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PhD program MathPhdInFrance

Welcome to the MathPhDInFrance webpage!

We offer up to 2 x 24 PhD fellowships in Mathematical Sciences in France, starting in fall 2024 and 2025. The first deadline for application is February 14th, 2025.

The main specificity of the programme is the requirement that each PhD thesis is done in co-supervision between a university in the Paris region (Île-de-France) and one in a French region outside Île-de-France. Co-supervision between different regions is not new in the French mathematical landscape and has proven to be a great chance for doctoral candidates to benefit from two viewpoints and two environments. The novelty of MathPhDInFrance is to be fully dedicated to this form of supervision, on a large scale offering up to 2 x 24 fellowships in total, spread over 2 calls in 2023-24 & 2024-25.

Key features of the programme


Here are the main features of the programme :

Co-supervision: each fellow will have two PhD supervisors, one in the Paris region and the other elsewhere in France. The fellow will be enrolled in one of the two universities (a preference can be indicated by the fellow at the time of application at Step 2) and she/he will benefit from the doctoral school and the doctoral training institute of the university in which he/she registers. The fellow will be in close contact with the supervisor and the co-supervisor, and will visit his/her co-supervisor on a regular basis.

3-I secondments mobility: fellows are expected to spend 2 months of mobility (during the 3 years of the PhD).

Full living allowance: fellows will receive a full living allowance slightly superior to the French normalized PhD salary (about 2300 euros gross, which is about 1850 euros per months net, including national health care)

Travel expenses: travel to the co-supervision site will be reimbursed up to 350 euros per month. 

In addition, each fellow will benefit from dedicated conferences and workshops, including training sessions for professional insertion, and involved in a « learning by doing » approach.

A detailed presentation of the program is available in the Guide For Applicants.


Eligibility Criteria


Pay attention to the two following eligibility criteria. Applicants not meeting these two criteria will not be considered.

Mobility rule: Applicants may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the deadline of the program's call (between February 14th, 2022, and February 14th, 2025).

Early-stage researchers: candidates must have a master's degree or an equivalent diploma at the time of their enrolment (beginning of the PhD) and must be in the first four years of their research careers. Moreover, they must not have been awarded a doctoral degree.

Timing and main information for the second call (2024-2025)


The selection procedure goes in two steps, see again the guide for applicants for more details:

Step 1 (deadline February 14th, 2025):

Candidates will have to provide documents and fill specific information online, mainly:

Motivation letter.

Recommendation letters (maximum 3 letters).

Curriculum vitae with complete track record.

Master grade certificates (all grades available at the date of submission) and master diploma if already obtained.

A scientific document where applicants describe their research interests, and their ideas for PhD projects if they already have some (maximum 2 pages). 

Note that it is not necessary to be already in contact with a French university or supervisor to apply to Step 1. The main criterion is the quality of the candidate, however the personal motivation and research interests/project ideas will also be evaluated.

Applications must be submitted in English

Important dates :

December 17th, 2024: opening of the first call for 25 fellowships. 

February 14th, 2025: deadline for submitting application. 

March 7th, 2025: final results for step 1, a list of selected fellows is established. They continue to Step 2.

Step 2 (deadline April 25th, 2025):

If selected in Step 1, applicants have to define their research project and find their potential supervisor and co-supervisor. A list of possible subjects and supervisors will be available through this site, but applicants are free to make their own contacts and to apply with subjects not on this site.

Candidates will have to provide documents and fill specific information online, mainly: 

Detailed scientific project signed by the PhD potential supervisors (maximum 4 pages with bibliography);

Cover letter;


Potential supervisors’ documents (CV, list of recent publications, list of current PhD candidates under their supervision, and an official letter of consent for advising the applicant) ; 

One letter of consent from each head of the laboratoire (Paris region & other French region) and one letter from each head of the Ecole Doctorale * (Paris region & other French region) ; Template laboratoire & Template Ecole Doctorale

Please note that, if one of these 4 people can't sign a letter for you, they can give you their agreement by email and you can submit a screenshot of the validation email. However, this email must be sent with a copy to the adress  contact@mathphdinfrance.fr. Otherwise we will not be able to accept the screenshot ;

Ethical issues questionnaire completed: Ethics form

*Note: Most doctoral schools ("ED" in French) require that the co-supervisor ("co-directeur" in French, not to be confused with "co-encadrant" which is weaker, for MathPhdInFrance we require a "co-directeur") possesses an habilitation diploma (HDR). It is the responsibility of potential supervisors/co-supervisors ("directeur/co-directeur") to check that they are eligible to the rules of their doctoral schools (in both scenarios: main registration of the student in the Paris region or in the other region).

Important dates for Step 2:

April 25th, 2025: deadline for submitting all documents. 

May 14th, 15th, 16th, 2025: interviews through videoconference (interviews will be held in english).

May 20th, 2025: final scoring & ranking. Selected candidates will be contacted from 21st of May.  

Between October 1st and December 1st, 2025: three-year fellowships start.

Overview of the participating laboratories:


The list of participating laboratories (« laboratory » is the word used in the French system for most math departments) is available on this page.

More information:

Guide for applicants: For all details on the Cofund programme, including the composition of committees, see the Guide For Applicants. 

Webinar presentation #1: Please find the presentation given on January 20, 2025. 

Webinar presentation #2: Please find the presentation given on March 21, 2024.

Steering committee: the composition of the steering committee is available on this page. You can contact members of the steering committee if you have specific questions concerning a given region or institution, otherwise please use the contact details below.

Contact information: If you have any question not already answered here, please contact us at: contact@mathphdinfrance.fr






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