【双语】外交部例行记者会 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2024年10月18日)

政务   2024-10-19 14:09   北京  

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s 
Regular Press Conference on October 18, 2024


At the invitation of the Indonesian government, President Xi Jinping’s special representative, Vice President Han Zheng will attend the inauguration of President Prabowo Subianto in Jakarta on October 20 and visit Indonesia from October 19 to 21.


At the invitation of the Brunei government, Vice President Han Zheng will visit Brunei from October 21 to 23.


CCTV: China has announced that President Xi Jinping will attend the 16th BRICS Summit. What expectations does China have for this meeting?


Mao Ning: This year marks the beginning of greater BRICS cooperation. This summit is the first one after the expansion of BRICS, which draws widespread attention from the international community. Since its founding, BRICS has followed the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, remained true to its founding purpose of seeking strength through solidarity, stayed committed to upholding multilateralism and become a positive and stable force for good in international affairs. 


During this summit, President Xi Jinping will attend events including small-group and large-group talks and BRICS Plus Dialogue and deliver important addresses. He will also have in-depth exchanges of views with other leaders on the international landscape, the BRICS practical cooperation, the development of BRICS mechanism and important issues of mutual interest. China stands ready to work with other parties to strive for the steady and sustained development of greater BRICS cooperation, open a new era for the Global South to seek strength through solidarity and jointly promote world peace and development.


Asahi Shimbun: It has been exactly one month since the Japanese boy was killed in Shenzhen. You said at a press conference the day before yesterday that you don’t have any update at the moment and would refer us to the competent authorities. In fact, we have already asked the relevant authorities in Shenzhen, yet haven’t received any reply so far. The relevant departments of the Chinese and Japanese foreign ministries had communication yesterday. It is said that the Chinese side will give an explanation at an appropriate time in accordance with judicial procedures. So could you tell us when the Chinese side will provide the information at hand?


Mao Ning: The diplomatic and consular departments of China and Japan have communicated on this issue. The case is being handled in accordance with the law and the channels of communication between China and Japan are smooth. As to when the information of a criminal case can be disclosed and what information can be provided, I would refer you to the public security authorities.


Reuters: A group of families in the US whose loved ones died of fentanyl overdoses have filed a petition with the Office of the US Trade Representative, requesting a probe into China’s alleged role in fueling the US synthetic opiate crisis. Would the Foreign Ministry like to comment on this development?


Mao Ning: China has the strictest drug control policy in the world and enforces it in the fullest way. China scheduled all fentanyl-related substances as early as in 2019—the first country ever to do so. China stands ready to conduct counternarcotics cooperation with the US on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Let me stress that the root cause of the overdose lies in the US itself, which calls for more effective measures from the US government.


The Paper: It’s reported that the well-known Japanese actor and singer Toshiyuki Nishida passed away at his home on October 17. Reports said he is known for his anti-war position in Japan and the actor is friendly to China. Does China have any comment?


Mao Ning: Mr. Toshiyuki Nishida is a performance artist loved by both Chinese and Japanese people, and a member of Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association. He spared no effort in calling on people to reflect on the history of war, cherish peace and actively participate in cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and Japan, making great contribution to increasing friendly sentiments between the two peoples. We express condolences over the passing of Mr. Toshiyuki Nishida and sympathies to his families.


We believe and hope that Chinese and Japanese people will carry forward the original aspiration and uphold good neighborliness and friendship.


AFP: The US on Thursday announced sanctions targeting Chinese companies linked to the production of drones that Russia has deployed in the Ukraine war. The US Treasury Department said that this marks the first US sanctions on Chinese entities directly developing and producing complete weapons systems in partnership with Russian firms. What is Chinese comment on this?


Mao Ning: China firmly opposes the US imposing illegal unilateral sanctions against Chinese companies and does not accept groundless accusation and pressure from the US. Let me stress that China is not a creator of or a party to the Ukraine crisis. We are always committed to promoting talks for peace and playing a constructive role for the political settlement. China has never provided lethal weapons to any party of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. China exercises strict export control over dual-use articles, including drones, and opposes using civilian drones for military purposes. We urge the US to immediately stop using the Ukraine issue to smear or put pressure on China or impose illegal unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction on Chinese entities and individuals. China will take all measures necessary to firmly defend the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies and nationals.


