今晚8月17日 - 全新音乐厂牌QINA RECORDS 呈现意大利米兰天才DJ TAMATI @ Dada北京

文摘   2024-08-17 10:30   上海  

TAMATI 近期演出 Recent Performance

QINA RECORDS 七纳音乐 Pres. 

意大利米兰天才DJ TAMATI

8月17日 August 17

星期六 Saturday




Kai.F (CHINA 中国)






11点前/Before 11pm: 60 rmb

11点后/After 11pm: 90 rmb



Tamati 是来自意大利米兰的天才 DJ 和制作人。作为米兰著名的 Le Cannibale 派对的驻场 DJ 和意大利北部最著名的组合之一,他已成为米兰充满活力的音乐场景中的关键人物。

Tamati is a talented DJ and producer hailing from Milan, Italy. As a resident DJ at Milan's famous Le Cannibale parties and a key member of one of the most renowned groups in Northern Italy, he has become an integral figure in Milan's vibrant music scene. 

Tamati 的音乐项目融合了 House、迪斯科和放克音乐,将复古影响与现代电子音乐元素融为一体。他的作品展现了一种独特的风格,将极富感染力的节奏、深情的旋律和淡淡的怀旧感融为一体,创造出令人无法抗拒的舞池体验。他曾在 Apparel Music、The House of Disco、Deependence、Serenades 和 Italoexotica 等著名唱片公司发行过作品。

Tamati's musical projects blend House, Disco, and Funk, merging retro influences with modern electronic elements. His work is characterized by an infectious rhythm, emotive melodies, and a subtle sense of nostalgia, creating an irresistible dance floor experience. He has released works with prominent record labels such as Apparel Music, The House of Disco, Deependence, Serenades, and Italoexotica.

Tamati的 DJ 技巧出众,音乐品味不拘一格,他曾登上欧洲各地的舞台,与 Tama Sumo、Tiga、Fritz Kalkbrenner、Riva Starr、Boys Noize、Jimmy Edgar 等著名制作人共享控制台。他充满活力的表演融合了复古污染与现代电子音效,无论在哪里演出,都能吸引观众,营造出充满活力的氛围。

Known for his exceptional DJ skills and eclectic music taste, Tamati has graced stages across Europe, sharing the decks with renowned producers like Tama Sumo, Tiga, Fritz Kalkbrenner, Riva Starr, Boys Noize, and Jimmy Edgar. His energetic performances blend vintage vibes with modern electronic sounds, captivating audiences and creating a dynamic atmosphere wherever he plays. 

除了在音乐上的成就,Tamati 还与 Vogue、Campari、Levi's、Spotify 和 Red Bull 等众多品牌合作,将其独特的音乐风格带入各种活动和宣传中。他还参加了米兰的设计周(Design Week)、建筑周(Arch Week)以及佛罗伦萨的 Pitti Uomo 等著名艺术节,策划并表演了令人难忘的沉浸式体验。

Beyond his musical accomplishments, Tamati has collaborated with numerous brands such as Vogue, Campari, Levi's, Spotify, and Red Bull, incorporating his unique musical style into various events and promotions. He has also participated in Milan's Design Week, Arch Week, and the prestigious Pitti Uomo in Florence, curating and performing unforgettable immersive experiences.

除了在音乐上的成就,Tamati 还与 Vogue、Campari、Levi's、Spotify 和 Red Bull 等众多品牌合作,将其独特的音乐风格带入各种活动和宣传中。他还参加了米兰的设计周(Design Week)、建筑周(Arch Week)以及佛罗伦萨的 Pitti Uomo 等著名艺术节,策划并表演了令人难忘的沉浸式体验。

Tamati's passion for music extends beyond the DJ booth and studio. He continually seeks to push boundaries, explore new sonic territories, and engage with his audience through his creative endeavors. With his impressive achievements and relentless pursuit of music, Tamati stands as a respected artist in the electronic music community, leaving an indelible mark on Milan's music scene and beyond.



作为DJ、平面设计师、动画师、摄影师,Leo Furioso 备受本地人和外国人的喜爱,因为他为首都带来了独特的House和Disco音乐风格。他的音乐可以被描述为在柏林发明的迪斯科音乐、巴黎的底特律Techno以及北京的Paradise Garage的反乌托邦结果。

在全球各地旋转唱片十年后,与一些最负盛名的国际艺术家(如Underground Residence、Nachtbraker、Max Graef、Fouk、Dirty Channels、Errorsmith、Superman Lovers、Riva Starr、The Kolors)和欧洲集体(如Take It Easy、Pittaya Soundsystem、Apparel Wax、Radio Raheem、Fresch.In Festival)合作,这股无穷的能量和舞曲风格于2019年来到了中国。不到一年的时间,他创立了备受赞誉的胡同俱乐部 BBB Bar,并担任艺术总监和驻场DJ。除了BBB Bar,Leo Furioso 还创办了音乐品牌 PORCO DISCO,经纪公司 BABY BOOM BOOKING,并担任Slowmotion派对 ITALIAN DANCE WAVE 的驻场DJ。至今,他仍是首都最活跃的DJ之一。

多年来,Leo Furioso 与欧洲和美洲俱乐部音乐圈中一些最优秀的成员和音乐厂牌进行了个人和专业的合作,他独享未发布音乐资源,让他始终站在潮流的前沿,塑造自己的音乐风格。

这位无穷能量和律动感的音乐家于2019年来到中国。不到一年时间,他就创立了备受赞誉的胡同俱乐部BBB Bar,并担任该俱乐部的艺术总监、推广人和驻场DJ。‍ 

From a video game console to a DJ console, Leo Furioso needs very little introduction when it comes to the nightlife and club scenes of Beijing and China. 

