Beijing Normal World History Workshop I
US-China Transnational History prior to 1949: Assistance, Cooperation, Penetration, Entanglement and Expansion
Date:December 21-22, 2024
开场 | ||
19:00-19:15 致辞:北京师范大学历史学院院长 刘林海教授 | ||
晚上第一场(19:15-20:15) 农业与林业 Agriculture and Forestry 主持人:姚靓 | ||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
19:15-20:00 | 郎洁 | 近百年中国外来森林病虫害的记载与扩散——以松材线虫和美国白蛾为视角的观察 Documentation and spread of exotic forest pests and diseases in the past century in China-- Observation of pine wood nematode and American white moth |
拜李赞 | 19世纪七十至八十年代美国昆虫学委员会报告中的中国传统治蝗方法与人-蝗关系认识 The Chinese Locust Control Methods and the Recognitions of Human-Insect Relationship Introduced in the Reports of the United States Entomological Commission in the 1870s and 1880s | |
张瑞胜 | 一场有争议的国际合作:1946-1948年间的中美农业技术合作团研究 A Controversial International Cooperation:A Study of the China‒United States Agricultural Mission, 1946–1948 | |
20:00-20:15 | 小组讨论 Panel Discussion 主持人:姚靓 | |
20:15-20:30 | 茶歇 Tea Break | |
晚上第二场(20:30-21:30) 宗教与教育 Religion and Education 主持人:杜博思 | ||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
20:30-21:15 | 安星柯 | 天朝幻梦与西来福音:美国新教传教士与近代中国世界观变迁(1830-1927) Celestial Dreams and Western Gospel: American Protestant Missionaries and the Transformation of China's Worldview (1830-1927) |
张昊 | 传播美式现代主义福音:美国基督教跨太平洋传教网络的重新配置与战后香港的现代化(1949-1965) Spreading the Gospel of American Modernism: The Reconfiguration of American Trans-Pacific Christian Missionary Networks and the Modernization of Postwar Hong Kong, 1949-1965 | |
黄雯鏸 | 近代中国对美国史的教学与认识 Changes in the Teaching and Understanding of American History in Modern China | |
21:15-21:30 | 小组讨论 Panel Discussion 主持人:杜博思 |
上午第一场(8:15-9:15) 情报与媒体 Intelligence and Media 主持人:安然 | ||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
8:15-9:00 | 贾钦涵 | 美国商务部对华经济情报体系的建立(1914-1941) The Establishment of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Intelligence System on China (1914-1941) |
刘芳 | 舆论和情报的立场纠缠:五四时期在中美两国之间的中美通信社 The entanglement of public opinion and Information positions: the Sino-American News Agency between China and the United States during the May Fourth Period | |
吴博皓 | 为帝国筹谋:日本帝国技术官僚对冷战美国亚洲战略的影响 Planning for Empires: Japan's Imperial Technocrats and the Making of Washington's Strategy in Cold War Asia | |
9:00-9:15 | 小组讨论 Panel Discussion 主持人:安然 | |
9:15-9:30 | 茶歇 Tea Break | |
上午第二场(9:30-10:30) 交通与技术 Transportation and Technology 主持人:张瑞胜 | ||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
9:30-10:15 | 孔雪宁 | 谭兆亮和“航空救国” Soleng Tom and “Aviation Will Save the Nation” |
许翔云 | 詹姆斯·H·威尔逊的中国观 James H. Wilson’s Perception of China | |
刘亮 | 中美工程师协会与工程科学的跨国传播、跨界合作 Society of Chinese-American Engineers and Transnational Dissemination&Trans-fields Cooperation of Engineering Science | |
10:15-10:30 | 小组讨论 Panel Discussion 主持人:张瑞胜 | |
10:30-10:45 | 茶歇 Tea Break | |
上午第三场(10:45-12:00) 商品与医疗 Goods and Medical Treatment 主持人:夏昀 | ||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 |
10:45-11:45 | 姚靓 | 从倾销到禁运:二战后可口可乐在华境遇的变迁 From dumping to embargo: the changes that Coca-Cola experienced in China after World War II |
李昕升 | 中国玉米发展:历史与现实 The Development of Maize in China: Past and Present | |
刘黛军 | 中美两国肺结核疗养院与疾病防治的历史反思(1884-1952) Historical Reflections on Tuberculosis Sanatoria and Disease Prevention between China and the United States (1884 - 1952) | |
王志永 | 跨越太平洋:19世纪下半叶中医药在美国的传播与华人医生经济社会地位的变迁 Across the Pacific: The Spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the United States in the Second Half of the 19th Century and the Changes in the Economic and Social Status of the Chinese Doctors | |
11:45-12:00 | 小组讨论 Panel Discussion 主持人:夏昀 | |
12:00-12:15 讨论与结语 Discussion and Conclusion 讨论引言人:杜博思、安然、时伟通 主持人:张瑞胜 |