of navigation but about China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We firmly oppose any act of provocation under the pretext of freedom of navigation that threatens China’s sovereignty and security.


Bloomberg: There are reports in Myanmar that the head of the junta Min Aung Hlaing will travel to China this month. Do you have any comment and can you confirm that he will be visiting China this month?


Lin Jian: I have nothing to share.


JoongAng Ilbo: President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin will have a meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia. Will China put the DPRK’s dispatch of troops to the front of Ukraine on the table? How does China view the current situation on the Korean Peninsula? 


Lin Jian: On the specifics of the meeting between Chinese and Russian leaders, I have nothing to share with you at the moment.


China’s position on the Ukraine crisis is consistent and clear. We hope that all parties will work for deescalation and be committed to political settlement.


On the situation on the Korean Peninsula, we hope that relevant parties will face squarely the crux of the Korean Peninsula issue and play a constructive role for deescalating tensions, advancing dialogue and upholding peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.


Antara: Indonesia President, Prabowo Subianto, has appointed the new Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sugiono, who comes from a political party background, replacing Retno Marsudi, who has a career diplomat background. He also appointed three Deputy Foreign Ministers, so what is the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expecting with the appointment of Indonesia’s new foreign minister and deputy ministers?


Lin Jian: China congratulates Mr. Sugiono on becoming Indonesian Foreign Minister. Foreign Minister Wang Yi has sent a congratulatory message to him.


China attaches great importance to growing the friendly ties with Indonesia. We look forward to continuing working with Indonesia to follow the strategic guidance of the two presidents, step up coordination and collaboration between the two foreign ministries, and achieve greater progress in the building of the China-Indonesia community with a shared future.


Reuters: US presidential candidate Donald Trump made a series of remarks about his relationship with Chinese leader and how he thinks China would view US support for Taiwan during an interview over the weekend. Would the Foreign Ministry like to comment?


Lin Jian: As we’ve said more than once, we have no comment on US presidential elections and oppose anyone in the US making China an issue in the presidential elections. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair and brooks no external interference.


PTI: The BRICS summit is all set to take place. Last week when announcing President Xi Jinping’s visit, the Foreign Ministry said that he will hold in-depth talks with various leaders. Is the meeting between Mr. Xi and Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi going to take place? Can you provide us details?


Lin Jian: We will keep you posted if anything comes up.


AFP: Regarding the North Korean troops in Russia, China has called for deescalation. How will North Korean troops in Russia work towards a political settlement?


Lin Jian: I answered this question just now. China’s position on the Ukraine crisis is consistent and clear. We hope that all parties will work for deescalation and be committed to political settlement.


PTI: Can you please elaborate on what exactly is China’s expectations of the BRICS summit? What will be China’s priorities and what China is going to look to achieve through the summit?


Lin Jian: Relevant information on President Xi Jinping attending the BRICS Summit in Kazan was released. Let me reaffirm that this year marks the beginning of greater BRICS cooperation. This summit is the first one after the expansion of BRICS, which draws widespread attention from the international community. Since its founding, BRICS has followed the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, remained true to its founding purpose of seeking strength through solidarity, stayed committed to upholding multilateralism and become a positive and stable force for good in international affairs.


During this summit, President Xi Jinping will have in-depth exchanges of views with other leaders on the international landscape, the BRICS practical cooperation, the development of the BRICS mechanism and important issues of mutual interest. China stands ready to work with other parties to strive for the steady and sustained development of greater BRICS cooperation, open a new era for the Global South to seek strength through solidarity and jointly promote world peace and development.


Bloomberg: On Thursday last week, the Brazilian government announced they are imposing tariffs on Chinese exports of iron, steel, fiber optic cables and other chemicals to combat dumping and other illegal practices, according to the government, and also to give the Trade Ministry in Brazil time to investigate various allegations of dumping and these other problems. Does the Chinese government have a comment on this?


Lin Jian: I’d refer you to competent authorities for specifics. Let me say that China and Brazil are the biggest developing country in the Eastern and Western hemispheres respectively. Both governments firmly support free trade, oppose protectionism, and meanwhile, work actively to realize sound and steady growth of bilateral trade. Our trade ties are mutually beneficial in nature. We believe the two sides will properly handle related issues.
