为进一步增强亚洲国家地区间学术同行的紧密联系,推动亚洲鸟类学研究和鸟类保护,提高我国在亚洲鸟类学研究中的国际地位和影响力,第二届亚洲鸟类学大会于 2024 年 11 月 14 号到 17 号在北京国家会议中心召开。本次亚洲鸟类学大会由国际鸟类学联盟(IOU)推动支持下进行。会议主办单位为中国科学院动物研究所,承办单位为陕西师范大学生命科学学院,协办单位包括北京林业大学生态与自然保护区学院、国际动物学会、中国动物学会鸟类学分会及Avian Research 期刊等。大会主席为中国科学院动物研究所孙悦华研究员。
时间:2024 年 11 月 14至17 日
地点:国家会议中心,北京市朝阳区天辰东路 7 号
孙悦华 中国科学院动物研究所
邓文洪 北京师范大学
徐基良 北京林业大学
宋刚 songgang@ioz.ac.cn
宋凯 songkai@ioz.ac.cn
谢文冬 xiewd@ioz.ac.cn
王上毓 wangshangyu21@ioz.ac.cn
浙江大学(Zhejiang University)
报告题目:Genomic insights on the rapid radiation and climate adaptation of birds
博士生导师,哥本哈根大学、中国科学院昆明动物研究所兼职教授,丹麦皇家文理科学院院士,长期从事生物多样性基因组学和生态演化基因组学方面的研究。先后担任美国、加拿大、法国、瑞士、英国等多个国家基金会评委,常年担任Nature、Science、Cell在内的多个顶级国际期刊的稿件评审人,担任GigaScience、Human Heredity、Zoological Research、the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences期刊编委。2023年获科学探索奖。相关研究发表在Nature,Science,cell上。
Understanding the evolutionary relationships among species is fundamental to biology, not only as an account of speciation events but also as the basis for comparative analyses of trait evolution. However, the deep branches of the Neoaves, which encompass 95% of extant bird species, have been subject of numerous phylogenetic hypotheses. The reason for the complexity of resolving these branches is thought to be grounded in the explosive diversification of early Neoaves that all major groups of birds in this lineage formed within just 15 million years near the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary, ca. 66 million years ago. Since 2010, we have initiated the phylogenomic effort to resolve the deep phylogeny of birds using the full genome data. This effort has led to the further initiation of Bird Genome 10K (B10K) consortium, which aims to sequence the genome of all extant bird species and conduct the phylogenomic study for understanding the evolution and diversification of birds. Using the genomes of 363 bird species representing 92% of bird families generated from B10K, we presented a well-supported tree resolving the major debates of the deep phylogeny in early neoaves, providing a backbone tree for the future comparative and ecological studies of birds. However, we also observed some nodes remain recalcitrant due to complex evolutionary events or other reasons, and widespread incongruences in evolutionary history across bird genomes, offering fresh insights into the impacts of rapid radiation on the modern bird genomes. These rich genomic data also provide unprecedented resource for understanding the recent evolutionary history of each bird species. By comparing the demographic histories of each bird species over the past million years, we identified direct and indirect effects of key life historical traits on long-term demographic responses to climate change. With more species will be soon generated by B10K, such analyses across the tree of life will provide unique insight into the natural variability of long-term demography, and help direct conservation efforts towards species more sensitive to broad-scale global environmental change.
Sang-Im Lee 副教授
韩国大邱庆北科学技术院(Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology)
报告题目:Findings from a long-term monitoring of the breeding performance of an urban bird, the Oriental Magpie (Pica serica)
综合动物生态学实验室负责人,长期从事鸟类繁殖与认知生态学、鸟类和昆虫的结构颜色、鸟类和昆虫的功能形态研究,1992-2005年,相继获得韩国首尔大学学士、硕士和博士学位,任Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution编委,相关研究结果发表在Science,Nature Communication,PNAS,Science of The Total Environment等学术期刊。
The importance of long-term ecological monitoring has long been recognized and effort has been made to document the temporal changes in the effect of ecological factors based on long-term data. In particular, long-term monitoring data allows documenting the effect warming and urbanization, the two key man-made environmental changes that threaten worldwide biodiversity with unprecedented acceleration. We have been conducting the monitoring of two populations of the Oriental magpie, an avian species that successfully adapt to even highly urbanized cities in South Korea. The two populations differ in latitudes, and thus in climate conditions. Initially, both populations were with similar degrees of urbanization (both are university campuses), but one population has experienced greater rate of urbanization and currently exhibit heavily fragmented habitats with poor feeding environment. This unique setup enabled us to document the combinatory effects of climate conditions and urbanization on the breeding ecology of the Oriental magpies. Our results based on the long-term dataset suggest that, even for the species that successfully adapted to urban settings, urbanization still negatively impact the breeding performance, and this impact can be exacerbated with adverse climatic conditions. We further show additional findings that support the impact of urbanization on the decrement of breeding success of magpies.
