Energy, Wellbeing, and Environmental Sustainability in Building Communities in a Changing Climate
Submission DeadLine: 31 December 2024
We invite submissions for this special issue which aims to delve into the complex, multidisciplinary and evolving relationship between energy efficiency and human wellbeing specifically focusing on inter-building urban context particularly affected by climate change boundary conditions. As cities continue to progress as a result of anthropogenic actions and urbanization gains momentum, comprehending how energy systems and building design impact the wellbeing of urban inhabitants and resilience of inter-building spaces becomes of utmost importance.
This special issue seeks to explore groundbreaking research, innovative methodologies, compelling case studies, and technological advancements that shed light on the multidisciplinary intersection of energy, quantified and validated environmental sustainability, and wellbeing in inter-building urban environments represented by energy communities. We are particularly interested in topics such as the influence of building and districts design (in terms of materials and passive and active systems) on occupant and citizens’ decision making and control options responsible for energy related impacts.
Guest editors:
Prof. Anna Laura Pisello
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Prof. Geun Young Yun
Affiliation: Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Davide Astasio Garcia
Affiliation: Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy
Manuscript submission information:
Guest Editor Invitation Only
Open for Submission: from 17 Oct 2024 to 31 Dec 2024
Submission Site:
Article Type Name: "VSI: Sustainable energy communities" - please select this item when you submit manuscripts online
For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, welcome to contact Managing Guest Editor (Prof. Anna Laura Pisello).
Guide for Authors will be helpful for your future contributions, read more:
For more information, please visit our ScienceDirect Page:
inter-building effect;
energy communities;
renewable energy community;
energy district;
urban overheating;
energy efficiency;
environmental comfort;
anthropogenic action;
climate change
Energy and Buildings的CAR指数
2023年3月份科睿唯安官方一次性踢除35本SCI期刊,多数涉及学术诚信问题,让我们意识到学术期刊的“被踢”指数,也很重要。目前,对于期刊的“被踢”指数,这里介绍一下:CAR指数(关于CAR的详细介绍,请关注,这是一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数,指数越高代表可能的风险越大。从数据看,Energy and Buildings不管是2023年度,还是2024年度实时的CAR指数,都是比较低的。当然,CAR指数仅供参考,期刊风险情况,需以科睿唯安或中科院预警等官方为准!