Pirmin graduated from the University of Zurich, Switzerland in 2010. He studied sex-linked genetic variation in orang-utan (Pongo spp.) populations for his MSc thesis research in the lab of Michael Krützen. In 2015, Pirmin finished his PhD on inbreeding and heterozygosity in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in the labs of Erik Postma and Lukas Keller at the University of Zurich, followed by a postdoc period. From 2017-2020, he was a postdoc in the lab of Michael Whitlock at the University of British Columbia. Pirmin joined the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University in Normal in September 2020.
Research in our lab addresses a wide range of questions in evolutionary biology. We are particularly interested in applying genetic methods to study evolutionary questions in populations of wild birds and mammals. One focus of our current research investigates the genetic consequences of life in small populations. A second focus addresses the proximate mechanisms and evolutionary reasons for how animals choose their mates and what the consequences of these choices are. In addition, we are pursuing a range of projects addressing related questions, for example about the coevolution of the microorganisms living in bird and mammal hosts and the natural history of the species we study.
Graduate students
The graduate program at Illinois State University accepts applications in winter for admission in the following fall semester. Please see these websites for deadlines and formal requirements. Our lab is open to M.S. and PhD students. If you are interested in joining our lab, please send an email to Pirmin Nietlisbach (pnietli@ilstu.edu). Please make sure to explain what questions and what projects interest you and why you would like to join graduate school. Please also include a CV as well as a copy of your course transcript.
We are happy to work with postdocs, so please reach out to discuss possibilities.
Visiting students
We are happy to host visiting students if possible, so please reach out to discuss possibilities.