Jan Komdeur 教授
荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)
报告题目:Stronger together? Does social flexibility facilitate animals to cope with rapidly changing environmental conditions?
荷兰格罗宁根大学教授,长期从事进化生物学、行为生物学、动物学、生态学和遗传学,同时也涉及理论生物学、生物多样性保护、环境科学、免疫学和内分泌学,在Nature、Science、PNAS等国际著名期刊发表文章300余篇。其中,在塞岛苇莺(Seychelles warbler)合作繁殖与适应性进化领域获得卓越成果。参与编写The Evolution of Social Behaviour和Social Behaviour: Genes, Ecology and Evolution两本著作。
The current speed of environmental change appears to exceed the evolutionary response rate of many species, and might therefore not be fast enough for adaptation to environmental change. Plasticity in terms of physiological, morphological and behavioural characteristics enables a fast response mechanism facilitating survival and reproduction in changing environments. However, environmental conditions that change rapidly are too drastic to cope with them on your own as an individual. I will explore social flexibility as a fast and potent adaptation mechanism. The vast majority of animals live in social environments: at least parts of their life are affected by the presence and activity of others around them. Most social behaviour is flexible and adaptable to local circumstances. Examples are switches from solitary breeding to group breeding or cooperative breeding (where only few individuals breed, supported by ‘helpers’). The formation of cooperative groups may temper the fluctuations in survival and reproductive output across good and harsh seasons (under “unstable” conditions) more compared to breeding as separate pairs. In these groups, helpers assist the breeders in raising their young, leading to higher survival of young. I argue that, given the recent rapid changes of environmental conditions, the evolution of social flexibility will be mainly determined by unstable conditions: when environmental conditions become harsh and/or highly variable and unpredictable, not only will groups form, but also advanced sociality will emerge to buffer the negative effects on a group’s fecundity, survival and persistence.
Pamela C. Rasmussen 高级研究助理
美国康奈尔大学鸟类学实验室(Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
报告题目:Publicly available citizen science and media archives facilitate taxonomic progress for Asian birds
康奈尔大学鸟类学实验室(Cornell Lab of Ornithology)高级研究助理,Birds of the World数据库的首席分类学家,参与编写Birds of South Asia: the Ripley Guide和11 descriptions of new Asian bird species。在2008年,创立了全球鸟类声音网站 AVoCet。同时担任ZOOTAXA副编辑,国际鸟类学大会(IOC)世界鸟类名录的共同编辑,并参与国际鸟类学家联盟(IOU)的全球鸟类分类整合项目。长期致力于利用综合方法(包括声音、形态、生态以及与合作者的遗传学)研究热带亚洲鸟类,主要是猫头鹰和柳莺的隐种的系统学和分类学。
The current speed of environmental change appears to exceed the evolutionary response rate of many species, and might therefore not be fast enough for adaptation to environmental change. Plasticity in terms of physiological, morphological and behavioural characteristics enables a fast response mechanism facilitating survival and reproduction in changing environments. However, environmental conditions that change rapidly are too drastic to cope with them on your own as an individual. I will explore social flexibility as a fast and potent adaptation mechanism. The vast majority of animals live in social environments: at least parts of their life are affected by the presence and activity of others around them. Most social behaviour is flexible and adaptable to local circumstances. Examples are switches from solitary breeding to group breeding or cooperative breeding (where only few individuals breed, supported by ‘helpers’). The formation of cooperative groups may temper the fluctuations in survival and reproductive output across good and harsh seasons (under “unstable” conditions) more compared to breeding as separate pairs. In these groups, helpers assist the breeders in raising their young, leading to higher survival of young. I argue that, given the recent rapid changes of environmental conditions, the evolution of social flexibility will be mainly determined by unstable conditions: when environmental conditions become harsh and/or highly variable and unpredictable, not only will groups form, but also advanced sociality will emerge to buffer the negative effects on a group’s fecundity, survival and persistence.
