演唱这首中文歌的是一支来自美国的儿童合唱团One Voice,他们此行是来到中国进行巡回演出,而北京是合唱团此次巡演的收官城市。The chorus of As You Wish resonated in front of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, or Qiniandian, at the Temple of Heaven on last Thursday. However, passersby were surprised to find that the performers of this Chinese song were a children's choir from the US called One Voice Children's Choir. The children's beautiful singing was recorded in a video and quickly went viral on social media platforms.One Voice创始人兼指挥福田真史在接受《环球时报》记者采访时称,孩子们当时只是在天坛“开心、随意地唱歌”,当开始唱歌后,很多人都围了过来,之后这段视频就在社交媒体上获得了传播。当记者告诉他,这段视频已经获得超过百万次的点赞后,福田真史表现得十分惊讶。
One Voice founder and conductor Masa Fukuda introduced in an interview with the Global Times that One Voice was just singing casually and having fun at the Temple of Heaven at that time. Once they started singing, many people gathered around, and the video subsequently spread on social media platforms. When he was informed that the video had received over a million likes, Fukuda appeared very surprised.
“我相信《如愿》是一首能够将家庭联系在一起的歌”,福田真史说,“尽管我们的文化可能不同,但我们能够理解相同的信息,都有同样的感受……我希望无论人们正在经历什么,歌曲传达的内容都会打动他们、激励他们。”"I believe As You Wish is a song that ties family together," said Fukuda. "Although our cultures may be different, there is so much that… we can all relate to those same messages. I hope that no matter what people are going through, the content conveyed by the song will touch and inspire them."
One Voice儿童合唱团(One Voice Children's Choir)来自美国犹他州,本由一群因2002年盐湖城冬季奥运会上唱歌而结识的孩子们组成。那次表演结束后,在孩子们的强烈要求下,这支合唱团没有解散,而是保留了下来。The One Voice Children's Choir, from Utah, the United States, is made up of a group of children who met while singing at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics.目前,该合唱团由来自各地的4-17岁热爱音乐、喜欢合唱的孩子们组成,其YouTube官方频道拥有近500万订阅者,超10亿浏览量;在哔哩哔哩平台也有超过70万粉丝。他们希望能够用童声的力量激励和鼓舞世界。2023年12月One Voice合唱团第一次来到中国。“中国之行不仅让孩子们亲眼见证了中国的独特魅力,更让他们深深地爱上了这片土地和这里热情好客的人民。”One Voice团方中国负责人吕百超说。
2024年年末,合唱团再次来到中国。此次巡演于去年12月29日在深圳启幕,经上海、成都、广州后,于北京落幕。This tour marks One Voice's return to China after 2023, with performances in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Beijing.吕百超介绍说:“这次我们组织了48名孩子再次来到中国……他们有的是头一次来中国,充满了期待。”在此次中国之行的演出中,合唱团特别准备了两首中文歌,分别是《如愿》和《明天会更好》。福田真史介绍称,One Voice将《明天会更好》与《Heal the World》《We Are the World》两首英文歌编排在了一起演唱。Fukuda introduced that during this year's tour, One Voice performed Tomorrow Will Be Better alongside two other English songs, Heal the World and We Are the World.“在去年巡演时,《明天会更好》就受到中国观众的热烈欢迎。今年我们将三首歌曲结合在一起,是因为这些歌曲背后传达了同样的信息……尽管我们说着不同的语言,但我们有相同的目标、梦想与情感。” 福田真史说。
"Last year, Tomorrow Will Be Better received a warm welcome from Chinese audiences. This year, we are combining the three songs because they convey the same message... Even though we speak different languages, we share the same goals, dreams, and emotions," said Fukuda.1月11日晚,合唱团成员在北京二七剧场进行了最后一次演出,结束了此次中国巡演。当天演出最后,福田真史与孩子们都忍不住落泪,不断地向中国观众们挥手告别。“这是我们中国之行的最后一场演出,中国人热情的欢迎让我们非常激动,他们打动了我们的心,让每个孩子都流下了眼泪……我们爱中国,爱中国人。”During the final performance, Fukuda and the children couldn't help but shed tears, continuously waving goodbye to the Chinese audience. "This is our last performance in China. The warm welcome from the Chinese people has moved us deeply, touching our hearts and making every child shed tears... We love China and we love the Chinese people."来源:环球时报 北京日报 One Voice儿童合唱团