近期,在社交平台上,许多网友分享了“二踢脚炸面粉”的制作教程,拍摄所谓的“氛围感”视频。这些视频中,爆炸产生的火焰呈现蘑菇云状,迅速腾空而起。As the Chinese New Year approaches, videos of fireworks used to ignite flour have gone viral on social media platforms, with some clips garnering tens of thousands of likes.
However, many comments have expressed concern, warning that such activities are highly dangerous and should be prohibited. Some users have even shared tragic accounts of acquaintances suffering severe burns from similar stunts.
他们准备了5斤面粉,并将一个小型二踢脚爆竹放入面粉堆中央。爆竹引燃3秒后爆炸,瞬间引燃了周围的面粉,火焰腾空至近5米高,并且引燃了周围的易燃物,火势迅猛。In a controlled experimental, firefighters demonstrated the risks associated with this practice. They prepared flour and placed a small double-cracker firework at the center. Three seconds after ignition, the firework exploded, igniting the surrounding flour. The resulting dust explosion produced flames up to five meters high, setting nearby flammable materials on fire and creating a large blaze.
Firefighter Zhang Yili emphasized that while some netizens may find such explosions entertaining, the dangers are real and significant. Dust explosions generate extremely high temperatures, which can cause severe burns and easily ignite surrounding flammable materials.他提醒:“如果造成一定的财产损失,尚不构成犯罪的,需要对违法人员进行十日以上、十五日以下行政拘留;构成犯罪的,则为三年以上、十年以下。”Legally, individuals engaging in such behavior could face severe consequences. If the act results in property damage but does not constitute a crime, the perpetrators may be subject to administrative detention for 10-15 days. If the act qualifies as a crime, the penalties could range from 3 to 10 years of imprisonment, said Zhang.
为什么“粉”会有如此大的杀伤力?根据上海市机械工程学会的解释,粉尘爆炸是指可燃粉尘与空气混合形成粉尘云,在点火源作用下引发爆炸。发生粉尘爆炸时,初始爆炸的冲击波将其他区域的沉积粉尘扬起,形成粉尘云,引发二次爆炸,二次爆炸波及范围和威力往往比初始爆炸大得多。Why are powders so dangerous? According to the Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Society, a dust explosion occurs when combustible dust mixes with air to form a dust cloud, which ignites from a spark or heat source. The initial explosion generates a shockwave that lifts settled dust in the surrounding area, creating a secondary explosion. This cloud can then ignite, causing the secondary explosion that is often much more powerful and destructive than the first.