Reuters: Could the Foreign Ministry confirm whether it asked South Africa to close the “Taiwan representative office” in the country?


Mao Ning: The one-China principle is the political foundation for China to establish and grow diplomatic relations with other countries in the world. It is also a universally recognized norm in international relations and where global opinion trends and the arc of history bends. We commend South Africa’s right decision to move the Taipei Liaison Office in South Africa outside the administrative capital Pretoria. “Taiwan independence” finds no support from the people and will only fail. 


Beijing Daily: China announced President Xi Jinping’s special representative, Vice President Han Zheng will attend the inauguration of Indonesia’s new president and visit Indonesia and Brunei. What’s China’s expectation of this visit?


Mao Ning: China and Indonesia share profound traditional friendship and have close and deep cooperation. Under the strategic guidance of the heads of state of the two countries, bilateral relations have maintained robust momentum of growth and entered a new stage of jointly building a community with a shared future. As President Xi Jinping’s special representative, Vice President Han Zheng will attend the inauguration of President Prabowo Subianto and have an in-depth discussion with the Indonesian leaders on bilateral relations and issues of mutual interest. At this important juncture for the bilateral relations to build on past achievements and achieve greater progress, China stands ready to work with Indonesia to carry forward the tradition of friendship, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, elevate the building of the China-Indonesia community with a shared future to a new level, and make greater contributions to the respective modernization process and regional and global prosperity and development.


China and Brunei enjoy a long history of profound friendship and sound and steady growth of bilateral relations. President Xi Jinping met with Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah on the margins of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting for two years running and made strategic guidance for the growth of bilateral relations. During his visit to Brunei, Vice President Han Zheng will meet and have talks with Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah and Crown Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah. Through this visit, China looks forward to working with Brunei to carry forward traditional friendship, deepen and expand cooperation in various fields, bring the two peoples closer, add new substances to strategic cooperative partnership, and inject more positive energy into peace, stability and prosperity in the region.


Antara: The Israeli military claimed that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar had been killed in Rafah. My question is: Has the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity, signed by 14 Palestinian factions in July, become meaningless because the leaders of the factions died in the war?


Mao Ning: China has, as always, supported Palestine’s internal reconciliation and believes this is an important step based on the two-State solution toward solving the Palestinian question and realizing peace and stability in the Middle East. No matter how the situation evolves, it’s important for Palestinian factions to strengthen solidarity and the international community to provide firm support. China stands ready to work with all parties to continue working relentlessly to this end.


Reuters: I would like to ask a follow-up question on Israel announcing they killed the Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. Would the Foreign Ministry like to comment on that development in particular?


Mao Ning: We noted relevant report. China believes that the pressing priority is to fully and effectively implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions, immediately reach a ceasefire in Gaza, earnestly protect civilians, ensure the humanitarian aid and avoid further escalating the conflict and confrontation.


China Review News: It’s reported that Timor-Leste’s President Jose Ramos-Horta in a recent interview responded to criticisms from Western countries over the close relations between Timor-Leste and China and the Chinese mainland’s “aggressive” actions in the Taiwan Strait. He said Western criticism was steeped in hypocrisy, adding that “it’s the Chinese helping us,” “Long before we were born as an independent state, the whole international community recognized Beijing ... as the sole China,” and “Why does the West want little Timor-Leste to do the opposite?” What’s China’s comment? 


Mao Ning: We noted relevant report and highly commend President Jose Ramos-Horta’s remarks. His words once again show that upholding the one-China principle is a prevailing international consensus and is where global opinion trends and the right thing to do. The vast majority of countries and international and regional organizations stand firmly with the Chinese government and the Chinese people. The abiding commitment of the international community to the one-China principle is unshakable. The Chinese people’s just cause of opposing “Taiwan independence” separatism and striving for national reunification will enjoy wider and wider understanding and support.


TASS: Following the meetings of NATO Defence Ministers held in Brussels yesterday, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte said at the press conference that Iran, North Korea and China can become security spoilers in their backyard, and China has become a decisive enabler of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Could I have your comment on this?


Mao Ning: China is the major country with the best track record as regard to peace and security. China’s development is a boost to the force for peace and stability in the world. We hope that NATO will take a hard look at the impact of what it has done upon Europe’s security architecture, deeply reflect on the consequences of creating bloc confrontation, have a right perception of China, stop smearing China and stop inciting confrontation.
