
文摘   2024-09-29 13:59   安徽  

今天我为《Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment》审一篇综述文章,可能是我审的综述文章比较少,少见多怪,也有可能这个期刊特别要求,除了常规的Reviewer Comments之外,这个期刊还要求审稿人回答几个问题。这些问题也可以给我们写综述文章提供一定的参考,写综述文章时可以自问这些问题。

1. Do the authors explain the reason for writing a review article in this field?

Please provide suggestions to the author(s) on how to better justify their reasons. Please number each suggestion so that the author(s) can more easily respond. (Limit 20000 Characters)


*2. Does the review article provide a good overview of the development of the field while providing insights on its future development?

Please list the historical developments of likely future scenarios that the author(s) should add or emphasize more. Please number each suggestion so that the author(s) can more easily respond. (Limit 20000 Characters)


*3. Do the authors adequately represent the most relevant and recent advances in the field?

Please provide suggestions to the author(s) on how to improve their reference list to include the relevant topics and cover both historical references and recent developments. Please number each suggestion so that the author(s) can more easily respond. (Limit 20000 Characters)


*4. Is the review reported in sufficient detail to allow for its replicability and/or reproducibility (e.g., search strategies disclosed, inclusion criteria and risk of bias assessment for individual studies stated, summary methods specified)?

Please provide suggestions to the author(s) on how to improve the replicability/reproducibility of their review. Please number each suggestion so that the author(s) can more easily respond. (Limit 20000 Characters)


*5. Is the statistical summary method (e.g., meta-analysis, meta-regressions) and its reporting (e.g., P-values, 95% CIs, etc.) appropriate and well described?

Please clearly indicate if the review requires additional peer review by a statistician. Kindly provide suggestions to the author(s) on how to improve the statistical analyses, controls, sampling mechanism, or statistical reporting. Please number each suggestion so that the author(s) can more easily respond. (Limit 20000 Characters)


*6. Does the review structure, flow or writing need improving (e.g., the addition of subheadings, shortening of text, reorganization of sections, or moving details from one section to another, following PRISMA guidelines)?

Please provide suggestions to authors on how to improve the review structure and flow. Please number each suggestion so that the author(s) can more easily respond. (Limit 20000 Characters)

