Welcome to the Gao Research Group at Caltech!
The Gao Research Group at the California Institute of Technology is a highly interdisciplinary research team devoted to developing versatile bioelectronic devices for fundamental and applied biomedical studies. Our research thrusts include fundamental materials and chemistry innovations as well as important device and system level applications toward personalized and precision medicine. We create and apply innovative devices to understand complex biological systems. Some examples of our devices include wearable/portable biosensors that perform real-time health monitoring and clinical assessment, and medical micro/nanorobots that offer the therapeutic capability of rapid drug delivery and precision surgery.
Lab Openings
We always welcome talented postdoctoral and graduate candidates. Caltech graduate students from any related program (including MedE, EE, BioE, APhMS, ME, ChemE, Chem, and others) interested in research opportunities with the laboratory should contact Prof. Gao for an appointment to discuss available projects. Graduate candidates at all other universities are welcome to contact Prof. Gao and need to apply for admission to Caltech. We always welcome dedicated undergraduate researchers for research during the school year or in the summer (through SURF, WAVE and Amgen Scholars programs). Interested students are encouraged to contact Prof. Gao.
Contact us
Dr. Wei Gao
Office: 139 Keck Laboratory
Address: 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, MC 138-78
Email: weigao@caltech.edu
Tel: (626) 395-2958