Keisuke Ueda 教授
日本立教大学(Rikkyo University)
报告题目:Current Ornithology and bird conservation in Japan
立教大学(Rikkyo University)名誉教授,日本学术振兴会(The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)奖励研究员。长期从事鸟类巢寄生研究。获日本学术振兴会基磐研究(A)资助,任日本动物行为学会会长,日本鸟类学会编辑委员长,生物科学会编辑长,主编或合编著作8部,相关研究发表在Science,Current Biology,Journal of Animal Ecology 等学术期刊。
I would like to discuss the trends in ornithology and the progress of bird conservation in Japan since the Second World War. I became a member of the Ornithological Society of Japan in 1977 and began my research on birds. Prior to that, I was a population ecologist focusing on insects during my graduate studies. Immediately after the war, there were several young individuals aspiring to become ornithologists. However, the lack of ornithology positions in Japanese universities compelled many of them to study abroad, particularly in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Unfortunately, almost all of them did not return to Japan, which caused a slight delay in the development of ornithology in the country. For a quarter of a century following the war, ornithological research in Japan experienced a slump. I belong to the generation that began researching birds in the 1970s. During this period, several species, including albatrosses, the Japanese crested ibis, white storks, rock ptarmigans, and Blakiston's fish owls, faced the threat of extinction in Japan. Additionally, geese were hunted extensively, leading to a significant decline in their populations. Fifty years have passed since then, and many of these birds are now making a remarkable comeback. This resurgence can be attributed to the collaborative efforts of numerous researchers, including those from China, Russia, and the United States, who worked across borders to facilitate the recovery of these species. In terms of academic trends, this era marked the emergence of sociobiology (behavioral ecology), which began to significantly influence Japanese biology researchers. The Japanese Society of Ethology was founded in 1982, leading to a flourishing of field ecology based on behavioral ecology concepts. Unlike in Europe and the United States, very few researchers in Japan focused on birds as subjects for behavioral ecology; most studies were conducted using fish and insects. During my time as a graduate student and postdoctoral researcher, I observed that many endemic species inhabit the islands from Japan to Chinese Taiwan, the Philippines, and Indonesia, making this region a hotspot for bird evolution. Some bird species have diversified around Japan before spreading to the continent, examples being the Eurasian Jay and the Arctic Warbler. I would also like to highlight some recent advancements in molecular phylogenetics in Japan. Finally, I will discuss the trends among young researchers currently working in Japan.
Nikita Chernetsov 教授
俄罗斯科学学院动物学研究所(Zoological Institute RAS)
圣彼得堡国立大学(St. Petersburg State University)
报告题目:Recent advances in bird migration research
俄罗斯科学学院动物研究所主任,圣彼得堡国立大学脊椎动物学教授。长期从事鸟类生态学、鸟类迁徙及其在迁徙途中停留地的行为。主持俄罗斯基础科学基金6项,俄罗斯科学基金2项。任Journal of Ornithology杂志主编,Frontiers of Physiology副主编以及Sensory Systems,Ringing and Migration,Avian Research等刊物的编委。主编Passerine Migration,相关研究发表在Trends in Ecology and Evolution,Current Biology,Proceedings of the Royal Society B等学术期刊。
Recent years have witnessed significant advancements in bird migration research, prompting a reevaluation of earlier perspectives. Key aspects under reconsideration include the manifestations of migration—such as the length of migratory flights, flight speed, duration of stopovers, and flight altitudes—which collectively constitute the spatiotemporal dynamics of migration. Notably, new data pertaining to the East Asian–Australasian flyway, particularly regarding the migration patterns of landbirds along this route, have emerged. These findings enable researchers to pose fresh questions about the physiological adaptations that facilitate such long-distance flights and the factors that govern these processes. Moreover, considerable progress has been made in understanding the long-distance orientation and navigation mechanisms employed by migrating birds. The field has also embraced the ‘-omics’ revolution, which has been largely driven by technological advancements, particularly next-generation sequencing techniques. The data generated through these methods have fostered hopes of elucidating the genetic basis underlying the endogenous control of bird migration. However, there remains a gap between the expectations generated by these advancements and the actual results achieved. To bridge this gap, ongoing research is needed to explore the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underpin migratory behaviors. Currently available results primarily relate to processes that are relatively well understood, particularly concerning energy turnover and stress responses.
文字 / 蒋文妮 郑国斌
排版 / 林艺婷 蒋文妮
审核 / 亚洲鸟类学大会会务组