At the closing time, music is the gentle language of farewell. The library is now calling for exclusive closing music for this academic semester, we invite all music and reading lovers to share these precious songs that can soothe the soul. They will be played quietly at the end of the day along with the closing of the last page of the book, to help readers draw a successful end to the day. Let's stay in time with notes and warm the way home with melodies.
♪ 音乐要求 ♫
1. 适合在图书馆闭馆时播放的音乐,音乐类型不限,要求旋律优美舒缓,能够营造轻松愉悦的气氛,积极向上,传播正能量。
There is no limit to the type of music. However, it is better to be gentle and comfortable in style, which can create a relaxing and happy atmosphere.
2. 每人可推荐一首或多首歌曲。
Each person can recommend one or more songs.
♪ 参与方式 ♫
Leave a comment below the tweet with one or more pieces of music and a reason for your recommendation.
Scan the QR code and fill in your name, student ID, recommended song, album, singer, reason for recommendation.
♪征集时间 ♫
September 23rd to October 10th
♪ 推荐有礼 ♫
We will collect all submissions and open a voting channel to finalize the library's closing music list for this semester based on the number of votes. The recommender whose song is successfully selected will receive a XJTLU bear as a reward.
The playlist of Library Closing Music
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