我们的短片《黑羊 The Black Sheep》,入围法国第19届巴黎 International Festival Signs of the Night - Paris 国际短片竞赛单元,并将於當地時間10月10-12日在法国巴黎举行世界首映。
出品人 Producer \ 娘格才讓 Nyingkar Tserang 鄭無邊 Vincent Zheng
聯合出品人 Co-Producer \ 鬥太加 Takthar Gyal 曹東燮 Cho Dong Sup
編劇 Screenwriter \ 娘格才讓 Nyingkar Tserang 鄭無邊 Vincent Zheng
導演 Director \ 鄭無邊 Vincent Zheng
原創故事 Original Story \ 鬥太加 Takthar Gyal
攝影指導 Director of Photography \ 鄭繼凱 Zheng Ji-kai
錄音 Sound Engineer \ 娘格才讓 Nyingkar Tserang
音樂 Music \ Olafur Breidfjord(ISL) and Baldvin Ringsted (ISL)
主要演員 Starring \
李本扎西 Lubum Tashi 拉毛多傑 Lhamo Dorji
若毛却 Womo Chok 鬥太加 Takthar Gyal
尕藏措 Kelsang Tso 仁青卓瑪 Rinchen Dolma
剪輯 Editor \ 鄭無邊 Vincent Zheng
調色 Colorist \ 羅薔 Luo Qiang
混音 Sound Mixer \ 張倫 Alan Zhang
數字電影拷貝 DCP \ 北京HOMEBOY電影數字洗印廠
藏汉翻译 Translate Tibet-CN \ 久先才讓 Jigshey Tsering 拉毛吉 Lhamo Kyi
汉英翻译 Translate CN-EN \ 李思瑤 Siyao Li and Natalie Marr
关于第19届巴黎International Festival Signs of the Night - Paris
Everything starts in Paris 19 years ago. The idea was, to bring forward another kind of cinema, strange, complex, surprising, independent and innovative, a cinema in the same time engaged in the urgent questions of our societies as in developing new ways to represent reality. Each year we are able to present national, but also international and world premiers during 10 screening days with around 250 films coming from around 50 countries.
Founded in 2003 in Paris the International Festival SIGNES DE NUIT had become a multinational meeting place and is today active in form of competition and focus programs in Berlin, Lisbon, Bangkok, Urbino and Tucuman. In these last years we have presented some thousand films from around 70 countries in our principal yearly festivals and on the same time in around 140 programs in collaboration with cultural institutions and festivals in up to now 35 countries, among those Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Peru, Russia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey, United States ...
The intention of the festival is to search and present films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It looks for astonishing, strange, surprising and sometimes provocative works. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, celebrating confrontations, tolerance and sensitivity for cultural differences, independence and individuality, ready to open up for unpredictable experimentation.
For each festival we compose new programs and invite a different jury.
The Festival presents films, which reflect new views, original imagery, and a critical approach to the crucial elements of modern and actual human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself over to unpredictable experimentation. New aesthetics are welcome.
19e Festival international Signes de Nuit - Paris / 1-10 October 2021
Online Edition
全球首映時間 World Premiere
國際短片競賽單元 International Compitition Short Film
October 10th, 2021- 9 pm - October 12th,2021 - 9 pm
官網 International Festival Signs of the Night - Paris
《黑羊The Black Sheep》