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Kindergarten is the first station for kids to shape their personality and curiosity, to construct their cognition towards this world. The design is inspired by the image of “Cloud House on the Forest”, creating a new paradigm for preschool education, orchestrating a fantasy for new teaching concepts.无限花园,无限探索。上海市蓝湾幼儿园坐落于奉贤区近郊,总建筑面积8735.58㎡。包含15个班级单元、6个专用活动教室、220㎡多功能厅、办公与生活配套用房等功能。
Infinity garden for endless exploration. Shanghai BlueBay Kindergarten is located in the suburb of Fengxian District, with a total construction area of 8735.58 square meters. It features 15 class units, 6 specialized activity rooms, a 220-square-meter multifunctional hall, and office and living facilities.采用层次丰富、秩序而变化的错动式布局,综合解决高密度城市中的日照和功能难题。将阳光、绿意和微风纳入其间,让孩子感受泥土的芬芳和自然的气息。空间层层穿梭,交织渗透,激发孩子探索兴趣。
Adopting an orderly, and varying village-like layout, the design solves the challenges of sunlight and functions in a high-density city. Sunlight, greenery, and a gentle breeze were incorporated for children to experience the essence of nature. The interweaving and permeable space will stimulate children's curiosity to explore.首层基座式的木质屋舍,具有根植土地的肌理质感。上部由穿孔波纹铝板包裹的漂浮云屋,犹如梦幻的云中城堡,并以连廊和平台串联这些班级单元。高低变化的大小窗组合保证了充足的光照和通风,带着朦胧的透光效果,充满童趣。分类统一的窗户尺寸也降低了施工复杂度。屋顶以两种坡度形成连绵起伏的第五立面,生动活泼,也成为肌理单一的住区中的视觉亮点。
The first floor features wooden houses with earthy textures that are deeply rooted in the land. The upper part is wrapped in perforated corrugated aluminum sheets, creating a floating house that resembles a castle in the cloud. These playrooms are interconnected with corridors and platforms. The composition of windows of varying sizes ensures sufficient sunlight and ventilation, creating a charming translucent ambiance. The categorized window size will also reduce the construction cost and complexity. The undulating and continuous roof consists of two different slope angles, forms the fifth facade, and becomes a visual highlight in a monotonous residential area.自然与建筑彼此嵌合相生,廊院相接带来通达游走和视野的多向通透,也形成多个凹凸的空间界面变化,引领孩子们探寻尺度与体验的关联与异同。首层可开可合的活动室也带来模糊边界的内外渗透,与院落共同形成连通而变化的不受限空间,亲近自然,无拘无束。
Integration of natural and artificial. Nature and architecture interlock and complement each other. The interconnected courtyards create a seamless and transparent space for walking and viewing, forming multiple spatial interfaces with convex and concave variations for children to explore. The first-floor activity room can be fully opened towards the gardens, blurring the boundary between interior and exterior, forming a continuous and changing space to embrace nature.地面景观围绕六个主题庭院展开,各具特色。不同的庭院犹如一个个微缩的多变世界,每个孩子都可以找到自己喜爱的一方天地。阳光、土地、草、树木……自然的气息具有无穷的魅力与力量,自然里的草木荣枯、虫鸣蝶舞、风吹雨落都有助于建构孩子们对世界的认知。
Characterized courtyards. The ground level revolves around six themed courtyards of unique characteristics. Different courtyards are like miniature and ever-changing worlds, where every child can find their own favorite space. Natural atmosphere, such as sunshine, soil, grass, and trees, possess endless charm and power. The prosperity and decay of plants, the chirping of insects, the dance of butterflies, and the wind and rain in nature all help to construct children's understanding of the world.简洁明亮的班级设计为未来大量家具布置与灵活使用方式提供良好的空间,也有效控制装修成本。天窗、落地窗、高窗、彩窗、小视窗的相互组合,让孩子从不同的视野高度探看外部景象。光线从天窗落入室内,带来光影的变化。
Warm and poetic interior. A simple and bright playroom provides a space flexible for large-scale furniture layout, while effectively controlling decoration costs by keeping it consistent with the exterior. The combination of skylights, floor-to-ceiling windows, high windows, color windows, and small windows allows children to explore the external scenery from different heights. Light enters the space through the skylights, bringing a playful effect.设计团队:赵筱丹、吴冰鹏、王立靖、单国斌,周岚,刘浏、张瑰舒2025四代住宅·新趋势