Why Theatre? 为什么是剧场

文摘   2024-07-23 20:39   希腊  

Greek theatres, as well as stadiums, are the only ancient monuments that can still be used today and for the same purposes as in the past.


Their exceptional geographical situation, their aesthetics, their harmony of forms and their inimitable acoustics, which reflect the values, ideals and knowledge of the civilization that gave birth to them, are a source of admiration.


No less than 170 theatres have been identified within the borders of modern Greece -mainland and islands – while dozens more are scattered throughout the Mediterranean basin and beyond. The Greco-Roman theatres that succeeded them are also counted in the hundreds. These figures alone bear witness to the importance played by theatres in Greek and later Greco-Roman antiquity.


Open spaces of gathering and exchanges as they were, the ancient Greek theatres played a primordial role in the life of the Greeks. Thousands of spectators attended tragedies and comedies written by contemporary poets performed in the many theatres of the ancient Greek world. The people’s assemblies would often take place there too and so theatres witnessed the birth of democracy. Their role was therefore not only artistic and cultural but also political and social. Last but not least, the very presence of theatres in the sanctuaries of Asclepius testifies to the therapeutic role of theater from a very old age.


Open spaces for gathering and exchanging they are still today, if one judges by the international success of festivals and artistic events in ancient theatres. Sitting on ancient benches, visitors and spectators reconnect to the roots of Western civilization, subjugated by the interaction between the site and themselves, the past and the present. This is why a performance in an ancient theatre is a unique experience, as much for the spectators as for the performers.



DIAZOMA 协会是在希腊前文化部长斯塔夫罗斯·贝诺斯的倡议下成立的,由三个“家庭”组成:考古界(考古学家、博物馆馆长、文物保护者等)、希腊艺术家和知识分子,以及地方当局(市长、地区行政部门和市民)。其基本目标是形成巨大的社会协同网络,以保护和促进谷剧场这一独特的古迹。


🏫天府七中戏剧教育研究中心主任🎨天府七中小学部艺术学研室主任🎭国际戏剧教育协会项目总监🧑‍🎓希腊伯罗奔尼撒大学教育戏剧硕士、博士研究生 🇨🇳成都文理学院教育戏剧专业课教师🎩繁星戏剧村驻村导演🌱致朴基金会戏剧教育公益导师