We are seeking highly motivated biologists, physicians, and engineers from diverse backgrounds to join our research team.
For graduate and medical students, we welcome students from any program at UCSF. Please feel free to contact Dr. Guo Huang (Guo.Huang[at]ucsf.edu) for research opportunities. We are currently affiliated with following graduate programs.
Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (https://dscb.ucsf.edu/)
Biomedical Sciences (https://bms.ucsf.edu/)
Bioengineering (https://bioegrad.berkeley.edu/)
For prospective graduate students, please search graduate programs for your desired choice. If you need advice on which program to apply and how to be possibly considered by multiple programs, please contact Dr. Huang directly.
For postdoctoral candidates, please submit a cover letter, CV and three letters of reference to Dr. Guo Huang (Guo.Huang[at]ucsf.edu). We are currently looking for candidates with highly productive track record and experience in but not limited to the following areas:
1. Developmental biology and regenerative medicine.
2.Cardiomyocyte biology and physiology.
3.Cell signaling, transcriptional and post-transcriptional control of gene expression.
For undergraduates who are interested in volunteering during the entire academic year or just the summer time, you can either send a cover letter and CV to Guo Huang (Guo.Huang[at]ucsf.edu) directly, or apply for a position through UCSF Summer Research Programs (https://graduate.ucsf.edu/srtp).