DJ, graphic designer, animator, cinematographer, this polyhedron is loved by locals and foreigners alike for bringing a unique shade of House and Disco Music to the capital. His sets can be described as the dystopian result of Disco Music being invented in Berlin, Detroit Techno in Paris, and Paradise Garage in Beijing.

After a decade spinning records around the world, with some of the most prestigious international underground electronic artists (Underground Residence, Nachtbraker, Max Graef, Fouk, Dirty Channels, Errorsmith, Superman Lovers, Riva Starr, The Kolors) and European collectives (Take It Easy, Pittaya Soundsystem, Apparel Wax, Radio Raheem, Fresch.In Festival). This boundless source of energy and groove landed in China in 2019. In less than a year, he founded the highly praised hutong club BBB Bar, where he served as Art Director and resident DJ. Alongside BBB, Leo Furioso founded the music format PORCO DISCO, the agency BABY BOOM BOOKING, he is resident DJ for Slowmotion’s party ITALIAN DANCE WAVE and he is now launching his music label/collective QINA RECORDS. He is to this day one of the most active spinners in the capital.

Thanks to a decade of personal and professional work with some of the finest members and music labels of the club scene in Europe and the Americas, Leo Furioso has exclusive access to

unreleased material, allowing him to stay constantly ahead of trends and set his own.


北京曾经的地下电子乐地标 ECHO INC. 唱片店的老板、ByeByeDisco 厂牌驻场 Kai.F,是当下本土场景中为数不多的真正的唱片骑师。秉持selector信条,他的音乐收集建立在庞杂的digging谱系之上,植根于对唱片历史和厂牌的丰厚知识与理解,以刁钻的口味精细整理收藏,在House, Techno领域,对各延展风格流派兼收并蓄,并努力打破边界。多年的经验积累,他深谙舞池流动,敏锐地捕捉当下舞池的情绪及能量,丢出恰如其分最惊喜的一曲!同时身为活动组织者,他与友人共同运营着Elastic People,Forma等活动品牌,积极投身于本土场景建设及国际交流,以极具前瞻性的视野,引入如Magda, Sepp, AndreyPushkarev等优秀艺术家来华演出交流。

Kai.f has spent much of his time doing what a lot of music lovers surely envy him for: digging through crates and crates of vinyl records. Founder of ECHO INC. - one of the very few vinyl stores managing to sell dance music records in a country where few people cherish vinyl let alone play it in clubs, Kai.f is as singular a figure in China’s dance music scene as he is important to dance music vinyl records in China.As a DJ, Kai.f feels comfortable breaking genre boundaries and incorporates Techno, House and Minimal into his sets as eclectic as the many records he has on sale.




QINA RECORDS 是一个全新的品牌和音乐集体,专注于意大利和中国艺术家及其塑造他们的家乡、生活、旅行经历和“groove”理念的音乐。该品牌由驻北京的意大利人 Leo Furioso(BBB、Porco Disco、Baby Boom Booking、Istituto Italiano di Cultura)、Tamati(Le Cannibale、Disco Express、Apparel Music)和 GLEDD(Saint Wax、Radio Mundo、Makonga)创立。

QINA RECORDS 旨在通过编辑版、黑胶发行、活动和国际巡演,展示东西方的 groove,并相互交流。QINA RECORDS 将与意大利和中国的艺术家、制作人、唱片公司和场馆密切合作,建立音乐“丝绸之路”的基础。

受到这个三人组所成长、生活并不断追求的地下音乐文化的启发,QINA RECORDS 通过这两个国家丰富的音乐背景,探索每一种电子音乐类型。今年夏天,QINA RECORDS 将在中国各地展示其两位艺术家及其音乐风格的预览:TAMATI 和 LEO FURIOSO。

QINA RECORDS is a brand new label and collective focusing on Italian and Chinese artists and the sounds that shape where they are from, where they live, where they travel and their vision of “groove”. Founded by Beijing based Italian Stallion Leo Furioso (BBB, Porco Disco, Baby Boom Booking, Istituto Italiano di Cultura), Tamati (Le Cannibale, Disco Express, Apparel Music) and GLEDD (Saint Wax, Radio Mundo, Makonga) 

QINA RECORDS aims to expose through EDITS, VINYL RELEASES, EVENTS, INTERNATIONAL TOURS, the groove from the east to the west and vice-versa. Working side-by-side with Italian and Chinese artists, producers, record labels and venues, QINA RECORDS will build the foundation for a musical “silk road”.

Inspired by the underground music culture that this trio grew up with, live within, and  are constantly pursuing further, QINA RECORDS explores each electronic music genre through the vast musical background that these two countries have to offer. 

This summer QINA RECORDS will showcase around China a preview of two of its artists and its sound: TAMATI & LEO FURIOSO.

*In collaboration with Italian Cultural Institute*




B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

Dada Bar Beijing
北京DADA酒吧 独立文化 电子音乐 DJ派对